TIPS: What to do after CHEATING | 5 STEPS to FIX a broken relationship

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Infidelity can ruin your relationship! However it doesn't have to mean that it's over. You CAN bounce back after cheating. This video gives you 5 steps to take to repair a relationship broken by cheating.

Share this with someone who has been cheated on, or someone who is currently cheating! Maybe it will change their perspective! Being a young woman in a healthy relationship for the past 9 years, i'm sharing some of the things that have helped my husband and I stay happy and healthy!

I hope this video helps someone!

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I don’t know where to start. I haven’t slept nor have I eaten in 2 days. I cheated and I regret it. I’m in so much pain. I feel her pain and mine.


My girlfriend is giving me a chance again after I confessed everything. It was a mistake and God knows I'm ashamed of myself. She's a beautiful person. She's given me a second chance. Its time to be her best ❤️.
Guys please don't cheat. It's horrible for the victim


It won't go back to what it used to be but it will be better and stronger than what it used to be


I never thought I would be looking for help in this way


1. apologize
2. fix the root of the problem
3. therapy
4. transparency
5. constant reassurance


My wife cheated on me and ive gone from a confident positive man to a shell of myself. We have been together 20 years and have alot of ties from children to finances. Im really struggling 7 months later to get over it. Love to anyone whos going through this betrayal


Cheaters- Don't get so caught up in your self-guilt. You aren't helping anybody and you are missing an amazing opportunity for some serious growth. Be patient and compassionate with your partner to give them what they need to heal and reconcile your relationship
Betrayed- As one who has cheated, what she said is absolutely right that it has very little to do with you and mostly about the cheater's own issues. That doesn't make it right, but don't blame yourself. You are good enough.
* We are ALL dealing with issues that nobody else knows anything about, so be loving and compassionate to each other, especially those that "don't deserve it." They need it the most. Love you all, now back to work on myself to try to save my marriage


The 1st you said is very true, you CAN NOT move on until you understand why it was done and get an understanding! Thank you! It doesn’t matter if it’s 3 years, 10 years, 20 years ago if it was NOT talked about and genuinely apologized for then it always gonna stay there!


Thank you for making this video ❤ Now a days a lot of people will shame you for staying as the person that has been betrayed/cheated on. I never imagined being able to try and reconcile after being hurt so bad, but people really are flawed and have issues within themselves. And if both people REALLY put the effort in rebuilding trust and start to respect one another, then I truly think it can work.


okay what i’m seeing in this comments is people trying to normalize cheating. if you are going to continue to cheat STAY OUT OF COMMITTED RELATIONSHIPS. y’all are seriously damage and installing psychological issues into people because...what? you can’t be alone? i honestly mean it when i say i will never forgive a cheater because i owe it to myself. cheating is a choice 100%. asking someone to forgive cheating is extremely selfish and it’s almost like taking advance of someone else. if you have issues, that’s your issue to fix. don’t date someone and cheat and then guilt trip them into staying because “you’re fighting demons”. i’m sorry to all the fellow people out there who have been cheated out there and never got an explanation and felt like it was your fault.


being on both sides, this video made me feel so much better


It takes two people to make things work. It hurts more when it’s just you trying


Some people don't count flirting as cheating. I'm not one of those people, the fact is it was an honest mistake and I didn't realise how bad it was until it was too late. I think the worst part is her thinking she did something wrong. I told her but I made the mistake of not telling her everything immediately - she found out mostly through a friend. I would do anything for her and I never thought I was that kind of person.


I ended my relationship the second I found out. My favorite line was when they said no one would love me as much as they did. That made me laugh. I was like well you didn't hold the bar that high.


I did him terribly. Months receiving pictures from random men and talking to them online. Ive been crying for two weeks of guilt. He knows all about it. He knows everything ive done and so does my mother but he forgives me and I cant understand why he did. We met last november for my birthday cause we were online dating. After that I just cant handle myself anymore. It made me realize its real we are actually dating


The person who cheated is the most broken. Alot of people don’t realize the psychology of a cheater


I’m just balling crying listening to you.


You hit it on the head. It’s both of us and in order for it survive we both have to accept our faults and forgive. I messed up, was speaking with someone but nothing physical… she saw the texts … we’re taking and seeing a counselor. All I can do is put it in Gods hands


Thank you so much for this. I am in a very hard situation now because of cheating. I hurted my partner and I'm willing to do everything to heal our relationship. Thank you.
