The Fear of Abandonment: How it Can Push People Away - Complex Trauma Prisons

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Tim explores the relationship between the fear of abandonment and Complex Trauma.
Abandonment in childhood creates fear of abandonment, which creates a series of patterns that are intended to prevent abandonment from ever happening again; but that actually create abandonment. It is a prison. Tim explores why this happens and how to change it.
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00:00 Introduction
02:11 10 Questions to Ask Yourself
04:07 Understanding the Abandonment Life Trap
08:15 3 Main Triggers
13:03 Why is abandonment a prison?
14:20 3 Types of Abandonment
17:20 The Characteristics of the Abandonment Prison
34:39 The Origins of the Abandonment Wound
37:30 Recovery Dangers
42:19 Healing
Abandonment in childhood creates fear of abandonment, which creates a series of patterns that are intended to prevent abandonment from ever happening again; but that actually create abandonment. It is a prison. Tim explores why this happens and how to change it.
Become a Member!
Understand the Development of Complex Trauma in Your Life
Online Course: 12 Basic Needs
Discover how Addictions are Formed and Find Healthy Ways to Cope
Online Course: Addictions + Complex Trauma
Learn How to Parent Yourself and a Child with Complex Trauma
Online Course: Parent Bootcamp
Ready to Dig Deep and Learn Tools to Recover From the Negative Effects of Complex Trauma?
Online Course: LIFT Online Learning
00:00 Introduction
02:11 10 Questions to Ask Yourself
04:07 Understanding the Abandonment Life Trap
08:15 3 Main Triggers
13:03 Why is abandonment a prison?
14:20 3 Types of Abandonment
17:20 The Characteristics of the Abandonment Prison
34:39 The Origins of the Abandonment Wound
37:30 Recovery Dangers
42:19 Healing