How to Bounce Back After Getting Cheated On

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Getting cheated on is absolutely positively one of the worse things that can happen to you. I know because it has happened to me too. If someone has cheated on you please watch this video. You are in the right place.

Whether you have been cheated on by your girlfriend, your boyfriend, your husband or your wife, you can recover from infidelity in your relationship.

✅ It's ok to feel vulnerable and those few days or few weeks of agony as long as you are in damage control mode.
✅ Don't indulge in your self-pity or don't make a fool of yourself.
✅ If they cheat and you chase it means you don't value yourself and they will lose attraction.
✅ Your feelings of love may feel even more intense but remember you don't deserve this.
✅ Infidelity is a result of your significant other's action, their worth, and their decision-making process not yours.
✅ It's ok to be torn because you still love them.
✅ Is the person who cheated remorseful? If they are remorseful, don't focus on what they say, focus on what they do.
✅ Beware of manipulators and narcissists who use words as their weapon of choice.
✅ Focus on healing. You need to learn to trust and put yourself in a vulnerable place again.


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➡ [FREE COURSE] 5 Steps to Rebuild Your Relationship After Cheating:


Being cheated on is the worst. You hate them, but you still love them, but you hate what they did to you, but at the same time you still deeply love them. This internal conflict is tearing me apart. It really, really hurts


Sometimes we don’t want to let go of the things that make us sad, because they were the only thing that made us happy.


You always hear about people being cheated on… don’t think a whole lot about it.. then it hits you and your whole life changes… it’s so crazy:(


I never thought i would get cheated on… it is the worst pain as you said. It makes you feel so betrayed and nauseous.. i hope we all get better soon.


the thing that hurts the most is imagining them doing it....


I'm going to chill and make myself the best version of myself out of spite


Found out a month ago she had been cheating for several months. All the memories, all the fun we had, all the laughs. They're all sullied and tarnished now. Like the joy I felt in those times were just an elaborate practical joke. I'm broken and lost and I wish there was an instruction manual I can follow so I don't have to think and decide for myself


All the people who commented on this video are probably already moved on, while I'm here just starting the journey.


Being cheated on is a blessing. It allows you to slam the door shut permanently


I’ve found out he’s been cheating me for almost a year and we got married only 3 months ago. Im beyond devastated, I feel offended, disrespected, deeply disappointed and hurt.He’s still seeing that person, he didn’t cut the ties with her.Although we don’t live together anymore, it pains me knowing how he builds his live life while I’m suffering.


The worst thing is not knowing for certain but knowing in your gut.


Im gonna meet my ex for the last time and tell her i forgive her despite the hate i feel towards her, i dont wanna live the rest of my life hating the person i loved. I will Cry, Sob or even Shout my anger out, express the feelings i always hide since she did that.

I just recently realized that im not the person i used to be after she did those things. I live in misery day by day so im gonna say it all out loud and go on to the next page of my life.

If you read this message please live a wonderful life.


Literally sitting here watching this while crying


My partner of 27 years cheated on me for 13 of them. During that time, I battled mental illness and breast cancer. In some sick way, I still want to see him. I am absolutely crushed. I have been reaching out and I don’t know how to stop. So terrible.


This healing isn't going to happen over night, in a week, or even a month. As details are revealed, the healing clock starts all over again. Healing will come but it's not going to be easy or fast.


Praying for speedy healing for all of us. This thread shows that there are still some good souls who believe in monogamy. I'm hopeful I will find my true love. Can't wait


I've been with my wife for 14 years, I thought she was my soulmate. Two weeks ago I found out she's been having an affair. This is so hard 😭


I just feel like I can't bounce back anymore. Am too broken


I’m sorry to everyone suffering. Cheating is definitely a deal breaker for me. It’s hard to see them the same way. So many lies. Could never trust them again. I’d rather stay as far away as possible than to go back
