5 Signs You're Neglecting Your Feelings

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Have you been feeling emotionally numb lately? Or apathy towards everything? Sometimes, feeling numb or losing interest in the things that you once cared about, could be signs of a mental health issue. However, if you find yourself just bottling emotions or neglecting feelings, then maybe all you really have to do is find help from someone who can help you release those pent-up emotions. Maybe you are emotionally numb, but not depressed.

DISCLAIMER: Please talk to a professional if you want a real diagnosis.

Writer: Sara Del Villar
Script Editor: Denise Ding
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

Butler, C. (2021, October 12). 10 signs someone is deflecting feelings instead of
Dewitt, S. (2019, May 5). What is deflection? psychology explains this
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Excited to of gotten to animate this for you folks! :D


I cannot cry in front of people. Reason why: Never taught that it was okay to cry in front of people/open up to people, I feel uncomfortable when comforted/shown intimacy, I don't like crying, & it brings negative thoughts whenever I cry and crying in front of people makes them chaotically increase in amount and disorder.


Does anyone want a video on signs you're feeling emotionally numb? Comment below your requests.


My therapist whom I’ve been seeing for the past year has been helping me introduce myself to my other emotions. At first it was scary allowing myself to feel angry or scared or even sad felt strange often times I freaked out when I felt other emotions other than happy. Now one year later I’ve gotten better allowing myself to feel angry, annoyed, sad, scared and frustrated and projecting my feelings in safe ways.


Whenever someone says I'm fine and it feels like they're insecure about something, it means Falling Into Negative Emotions. F.I.N.E. in those moments, try and help the person or guide them to someone who can help. You matter and so do your emotions. You matter because humans are naturally flawed in their own ways even the ones who say who aren't flawed.

You matter
Your life matters
Your emotions matter


I’m not an adult yet I’m still 17 but I want to learn about these things to become more mature and aware of it because I’ve been dealing with depression and anxiety in my teenage years so i don’t want to face the same thing as an adult thank you so much psych2go for making such videos


I gave up emotions 6 years ago. Some memories/people from the past, are better forgotten. There’s a peace in mentally erasing your memories of people, places, and things. While I now have no goals, prospects, or desires to ever be in a relationship ever again, I’ve also found that I’m perfectly fine with living out my days alone.


"Unexpressed emotions will never die, they are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways." - Sigmund Freud


I always feel like if I tell people how I feel every time that I have strong emotions they will get sick of me being ‘down’


I've been watching this channel for about a year now i'd say, i started right before i got out of a completely toxic relationship that lasted 3 years. These videos have been helping me on my way to improving myself through this past year. About 2 months ago i met a girl and we hit it off immediately, she has a great music taste, likes my humor, shes pretty much perfect. Today i finally felt confident enough to do something i've never done, and confessed to her how i felt, and to my surprise she felt the same way. I would have never been able to get this far if i hadnt found these videos in such a vulnerable point of my life, and now im getting my life on the rise. So thank you and thanks to everyone who comments their own stories which have given more insight into personal experiences. I'll always love these videos and hopefully keep growing as things go along.


This video hits way to close to home for me, I've always hid or tried to cut off and kill my emotions, and I'd act like people around me to blend in and seem "normal " I'd even Atchison videos on body language and use the information to hide my emotions from everyone. And now that I'm older I've been losing control over them, because they are integrating back into my life now that I've come to accept somethings


Love the art style. But it’s cool how you can talk about such sad/meaningful things but use such a cute art style.


I've been neglecting and repressing my emotion for years. I can't smile well because my face feels uncomfortable at smiling since I don't feel genuinely happy. My mother told me that I was not the same as I was when I was a child wherein I would smile and laugh through anything. Emotions can be very tough to deal with, so once I feel like I bottled too much, I take my time to be alone and cry myself as a form of emotional outlet. Thank You Psych2Go!


I definitely neglect my emotions. Definitely less now tbh. I’ve acknowledged that I do actually need help but I’m still trying to ignore it. I am the oldest of 5 and I’ve taken care of them a lot. I’ve always been “mature for my age” or “the example” so I’ve had to be a “leader” all my life. I feel so responsible for everything and when I mess up I hate myself. I think I’m trying to ignore it because I’ve always had to be the collected one when it comes to my family. My parents rely on me to take care of the kids when needed so I can’t really panic or be upset in situations. I constantly feel responsible to take care of the family and others and when I don’t do what I’m supposed to correctly and get mad at myself and end up hating myself. I used to be super sensitive. I would cry over everything. But then some trauma happened relating to my half brother and ever since then I’ve been afraid to cry around others or just be too sensitive in general. I also feel like I’m letting people down (especially my mom) when I show negative emotions bc I feel like I’m being sensitive and not a good example. My mom does this thing when I get upset at like a family party or something that she says “you look mad, you’re making everyone in a bad mood. Be happier.” Which doesn’t help at all. (TW for this next thing btw) she also does this thing thatwhen I scratching my arms/hand really hard to SH when I’m upset or trying not to cry, she hits my hand. Which doesn’t help either. (TW over) she’s just really not there emotionally for me and it’s due to some child hood trauma that she has. Ever since that things happened with my half brother I’ve hated bottling myself up but everyone around me constantly says “yeah you used to be so sensitive, so glad you’re not anymore cause that was annoying”. And that makes me feel worse, knowing I once let so many people down and annoyed.

Sorry this is so long lol ;v;


Here are the time stamps to make it easier for you to navigate:

1:06 1. Repression
2:02 2. Fear of Intimacy
2:56 3. Elevated Levels of Stress
3:26 4. Projection
4:05 5. Denial

Have a good day/night! 🧡


these animations are getting better and better every video.


"Treat yourself like your own child" -Jordan Peterson, 12 rules for life, rule 2
How come we treat our children, friends, and even pets with upmost care and going as far as to make care routines for them. But when it comes to ourselvs we tend towards neglect. Being able to be vulnerable to a few emotionally available people is all it takes to avoid distress or even an emotional breakdown.


0:00 intro
1:05 1、Repression
2:01 2、Fear of Intimacy
2:55 3、Elevated Levels of Stress
3:25 4、Projection
4:05 5、Denial
4:46 outro


I've shut down a big part of myself when I was a kid due to certain circumstances. Now that I'm an adult, I have to agree that that decision has had a life changing effect on me. I don't even know what I'm feeling or how to even express it. There are times when I even feel guilty for feeling it. I say one word, start sighing and stop talking because I just don't know how to properly and fully express all the things that I've kept hidden and I know they won't get it. I feel grateful that this channel and its creators exist. The videos you guys make help me to put words to the complex feelings I've been experiencing. It makes me and the others feel seen and understood, even just for the few mins, without us explaining anything. So, thank you!


Love the animation for this one and it was so informative. Definitely makes me want to be more emotionally aware of not only myself but of others 💜
