Understanding Narcissist : How He Intentionally Triggers You for Supply🚨

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Yep and unfortunately I just fell for it again after about 15 months of as little contact as possible, only by email for “business” (family matters). The benefit of this last interaction, however was that there’s not a shred of fantasizing that he is or was anything other than what he truly is, which is a lying, manipulative, superficial, etc etc control freak, only out to serve his own wants and needs and using whatever tactics, including cognitive empathy (“for the (adult) children”) to achieve that. I’m so close to complete freedom and I thought I was prepared and healed enough to handle a simple conversation about our daughter’s spending, but he lured me in again. Dammit! Two steps forward, one step back, or maybe vice versa. Thanks to you and others who keep reminding me


Yes they’re so sadistic these narcissists outright bullies. They pick on people their jealous of I’ve noticed in my lifetime of dealing with family narcissists. Their rude bullies. I tolerated them to the point where I had had enough! Their theatrics, their masks, the compulsive lying, their low morals sickened me and I went no contact with all the family for life. I just have my kids and grandkids.


Yes he did. I watched it when I learned no to let him trigger me. Ohhh he was mad when his ways didn't work anymore. He would always smile when I got mad.


This is the best explanation I've related to.


Thank you for bringing this part out. We hear about how they will rage and throw fits because that is often the stereotype but not for all narcissists. My husband never yells but gaslights like crazy and when I get to a breaking point and finally yell he points the finger at me and tells me I'm the crazy one. Thank you for sharing this because not a lot of people understand it.


My Ex knew exactly how to trigger me...until I finally realized what was really going on! And I was sure that I was not the crazy one😅


This is exactly what I'm dealing with between my downstairs neighbour and the property manager. Both are female narcissists, both are trying to trigger my PTSD (this is elderly and disabled housing) or my ASD to cause a meltdown.

I have an audio recording of the property manager doing her best to trigger me, wondering if i should play it for the president of the management company...


Mine tried to paint me as abusive so much! He wud trigger me n then tell me I had anger problems n was abusive🙄


Do you realize how much this helps people? May the Lord BLESS you, heal and deliver and resurrect you to a new dimension in the MIGHTY name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen! Please keep exposing this darkness


Finally went entirely grey rock on him & at the end he admitted that he couldn’t trigger me anymore. Zero reaction frustrates the heck out of a narcissist. It was a dangerous scary situation in my home until he just disappeared one day owing me $1000 because I kept upping his share of the rent each winter he came back to Hoover me again. Stay completely calm & carry yourself with confidence so your complete control over yourself becomes second nature… then they get no supply & eventually leave


I learned to not react, couldn't even stand me going to church. Glad im out of that nightmare


I figured mine did this cause i dont get mad for no reason.


So basically reactive abuse. He wants to see that he has the power to create.
Reaction in people to feel valuable and powerful


Narcissist is one of the latest terms to label anyone millennials and Gen Z don't agree with. Once you label them you can feel justified in disregarding what their opinions. Labeling people Narcissistic is just another way of dehumanizing them.
