7 Signs You're Emotionally Repressed

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Are you emotionally repressed? Do you have repressed emotions? Have you ever gone through childhood trauma or unhealed trauma in general? Not know how to deal with these unpleasant emotions and trauma, can lead them to become more intense, persistent, and problematic. Not only that, suppressing our feelings only leads us to feel more isolated and possibly depressed. If you're hiding your feelings, this video hopes to help you bring awareness to that.

Writer: Chloe Avenasa
Script Editor: Isadora Ho
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Zyan Méndez (insta : @tomboisoda)
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

Turner, J. H. (2010). The stratification of emotions: Some preliminary generalizations. The Psychology of The Self, 80(2), 168-199.

Johnson, J. H., & Jonathan, H. (2007). Human emotions: A sociological theory. Taylor & Francis.

Teller, J. J. (2013). The unveiling of traumatic memories and emotions through mindfulness and concentration meditation: Clinical implications and case reports. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 25(2), 169.

Shapiro, R. D. (2015). Denial of threat and emotional response to impending painful stimulation. Clinical Psychology and Therapy, 30(4), 359.

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The only quiz where I got a perfect score.


Not feeling anything is ironically the worst feeling I’ve ever felt.


Personally, I hate being vulnerable to people. Like just having my feelings out there makes me feel like I’m not in control of that and they can use that against me or would end up telling someone I don’t really feel comfortable sharing that with. Im also scared of looking weaker than I already am. I want to open up to people so bad but whenever I do, I end up feeling bad about it later and I won’t be able to stop thinking about it.


No one I know has even the slightest clue what goes on inside. I’ve made mistakes in the past trusting and opening up to the wrong people. Sometimes I do wish someone would see through the facade I put up though.


I've always told myself I'm fine and that I'm being overdramatic and it's given me the habit of acually believing that


I’ll be honest, I just don’t like talking about my feelings


#8: You become fat and "lazy". You eat whatever and whenever you want and stay on the computer all day to feel comfortable all the time. You begin to avoid or hate things that make you feel uncomfortable like being cold or too hot, exercise, new tasks, and reading.
#9: You turn to addiction to numb your feelings.


I don't deny my feelings because I would rather they not exist, I deny them because everyone around me has made it clear THEY would rather my emotions don't exist.


I feel the worst thing is when you actually open up and express yourself, everyone starts either judging you or telling you "they understand what you're feeling" and maybe...it just makes you feel worse than before.
Also, I think that it hasn't been mentioned but in my opinion, by being a "pleaser" I often tend to feel more depressed or anxious than others, just saying, the environment you grow can seriously harm you... and last but not least I think that people that say to they're children being selfish is bad, isn't good, you can't be always unselfish or you'll end up bottling up you're emotions(and becoming a pleaser) and eventually exploding and blaming it on someone else when it actually was your fault for not saying anything, it's a lesson you should unlearn, I'm not saying you should be completely selfish, just take some alone time and breath, also I wanted to thank Psych2Go because it has helped me a lot through quarantine, hope you read this!
Edit: Here's an interesting anecdote, this happened a couple of years ago, I was 9 years old, I have always wanted to be the best at everything, why? Because...well my sister is really awesome great, grades, great looks, great future, but it doesn't mean I'm jealous of her, quite contrary, I look up to her, since my sister is well awesome, I started putting a lot of pressure to myself to become PERFECT, and that ended up...well affecting my own mother's thoughts whenever I got below a 95 she would say horrible things to me and start comparing me to my sister or some friends. So, when me and my Family moved to Mexico, I had a really hard time, more pressure to please was being added (I was known as the extroverted daughter with thousands of friends) by having to get my grades up, having friends, taking care of my cat, having to deal with everyone in my school who took advantage of me, and faked being my friends just for me to help them on exams or homework, and it felt...good...but inside empty, I bottled everything up, til one day...a friend (he was a real friend) of mine said I ran slower than a turtle, and I just couldn't take more abuse, I skipped P.E and locked myself in the bathroom as I cried and cried, and I got help....from the psychologist and some real friend, but you know what my mom said? Oh get over it, you want to add depression to everything, and worst you looked yourself in a bathroom what is this going to do to your reputation! My dad didn't say that much, he just thought I was seeking attention, my sister...well not much just a plain, but kind of sentimental "Get better, and I'm sorry for you". This event til this day has got me confused, I feel like I can't tell anyone because I'm just seeking attention, like my parents said, but... whoever is reading this comment please seek help, I'm sure more one loving person will be able to help at least a little bit, but you have the power! Xd I just sounded like a energetic drink commercial.
Well, I guess that's all, thank you for all your likes and replies I have never had so much likes, and get better pleaseeee, oh and listen to music it definitely calms me, lots of thanks and I'm really glad I was able to take this out of my chest, you guys should try commenting, maybe you won't have someone you know who understands you, but there is definitely someone around the world who will ( I remember it from a Psych2Go video I think) well bye! (⌐■-■)(=^・ェ・^=)(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Edit 2: Wow! I never thought I would get so many likes, literally it has made my day better, thank you all for your likes and I really hope you guys can eventually understand you're worth something, and sometimes even if you don't have someone by your side physically, you can always take a deep breath and relax, believe me, you'll eventually find someone who understands you, and you'll feel a lot more relieved. Thanks, Bye~


