7 Proven Ways to Grow eCommerce Sales By 50% or More | Increase eCommerce Sales

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You want to grow your e-commerce site. Well, you know what? The way you think you're gonna grow your e-commerce site isn't the real way to grow.
Hey everyone, I'm Neil Patel, and today, I'm going to share seven ways you can increase your e-commerce sales by over 50%.
Tip #1: Focus on one product.
You do not need to be selling millions of products like Amazon to do well.
I met a lady who makes high heels more comfortable selling insoles.
She has one product, and that's it. Do you know how much she makes?
Well into the seven figures per year. You don't need a lot of products to do well.
If you're on Shopify, you can use Oberlo, and that'll help make it, so you don't have to worry about the logistics.
If you're only doing one product, your life becomes so much easier. Focus on one product that solves a pain point.
#2: Upsell and downsell.
It's easier to get someone who has bought from you once to spend more money with you than it is to get new people to buy from you.
If you're selling insoles that make women's shoes nice and comfortable, your upsell could be a pack of three instead of just one.
That's an easy upsell.
Doing simple things like that will increase your lifetime value, which will open up more possibilities.
#3: Advertise.
Facebook advertising and Google AdWords both work extremely well in e-commerce marketing.
Facebook ads and Google ads are a great way to boost your e-commerce sales, and you if you're not sure where to get started with Facebook ads or Google ads, leave a comment below and I'll answer you, and I'll give you feedback on how to run the perfect Facebook ad campaign or a Google AdWords campaign.
#4: Leverage subscriptions.
Make sure you offer subscription options. For example, if you're selling makeup or lipstick, people are gonna run out of it. The question is just when? So why not give them an option where they can subscribe and continually get new makeup?
If you're using Shopify, you can use a tool called Recharge to make your product a subscription.
#5: Recover abandoned shoppers.
In 2017, roughly 75.6% of shopping carts were abandoned.
So, you need to make them come back and buy.
How do you do that?
Recovering abandonment solutions, such as collecting their emails.
When someone's buying from you, you're probably collecting their name and email first before you're showing the credit card information.
You can do things like exit intent offers, using tools like Hello Bar, where you show them an exit offer saying, hey, thinking about leaving?
Put in your name and email and I'll send you a 10% off coupon or a free shipping coupon.
#6: Optimize your checkout process.
Baymard did a study on checkout pages.
They found when companies optimize their checkout pages, they made an extra 260 billion, that's not million, that's billion with a B, extra dollars.
Don't forget to optimize your checkout process.
The way you do that is by first removing unnecessary fields.
Why would you ask someone for their name and email and address multiple times?
That's unnecessary. Keep it simple.
The other way you can optimize your checkout process is by making it two-step.
#7: Leverage a referral program.
If someone's buying from your e-commerce site, they probably know other people have the same problem and need your solution.
Create a referral program, and you can do this through ReferralCandy.
You can do simple things like, get 20 bucks when you refer someone that also signs up and buys.
The key with a referral program is to incentivize both the person giving the referral and the person accepting the referral.
Follow these seven tips, and you should generate at least 50 plus percent more in sales.
Leave a comment below and say, hey, here's my e-commerce store.
Which one of these tips should I be using first?
I'll respond telling you which one you should do first, second, et cetera, so that way, you're doing the ones first that are gonna create the biggest ROI.
And I can't just tell everyone, hey, go do them in this order, because it varies for each and every single e-commerce site out there.
But if you leave a comment, I'll make sure that I give you a detailed response that'll help you grow faster.
00:00 - Introduction
00:21 Tip 1 - Focus in only one product
01:52 Tip 2 - Upsell and Downsell
02:31 Tip 3 - Advertise
03:24 Tip 4 - Leverage Subscriptions
04:10 Tip 5 - Recover the abandoned shoppers
05:13 Tip 6 - Optimize your check out process
06:35 Step 7 - Referral problem
Hey everyone, I'm Neil Patel, and today, I'm going to share seven ways you can increase your e-commerce sales by over 50%.
Tip #1: Focus on one product.
You do not need to be selling millions of products like Amazon to do well.
I met a lady who makes high heels more comfortable selling insoles.
She has one product, and that's it. Do you know how much she makes?
Well into the seven figures per year. You don't need a lot of products to do well.
If you're on Shopify, you can use Oberlo, and that'll help make it, so you don't have to worry about the logistics.
If you're only doing one product, your life becomes so much easier. Focus on one product that solves a pain point.
#2: Upsell and downsell.
It's easier to get someone who has bought from you once to spend more money with you than it is to get new people to buy from you.
If you're selling insoles that make women's shoes nice and comfortable, your upsell could be a pack of three instead of just one.
That's an easy upsell.
Doing simple things like that will increase your lifetime value, which will open up more possibilities.
#3: Advertise.
Facebook advertising and Google AdWords both work extremely well in e-commerce marketing.
Facebook ads and Google ads are a great way to boost your e-commerce sales, and you if you're not sure where to get started with Facebook ads or Google ads, leave a comment below and I'll answer you, and I'll give you feedback on how to run the perfect Facebook ad campaign or a Google AdWords campaign.
#4: Leverage subscriptions.
Make sure you offer subscription options. For example, if you're selling makeup or lipstick, people are gonna run out of it. The question is just when? So why not give them an option where they can subscribe and continually get new makeup?
If you're using Shopify, you can use a tool called Recharge to make your product a subscription.
#5: Recover abandoned shoppers.
In 2017, roughly 75.6% of shopping carts were abandoned.
So, you need to make them come back and buy.
How do you do that?
Recovering abandonment solutions, such as collecting their emails.
When someone's buying from you, you're probably collecting their name and email first before you're showing the credit card information.
You can do things like exit intent offers, using tools like Hello Bar, where you show them an exit offer saying, hey, thinking about leaving?
Put in your name and email and I'll send you a 10% off coupon or a free shipping coupon.
#6: Optimize your checkout process.
Baymard did a study on checkout pages.
They found when companies optimize their checkout pages, they made an extra 260 billion, that's not million, that's billion with a B, extra dollars.
Don't forget to optimize your checkout process.
The way you do that is by first removing unnecessary fields.
Why would you ask someone for their name and email and address multiple times?
That's unnecessary. Keep it simple.
The other way you can optimize your checkout process is by making it two-step.
#7: Leverage a referral program.
If someone's buying from your e-commerce site, they probably know other people have the same problem and need your solution.
Create a referral program, and you can do this through ReferralCandy.
You can do simple things like, get 20 bucks when you refer someone that also signs up and buys.
The key with a referral program is to incentivize both the person giving the referral and the person accepting the referral.
Follow these seven tips, and you should generate at least 50 plus percent more in sales.
Leave a comment below and say, hey, here's my e-commerce store.
Which one of these tips should I be using first?
I'll respond telling you which one you should do first, second, et cetera, so that way, you're doing the ones first that are gonna create the biggest ROI.
And I can't just tell everyone, hey, go do them in this order, because it varies for each and every single e-commerce site out there.
But if you leave a comment, I'll make sure that I give you a detailed response that'll help you grow faster.
00:00 - Introduction
00:21 Tip 1 - Focus in only one product
01:52 Tip 2 - Upsell and Downsell
02:31 Tip 3 - Advertise
03:24 Tip 4 - Leverage Subscriptions
04:10 Tip 5 - Recover the abandoned shoppers
05:13 Tip 6 - Optimize your check out process
06:35 Step 7 - Referral problem