Все публикации

Conflict Can Be a Learning Opportunity in Complex Trauma Relationships

60 Characteristics of Complex Trauma - Brain Fog

The 4 F's of Complex Trauma w/ @TheoVon on This Past Weekend Podcast #fightflightfreezefawn

Being Your Own Dark Cloud: How Complex Trauma Can Cause You to Fall Into a Negative Mindset

Why the Smallest Changes Can Trigger Fear in Complex Trauma

A Narcissistic Leader is a Wolf in Shepherd's Clothing #complextrauma

'By Acknowledging My Parents' Impact on Me, Am I Just Shifting Blame?' (Q&A with Tim, Part 1)

Parents Who Control With Fear, Live in Fear #ComplexTrauma

Shame Changes Our Ability to View Ourselves in a Positive Light #complextraumarecovery

Catastrophic Thinking & the Worst-Case Scenario Trap - Complex Trauma Prisons

Injustice and Systemic Failures Give Rise to Political Trauma #complextrauma

Finding Belonging: Ways to Heal Yourself to Connect With Others

What is Normal? Complex Trauma's Effect on Mental Health

When Fight, Flight, and Freeze Don't Work, the Last Resort is to Fawn @TheoVon #complextrauma

When Narcissists Discard and Devalue: The Late Stages of Codependent Narcissistic Relationships

Blocking a Narcissist: Denying Them the Ability to Manipulate #complextrauma #hoovering

A Narcissist's Worst Nightmare is Going No-Contact #complextrauma

Procrastination: When Motivation is Simply Not Enough - Complex Trauma Prisons

Unhealthy Parents Use Fear As A Weapon #complextrauma

Why Narcissists Are Chosen for Leadership Positions

Now What? Connecting the Dots of Your 'Little t' Trauma @lisamtickel

How Narcissists Weaken Themselves

Windows to the Soul: How Trauma Negatively Impacts Your Eyes

What Good Parents Need To Do To Provide a Stable Life For Their Children