How To Cold Call - Best Script and Tips for Cold Calling

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Suggested Video - How To Close Sales Over The Phone:

Watch Our Top Playlist - Sales Tips to Close More Deals:

0:00 How to Start an Effective Cold Call
1:30 The First 5 Seconds of a Cold Call
5:05 Asking for Help from the Call Reciever
6:50 Clearly Explain the Purpose of the Call
8:20 Cold Call Recap


A lot of people believe cold calling is dead, but the truth is, it's alive and well as long as you use the right methodology.

So in this video, we're going to go over my exact cold calling script you can use to turn total strangers into paying customers.

You'll also learn how to develop your cold calling script based on the template you'll learn in this video.


About Patrick Dang

Patrick Dang is an international sales trainer who started his career at Oracle in Silicon Valley and quickly became on the top performers in North America in just one year.

After gaining experience in both the enterprise and startup world, Patrick began sharing his knowledge of modern sales students around the globe.

Since then, Patrick has trained over 50,000 students across 150 countries on topics on how to start a career in sales, business development, lead generation using cold email and LinkedIn, cold calling, and sales skills.

Ultimately, Patrick's vision is to inspire others to make a living from their passions and provide the knowledge and tools to make it a reality.

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Definitely ask them how they are doing!! But I would personally NEVER ask them if it's a good time or not (it was respectful years ago) but today people are hectic and appreciate a concise approach. Based on my experience, go right in and pitch...THEY will tell you if it's not a good time. Personally, I automatically tell salespoeple who call me that it's not a good time. Then, you have no where to go. Tonality/voice inflection is paramount and I love your approach when you say, "I'm a little lost here..." People are inclined to want to help. Exellent script Patrick! Love your channel...let's continue the conversation.


Hey Patrick, i did my buisness startup 2 years ago, and I have been very underconfident regarding cold calling which is the most crucial part of my business, it used to give me anxiety whenever i had to make a call. Since past 1 month i had to cold call 6 people, that i have been keep on neglecting, today i saw your video first time, after watching your video, i used your tactics and within 3 hours i made contact to all of them, and it worked, all of them took interest in my business, they gave complete time to take to me, and moved forward to work with me, thanks for saving me friend.Thanks a lot


I love that you mention! “Hey how are you doing today?”

I’ve heard many people say not to say this. In my experience I’ve been successful with both. I also share with my team “It’s not what you say but how you say it” I tell them to do what’s natural to them and they will be the most successful!


I was legit just calling & rambling at the 👄 this video definitely took me to the next level 💯 I can't believe I closed🔐 sales the old way😭😭😭


Anyone who cold calls knows, you do not ask for permission. You firmly lead the conversation..
You also do not lead the call with "Im a little lost.." confidence is key & no one wants the help of someone who is also lost.


Awesome! I applied your script for a role play in B2B Sale job interview. And I got a job! Thank youuuu. I'm so grateful.


Hey Patrick, was recommended your channel by a Facebook group, watched one video, took immediate action and implemented your tonality and pitching strategies on my next 5 sales calls, and got immediate results! Thanks for your video 👊


Hi Patrick, thank you for the great advice ❤ I used most of your script for a mock sales call during an interview and I got the job 2 days ago!


Hi - I must admit that I have a different view on building rapport on the first call. You say that asking them "how are they doing" is a master trick and should always be used. The simple answer is no - the reason is, it depends on who your target persona is. I work in sales and I only deal with cold leads (no warm/inbound marketing leads).

The people I target are C-level executives that have several hundred employees, and these people receive multiple cold calls a day. So even if you come across as nice, they don't give a shit, they want to know the reason why you're cold-calling them. So if you are appreciative of their time and ask them straight away if they're busy or if they have 30 seconds it means that you're respectful of their time, hence a professional salesperson.

If you bring value on that cold call they will agree to a meeting and the meeting is where you build rapport... Know your target audience (ie, end-user, manager, C-level executive) they all act different on the phone. The higher their position the quicker they want you to get to the point.


Why would you say that you are "lost" on a cold call?

Hopefully, you're sitting down in your office, not wandering around.
I'm thinking it's much more direct and effective to say "I'd like to get your assistance/feedback" or "I'm conducting a survey on xyz and I really value your input/feedback"

I have my assistants tell people that they are college students (which they are), conducting a survey (which they are) in order to get a better understanding of xyz..."
This has worked really well for us.


Hoping I get hired as an appointment setter. The sales reps, insurance agents close the deal. But I have to do the prospecting, outreach, and inbound calls & I have to be comfortable cold calling. I do believe that improves your skills & gets you better at talking to people & being a better communicator.


About to start a career in sales and I have come across your videos. I have been bingeing all day. Hopefully, I can reduce my fear and apply your techniques to achieve success.


I have to confess when a salesperson starts off by asking me how I am, and I don't know them, that immediately puts my barriers up. I just want them to get to the point quickly so I can decide whether I am going to spend any more time on the call. How would you handle an awkward customer like me, Patrick?


Im amazed!!! Ate you my MINI ME? Ive been doing your sales process during my time with life insurance, it gave me millions in amazed really having a young one doing it today...


Hey Patrick, can you make a video on how you reach the decision maker? I think in sales that's the most difficult part.


I just tried this technique on my first ever cold call, wasn't shabby honestly. Didn't lend the client of course but she said she'll keep my numbers for backup as she also is an Interior Designer. I lowkey feel it's a polite way of letting me down haha but it's good regardless. I guess the call also helped me overcome my fear of cold calling.


I'm soooo glad I found this video! I'm just starting to learn how to cold call, and wanted to follow a different approach from the usual "pushy", sales-y ones. Thank you so much Patrick!


Hey Patrick,

Really appreciated your Udemy courses, which led me to subscribe to this channel. Love your upbeat and enthusiastic way of teaching, but I really appreciate the tips. In my case I love this video, as it gives it a different outlook than normal sales calls. Telemarketers with scripts have made it tougher for regular sales calls, which has immediately cause for someone to put a mental block when it sounds "salesy" but this a great balance. Thanks for the tips!


I like this video. It's a very new way for me to cold call and approach customer. Very nice


Hey Patrick,
My biggest takeaway from this is tone, I also like the part "I'm a little lost", I feel this not only grabs the prospects attention, but outs them in a mode where they are thinking how to respond to what you ask them next.

Another great video from Patrick👍📞
