Staying Together After Cheating | Couples Can Survive Infidelity

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In this video, I'm going to provide you with reasons why it's sometimes important for couples to consider staying together even after cheating has occurred.

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The Happily Committed project was created to help couples stay together and create the relationship that they want. The grass is not always greener. What I've learned over the years in helping couples get back together after a breakup or separation because of infidelity is oftentimes their love is renewed, strengthened and the love is much deeper than it was before.

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How To Cope And Heal After Infidelity


never thought I'd see myself searching this up yet again


Anyone that has cheated had multiple times when the thought that they shouldn’t be doing it popped into their head and they still did it. It’s not a single decision. It’s a constant string of not making the right decision.


There's always observers shouting "you are worth more". And it's like "what if I love them? What if I don't want to start afresh?"


A broken mirror put back together still has plenty of cracks.

Anyone who consciously cheats on you, takes the necessary steps to hide it, book a hotel room, check in, and put on a condom knows every step of the way _exactly_ what they're doing.

You can decide for yourself if that's someone you want to invest any more time and emotion 'healing ' with, or if it would better to spend the same resources healing yourself and finding the person who deserves your love and your loyalty.


Once broken can never be the same again


Absolutely right. Only stay if you can fully consider the right reasons to. Including but not limited to them being accountable. I’m currently in a relationship where I have been cheated on in the beginning and he has since and still is 110% patient, understanding and accountable for what happened. He’s made changes for not just me but us. Going to therapy and healing from what made the person cheat is important too! Always remember cheating is most likely the reaction of someone that isn’t healed. It’s not your fault


I've witnessed my partner be authentic, and honest before. I know she can earn my trust back. I have no doubt, however I want to see how much I mean to her and what she is willing to do to heal and unite with me. I want to be united with her, she had to go through her issues. I understand deeply. Deep down she is a wonderful person, and just got caught up in a bad crowd of people. We all go through it. I am ready to start a new chapter with her on the right foot together


I guess this might be a successful reconciliation story. My parents have been married since 1996 but for the longest, I thought I had the ideal, perfect family. We're 3 daughters, me and my two twin sisters. Then last year I stumbled upon dad's old and dusty, abandoned private journal in the basement and I wished I had never read it. They cheated on each other.
First mom gets caught in the act with dad's then best friend in his house, on his couch. The journal stated she was on top of his friend. Dad punches the hell out of his friend and calls her bad words. Obviously she gets dumped first but then they worked it out, mom buys him a new couch, helps in the moving out process, etc. Then by 2000 (they're married by then and I'm just 2 years old), dad cheats back in revenge but he confesses. They worked that out too; he was forgiven immediately..she went lenient on him...I'm going to assume it must be out of guilt and because she was forgiven, she couldn't be a hypocrite. No one knows (not even his nor her parents, not a single soul) about what happened except their counselors they went to at the time...then off course me who read the journal. My twin sisters are ignorant of this detail. I haven't told anyone I read his journal.
If I had never read the journal, I wouldve never suspected of anything happening between them. It still shocked me reading those details.


My heart felt easier after watching this. I have no idea if I’ll go back to her but this made me feel like the world hasn’t stopped. It made me feel in control again


Thks for this video. My heart it's really in pain after being cheated am trying my best to give back him my trust but it's really hard for me. Becoz I can't forget it


What’s worst is that you didn’t trust them already and saw the warning signs and you were proving right. Gonna be a tough few months for me that’s for sure


In my opinion, it depends on the overall quality of the relationship. And if the other person has shown signs that he can not change, AND ESPECIALLY if the experience traumatized you, DO NOT try just because others will tell you you didn't try for it or to show "modern". ON THE OTHER HAND if you still wanna try, if you feel like it can work and if the other person wants to make it up to you DO NOT BREAK UP because society tells you that you have to.


Even though it wasn't physical, it still hurts me to my core. I was engaged and moved out. That was a year ago this month. He has apologized and working very hard to rebuild the trust. I'm still struggling to fully let go and move on. Some days I don't think about it and other days I just want to scream. I'm already a high anxiety person and trying to let go is very difficult. Now I feel like I'm going to war with myself. I just want to be able to forgive and move on with him. Trying to see if it's even worth it now?


He was the bestest boyfriend ever…He wasn't toxic he did everything to make me happy and loved me very much. That's what makes it 10 times worst..he was ả perfect green flag for me but what i did was so worst..i made mistakes several times in 3 years of our relationship…hể forgive me every time…but I always took advantage of his kindness😔..Even if we break up, I will not be able to accept that the boy is not in my life now…This regret and guilt is killing me..

I cheated on my boyfriend who was amazing as a partner.It's hard to let someone go that you perceived as your future.🙂..I apologized countless times and told him how I feel about him but. It wasn't enough and no matter how many times I say sorry..because it was not a small mistake though..I made a million mistakes and I threw away a loyal boy who always there for me no matter what situation was..That boy loved my parents more than me..he always tells me to fulfil my parents dream..he motivates me always ..but I know i am the worst girl ..He always gave his 100% in this relationship…

At the moment I simply wish I'd just not cheated or taken my boy for granted.💔…


ONLY If both parties are willing to take accountability. When one person tries to rebuild the relationship, & the other one doesn't, then it's useless to stay together. Especially when children are involved, it's difficult to.


I can’t believe I had to search this smh. Married for 5 years & he betrayed me 🥺 he’s apologetic but he knows the trust won’t be there overnight. I’m still on the fence if I even want to stay with him anymore…


Don’t put yourself in predicaments where things like this can happen. I remember years back I cheated on this special woman who I did love at the time but made bad choices with getting drunk at a party & one thing lead to another. After the fact I felt so dirty inside & was immediately ashamed of myself. One of the hardest things if you have a conscious is that you can’t hide it from you’re lover & it hurts so badly that it gets to the point that you have to confess it. The hardest part is telling that person & crushing their heart. They are never the same after that & even though we have been together for 20 years it still hurts bc I love this person 😢 if I could take it all back I would it wasn’t worth it…


I love her so much, I can’t bring myself to let go


Thank you for this. It's been a few months and sometimes I feel weak for not being able to fully let go of the pain that I went through.
My partner has been very patient with me and takes full responsibility for what happened.
