Ashlynn's Story: Why I Stayed After He Cheated

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We lived in the "weeds" for 14 years of our marriage. We felt alone separately and together. Until one day a friend shared her own story and we realized we weren't alone, that there was specialized help and most importantly there was HOPE! Now we share our stories to help others.

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She's basically rewarding him for cheating. Saying they can move mountains and stuff. He's the one that cheated, not her. Why is she making all this effort. Get a grip, you deserve better. You were not put on this earth to fix that man!


Why is it the one is cheated on always blames themselves???
My wife cheated on me emotionally I felt like I was shot in the stomach
I finally got fed up and divorced her


Emotional affairs the worst. The emotional betrayal, sadness, and anger is indescribable. His behavior was so selfish. Regardless of addiction, he was well aware of his commitment to his wife.


Video made me cry for her. She loves him so much, but I don’t think his infidelity will ever stop.


I could get on board at the beginning, but when you learned he cheated a second time, no. This is a terrible message to put out there to other women. Sorry you don't have enough self respect to leave a cheater, but don't try telling other women that it's "an addiction" and they should give chances to someone that cheats repeatedly.


All of you will never are looking from the outside, just as she said, "from the outside it looks terrible". Until you have lived through something like this, or had parents go through it you won't get it. You may have an opinion but that is all that it is. Don't bash someone else for something you don't know.


It's called toxic love. He's not a real man, I am, with flaws for sure😔 but I'm always pursuing my wife's heart, to win it over and over again, I'm a man because I treat her with love and
respect, and if something I've done or are doing that causes her pain, I work hard to change that. We are our best friends. What I'm saying should not be special, but what a real man should do naturally.

Kind regards,
Joshua H


He turned around and divorces her in 2021; I knew he wasn't changed. No true remorse. I feel bad for her waiting around for him to give her what he could not. His heart was not in the marriage. Mercy! She deserves better. He will do the same thing to another woman if he has not learned his lessons.


Omg no offense but I feel so bad for her. She's blaming herself for something that's not even her fault. She's wasting her life with him. It's not an addiction, he's a cheater. If he had an "addiction, " he should've known to not marry & have kids so that he doesn't hurt more people. Come on. We as women have to stop accepting things that we are clearly not comfortable with. Just to say that we "changed him" or kept him in the end despite everything. This is so sad.


This woman is the definition of a doormat. Marriage is hard enough but throw in cheating. I refuse to settle for this.


Who else wished a polar bear would run up in the end and drag that cheating pos away?


He doesn’t even care for her he just looks at her all stoned faced.


This guy will never love her the way she loves him. My heart breaks for her.


One thing have learn, that no one can love as much as GOD love you.


Could you ever really forgive him? How could you ever forget that when he's touching you, he also touched another woman in the same places? Gross!


Encouraging other women to stay with their spouse after he has cheated whether it be emotionally or physically is the same for me as encouraging someone who has experienced physical or emotional abuse to allow their spouse back in. You have to want better for yourself. Do not make excuses for a man/woman that has done you wrong. That just sends the message to your spouse that you'll tolerate that behavior in the future. How can you love yourself if you'll willingly cast aside your dignity and respect? Once trust is broken it will never again be how it once was.


You had me then u lost me when u said you stayed with him 😂😂


I wish she knew how wonderful and strong she is and how he doesn't deserve her at all! It's not fair that she is the faithful spouse and has done her part in keeping the marriage together yet he can go out here not once but twice and mess around on her and he's still able to keep his marriage.. He's truly blessed to have a godly woman who can forgive and stay.. He should be ashamed of himself


It's good they got back together but I guarantee you that the scar she has from this will never go away. It will always play in the back of her mind. I've been there but I didn't have the same outcome as her. People if you're going to cheat just end the relationship it causes so much damage to the other person and others in your life. Don't fight. Just leave. If the cheater wants to cheat let them. But get your self-respect back and find someone who's going to respect you and love you and be faithful to you.


You realize he’s going to do it many more times?
