Anger Management Techniques That Work!

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To everyone who is angry right now - remember this:

No matter how bad things get, and no matter how much you're suffering:

"This too, shall pass." 

Everything changes. Absolutely everything. 


I am currently in the final segment of a breakup with my Fiance. She left me. My anger had pushed her away, I lost control. I gave it away. I've been studying several of your videos the last few days, thank you for what you do. The advice through heartbreak is hard to take and to listen to but already some of the techniques you have taught me have already made a small impact on my life. I may never get her back, but maybe one day with enough practice I will be in control of myself. Thank you.


I am in tears because I know I have given so much of my power away to people who just don't deserve it


When I’m angry, I usually don’t think. I just act, I punched a gaping hole in my wall because of this


A lot of times we don't want to "bother anyone" with our problems - until we realize that we are bothering them with our actions anyway. When I am faced with bothering someone with my actions or bothering a friend by asking for support, I tend to pick asking my friend. More often than not, friends are not actually bothered by us turning to them anyway. If you can, try to seek out a friend or counselor to turn to, even if it's difficult, because none of us needs to face things alone. Much peace


This is so far the most effective technique I saw on youtube. Other vids are crap. This man just hits me right in the feels.


I just came to this realization, and it's great to hear it affirmed. I'm just tired of giving people control over me. Period.


This video helped me a lot today. I was in a situation I couldn't leave and the person would not stop poking and prodding. Instead of the situation devolving into me yelling and/or crying, I cut the puppet strings and was able to maintain my composure, and the other person was left to be angry to themselves. I did cry when I was alone and ruminated too much afterwards, but that's something I feel like I can keep working on now that I have a base to work from.


Eleven years later and still helping people.

My own lack of control got me into this puppet situation where my boss is actively trying to get complaints from my coworkers in order to have reasons to fire me (several of them warned me). Now, without these videos, I would've been offended and resentful toward my boss, but it looks like it has been me the one who lend her the power over my person, so I'm the one to blame. I formerly thought of my temperament as a sign of strength, now I realize it has always been a sign of weakness.

Thank you for your wisdom


I agree: we have the power to determine how we feel - even though it can be difficult, the fact is, it's possible. Thank you for your comments.


Brilliant and im a teen who got has a bad bad bad temper now this really helped me


I think the way I see it is that there is a difference between understanding and practicing. Most people seem to understand (in theory) how to handle anger, but actually living that out can be tough. I wish you much peace.


This is awesome! it made me realize how I was giving away that power everyday and that it is myself the one who needs to be in control. We often blame the other person but it is up to us to take control.


We shared this video at our Celebrate Recovery meeting when someone was sharing on their anger issues and everyone thought it was very helpful. It can be used to relate to giving your power to other things too. Thanks for this insight!


This is great advice. The way you present/word the info in the video, has inspired me to control my anger simply out of spite for others 😂
I can’t believe I have been giving up my power all these years.


I have seen countless videos on this subject and this video really helped me. I saw my anger in a different way. I've been letting other people control me well no more . Great video


i can't thank you enough for this. it's been a daily struggle lately for me.


Thank you for positively changing my life. Your puppet/IronMan technique of not giving away your power literally saved me from committing crimes like assault and battery which would have landed me in prison...possibly for life. I don't have a felony record and never want one. I genuinely can't thank you enough.


I was a angry person
I felt alone and robbed of communication with others

I spent years of my life ploting and pushing away people that got in the way of my anger and what upset me or who upset me

I put my enemy's that I made from my own poor choices over the people I care about...Loosing friendships along the way

I was so disconnected to human interaction and emotional Attachment that all i felt was rage

All I had was anger it consumed me
I didn't cry for 4 years only shout and break things

Once I reached that point I was getting a rush...a high from becoming angry

It even changed me sexually

I injoyed watching people suffer because of how terrible I felt for years
In school I would constantly get in to fights and was always the one who started it
I hurt my mother, my brother and myself through all of it

But after all of that and realizing who I was i knew I needed to change
I started smoking weed
And in general I tried to nature things more
And most importantly never shoving my empathy down for anything
I feel a lot more now I've worked on myself

Don't do the same thing I did

Open your heart to love over hate,
Hate will solve nothing it only consumes

Revenge, anger, and hate will only leave you robbed of hope
Robbed of humanity
And ultimately turn you in to a monster

After not feeling guilty for so long and then waking up to what monster I let manifest

I would truly never wish apon any living thing in the mlutiverse

I hope someone like me can read this and know what path rage leads you to


Dr. Conte, I have been suffering from extreme anger issues over the dumbest and most unrealistic things, and again I have you and most importantly my wife for finding this video. I really am tired of overreacting to things that either my daughters 2 & 6 do or my relatives. My wife found this in concern for my health, as I've been afflicted with diabetes from about 16yrs now and stress is definitely not good for anyone's health especially mine. I turn 36 today, and I sincerely wish to change for the sake of beautiful wife and daughters, as they deserve nothing but the best. God bless and thank you again.
