RELATIONSHIP ADVICE: Your self-worth after the cheating

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#selfworth #relationship
If you've been betrayed, cheated on and under appreciated, recognize that IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT. No matter what, if your love was not enjoyable enough to your partner or they decided to explore and give into temporary satisfaction, it's their choice which you have no control over.
As much as it may hurt, you need to know that their decision has nothing to do with your worth.
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It's not you who is not good enough. It's the person who cheated on you is not good enough for you.


It isn't love that hurts you its the lack of love is what hurts us.


Just found I was being cheated on today after almost a year :/ so here I am thank you


It's not your fault if your partner chooses to be unfaithful; it's their choice, not yours. Recognizing this can help you move past the hurt and take back control.


I just got cheated on after 4 and a half years. We just got a house together and she denied doing anything wrong straight to my face. My ex’s sister is such a saint that she called me and told me what was going on. Stay strong everyone, we can get through this.


Who I was a year ago when I found out that he cheated and who I am now, are two totally different people. I have self love, self esteem, confidence and I know my worth and that I am dope! I know now that it was not my fault. He made a choice, a terrible choice.


I've gone through hundreds of videos after being cheated on, and your words were exactly what I needed to hear. I feel much better now. Thank you


This is hard for me because I have terrible self esteem. I have a lot of trouble seeing myself as valuable


I feel like being faithful is almost a thing of the past these days. My wife was cheating for months before I figured it out, def a long road ahead moving on...


I’ve been with my boyfriend almost 4 years, we had a baby boy 4 months ago. And on Mother’s Day I find out he’s cheating on me.. I feel everything and yet nothing at the same time. 🥺


“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”


Let him go. Let it go. It's hard but one day we look back it at it and it makes us stronger. Going through it


I watch this video every week to remind myself that I’m a bad bitch


I haven’t eaten in 4 days I’m so heartbroken. I broke up with my fiancé of 4 years because he cheated. I had to beg him to travel 1 town over for our 4 year anniversary… but he took this other girl half way across the country. He didn’t do anything for me for anniversaries, birthdays, Christmas, but he made sure she was taken care of. And when I got upset, he told me I was crazy and being way to jealous. He told me that I ruined everyone’s day when I was around and that if I were a better person people would like me more. He told me all his friends hated me. I don’t think I’ll ever recover from this awful experience… he isolated me from everyone these past 4 years so I wouldn’t leave, but now that I left I have nobody left. Idk what I’m gonna do. Idk why I wasn’t good enough. What does she have that I don’t… I’ve never been enough..


Just found out I’ve been being cheated on and taking advantage of. Thank you for making this video it validates a lot I’ve been feeling.


I had horrible self esteem before, but now it’s the worst it has ever been. It’s been 3 months since I found out today. It’s just so unfair. I feel like I’ll never be good enough again.


Someone I really love and respect recently found that that her husband has been unfaithful. I'm watching this video to know how to support and help her recover. She is one of the most intelligent and strong people I know and I hope to God this doesn't break her.


This video saved me. I’ve been cheated on in several different relationships, and every single one hurt me deeply, but the most recent one hurt me the most. I definitely got into my ego like you said.

I learned from you that in that relationship, I was never the issue. I was never too much nor not enough for my ex. He just made the choice to sabotage what we had because HE was the one that gave up.

In the army, we call people that give up easily people with “tiny heart syndrome”. I know myself. I don’t give up. I’m a fighter and a survivor, and every situation in my life has only made me stronger.

I don’t hate my ex, nor my other exes. I just was not their person, and that’s okay. That’s the choice they made. I wanted them to be my person, and I wanted to be their person, but it just wasn’t meant to be.

I am healing now. I am working on loving myself and understanding myself more. I’m embracing my singlehood.


i just got cheated on and i keep crying getting sad and questioning my self worth because i tried my hardest


There are so many youtube vids showing that ur equally responsible if ur man cheats and I simply don't agree. Even if ur partner blames u it's THEIR responsibility. THIS is just the video I needed. Thank you.
