One Simple Technique for Working with Anger with Marsha Linehan, PhD

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Anger is a common and often necessary emotion. But left unmanaged, anger can increase stress and hurt relationships.

That's why Marsha Linehan, PhD, shared her strategy for working with anger: willing hands.

With this one simple, body-focused strategy, clients can manage their anger and foster a sense of openness.

NICABM - Better Outcomes. More Quickly.
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Dr. Linehan is a giant in her field. So good to have this vid sharing some of her expertise.


Thanks for this video & technique. I think anger is a great emotion. It tells us when someone has crossed our line, so I wouldn't encourage clients not to feel it. But I will definitely try this with clients who need help to stop *acting out* their anger in violent ways like shouting or hitting.


Wonderful and effective - I love that she learned this through studying spirituality! I've used this often in my own life since the first time I watched this. What a wonderful lady.


This works so well! I was sceptical, but gave it a try during a potentially triggering conversation and it actually helped so much. I could still tell when I was angry, but it didn't take me over and I was able to stay present and engage constructively. Only wish I'd known about this sooner!


This is really cool I'm excited to try it!!


Before they speak anger they roll their tongue back as if to swallow it. This is an action so they stay connected to their bodies while giving them a distraction, a switch of mind helping them to regain their level of tolerance so they can speak more rationally in a short time.


I believe there is a lot of information out there hurting the chances of people with BPD from getting better. I see clinicians saying you have narcissistic parents and until your parents will admit their faults things will not change.


I have heard that anger is probably hurt or disappointment..


Hi, "Willing hands " work maybe because as anger is excess emotion it just leaves the body via hands.


Okay, this does not explain anything but a body position. we would need to know what about that position causes one to feel less angry. Just opening your hands? What does "willing" mean? Etc...


What if I have opposite problem: I cant get angry, when I need it to defend my boundaries, when someone is crossing the line?


Anger is a small part of bpd but seems to be a major refusal of help amongst diagnostic procedures, therefore creating more anger. Do you believe that bpd folk can easily be not treated by agitating the person and saying, 'we can't treat you whilst you're angry?'. All forms of borderline treatment seems to be based on getting the patient to change their understanding and trying to reach logical goals of why the bpd person has reacted to situations in the past and how to improve interaction with normal folk to go forward. I agree to this about 30% because I believe bpd folk should be introduced to the evidence of brain damage occurred whilst a child. I know that's a broad statement. Bpd folk are not uncontrollable idiots as a lot of medical professionals think. Explaining information to people is so productive it should be part of treatment for bpd. One example is the studies on bpd brains which is under the title, ' bpd brain abnormalities mri scans '. This information should be shared and explained to all properly diagnosed bpd people. I hope the population of bpd start getting real help which will decrease the anger of most and let good people back into society.
Take care.x


So you put your hands by your side correct


Im going to try this but wonder about driving and road rage "/
