60 Characteristics of Complex Trauma - Part 3/33 - Fear of Abandonment

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Abandonment is a big part of understanding Complex Trauma and it results in the fear of being abandoned again in future relationships. This can result in behaviours that prevent healthy relationships. We look at 36 attributes of the Fear of Abandonment Characteristic and ways to overcome this fear.


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5 minutes into the video and I am already in tears, it’s like someone is saying for the first time what I have kept inside me for 30 years


I'm finally talking to a therapist to fix these issues. I realize I could never be right for anyone because of these deep rooted issues. I hope everyone reading this overcomes


Sadly this is so common.Apparently the world is rotten and sick.
Stay strong and take care of yourself.God bless you all.


This guy is talking about me personally. He's about to call me by name


This was super hard to watch, but explains more to me than a hundred textbooks! Thank you Tim, I cried the whole way through and know now I can heal from this.


This is the best talk on abandonment I have ever heard.


The lonely one offers his hand too quickly to whomever he encounters


Wow😭 every single one…. My mother killed who I might have been… at 60 years old I’m only figuring this out. Thank you.


I had a good childhood upbringing and after 2 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan as a 68W and then a reclass 11B…this man has done more for me than the VA. Thank you.


Mine started at age 21, when my fiance joined the army, we got married, moved 500 miles from home, and he secretly got discharged and packed everything we owned, including my childhood possessions and moved back home. I came home from work to vacant military housing, which of course i could not stay in, so i was homeless a minute till i found a room for rent, met another soldier, married a year later, had 3 kids, lived in 3 states including hawaii, he rarely spoke to me, cheated all the time, met someone else and left me and the children, btw my 1st born is severely autistic. Now I've been divorced 20 years, swore I'd never do it again.😢 just realized the problem today, this video


This fella is truly gifted. Ive read so many books on this topic but he explains so perfectly it finally makes sense.


I can't believe this is available for free, thanks a ton!


In reality I didn't feel abandoned, I WAS abandoned 1. by birth mom, 2. abandoned by 2 foster homes(transferred to another home without warning) 3 Adopted and then after 6 years(adopted at 4 and sent to another foster home at 10) Many failed relatonships over the years, failed marriage, kids taken by ex hubby, failed friendships, the list goes on. At 76 years old, I still have to deal with these. issues.


It took me so long to identify it. I couldn't understand why I had such a deep fear of abandonment when my parents never left me and always provide my physical needs. Emotional abandonment feels insidious. It's every bit as destructive, but no one validates it like they do overt abuse. I'm glad this is being talked about.


The jumping to conclusions part can be really difficult when some of those things have actually happened and in your own mind they are real possibilities because they have. It can be very scary to risk being hurt/abandoned again.


I felt so exposed watching this. My bio-mom abandoned my 2 brothers and I after the judge awarded her custody. She told him she didn’t want us, just baby #4 and left us with our dad. I was the only one old enough to remember it happening. She only came into my life a handful of times just to try to manipulate and lie to me, then leave again for years on end. She went on to have 4 more kids with her 2nd husband. Now, I don’t even talk to my dad, those 2 brothers, and several other siblings.
Protecting mine and my children’s mental health from them is more important, but these videos are showing me I still have a long way to go.


This man has changed my life in so many ways in these past two weeks. He’s saved me in so many ways. I would joke that I was an alien tourist that doesn’t understand human interaction. Watching/listening to these made me feel like I’m not crazy for once. It’s nice to know that I’m not alone and that there’s hope for the better with the knowledge and tools here he’s provided and I feel forever grateful.


I've decided to stay single and mostly on my own. Much easier than trying to deal with all the game players, working on maintaining trust, respect etc. Too much work. I don't have the patience or the energy to invest in a relationship. Being self-sufficient is much healthier.


The thing is you can be a good option to have in someone else's life but never a priority. Followed by your strife to change that, only worsen it. Don't open yourself so much that you are susceptible to rejection. Build a wall and start enjoying your own self, no expectations, no investments.


It's horrible. Animals really help. When they die all the pain comes back😢 Thank you for the vid ❤