7 signs you’re emotionally repressed:
1. 0:44 You hate being asked how you feel
2. 1:12 You struggle with emotional intimacy
3. 1:36 You are always just “fine”
4. 2:02 You rarely get emotional
5. 2:33 You have extreme mood swings
6. 3:04 You deny all of your problems
7. 3:29 You hold grudges against people


Me: *reads the title * What the hell is being emotionally repressed?
Me after watching the entire video: _Oh, it's just a video calling me out, ok..._


Every time I open up to someone, I always regret that . That's why I rarely talk about my feelings .


I'm feeling really bad these days. Tend to bottle up my feelings. And i keep distancing myself from people :(


It's just that, I don't feel like I can express my emotions to anybody. Everytime I actually do, I feel like they always make it seem small or invalidate me. So I just don't, because I feel like they won't understand what I'm going through, which is why most of my responses to my friends asking me if I'm okay is "yee, i'm fine!! :)". It's also because I don't want to burden them with my problems, I don't want to see them get in my mess because of me because it makes me feel really guilty, especially if they have their own problems to deal with.
So this is why I become sort of a therapist to my friends. I want them to overcome their problems, I give them lots of good advice, and check on them once a week. Because if I don't, I feel like it's my fault that they're struggling because I'm not giving them a hand. I feel guilty because I don't help them, so I just do, even if it hurts me in the process, I want to see them be happy. It's my responsibility to make sure my friends are okay, because who else will check in them? I don't follow my own advice, so I feel hypocritical, and I lie to my friends saying that I'm fine when I'm clearly not. It feels wrong, but it's for the better.

Sorry for the vent, haha, I'm not used to venting to other people or on social media. I usually vent on the Internet because I'm anonymous. Also, thank you for making these videos, Psych2Go, they help me a lot, and I use what I learn from here when I check up on my friends. Thanks a lot!


The worst part is when you realize the truth, that no one gives one fiddle about you, they only pretend to in order to feel better about themselves.


"you hate being asked about your feelings"

It really depends on me. Most people only asked out of curiosity. They don't really care. Only least people asked out of concern


The last time I was this early I was emotionally stable


Sometimes emotions feel too painful to address so we push them away...but it ends up hurting even more when we do that. It’s important to acknowledge and learn to understand and cope with our emotions so we can start on a path to healing ♥️


when people ask me how i am I just say fine because I don't know how I am, I'm just 'fine'. when I do open up the only thing I get is "stop crying", "its fine", "your being overdramatic", things like that. i don't know what I'm supposed to do with that.


I exactly related to this. Being the responsible, smart and independent child, no one ever did care if I was alright or not, If I was down or not. Everyone believed that I'll be able to get through it easily or that I'll be able to solve it by myself since I was independent. So I always felt like it is necessary to hide my distress, anxiety or fear because I am always the leader. I have to hide it because it is my responsibility to be the one who would always get the hard stuff because they think that emotionally I am stronger than my friends or siblings. And that even if I did try to give clues that I needed help, they would just ignore it and even sometimes would make me feel bad about having to be sad or doubtful. That and the feeling that I cant do anything wrong, that my work is always either perfect or early since they always count on me. So instead of expressing my emotions, I mask myself witha smile and a goofy and charming personality.

Lmao sorry for the rant, I just wanted to get this out of my chest.
