12 MIN AB WORKOUT - Medium Level / No Equipment I Pamela Reif

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I know I'm popular for my super duper intense Sixpack Workouts .. and I also have Beginner ones. But what about something IN BETWEEN? ♥︎ / Werbung

If you're not a Beginner anymore, but the other videos are still a tiny bit too hard for you. This workout is for you! I hope I managed to find the perfect "in between" Level - a MEDIUM one.
Have fun! :)


The video is in full length which means you can just follow whatever I’m doing 30s for each exercise. If you need a break - TAKE IT! Don't worry too much about that. You will improve over time :) that's the best feeling!

I recommend switching up your workouts to give your muscles enough time to recover and to hit them from different angles. If you want to challenge your body in another way: check out my Live Workouts (with talking + explanations), the 20min Full Body Workouts, Leg Workouts or the Song Workouts.

▸ you can find WORKOUT PLANS with those videos on my Instagram Channel. 30min, 45min and Beginner Friendly combinations. Check out the Highlight Bubble "Workout Plans" for that.


▸ You can always find ALL SONGS in my workout playlist. I update it weekly & it's available on Spotify, Apple Music, etc. ♥︎

1. Deepend feat. She Keeps Bees - Desire 0:00 - 2:41
2. Sam Feldt feat. Ella Henderson - Hold me Close 2:42 - 5:44
3. Diplo, Sidepiece - On My Mind 5:45 - 9:30
4. Dubdogz, Bhaskar - Infinity 9:31 - 12:38


unterstützt durch Warner Music Germany

When joining me for this workout video, you need to take some precautions as your health and safety is the most important. To avoid any injury or harm, you need to check your health with your doctor before exercising. By performing any fitness exercises without supervision like with this video, you are performing them at your own risk. See a fitness professional to give you advice on your exercise form. Pamela Reif will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this video.
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Hey everyone ♥︎ If you're not a Beginner anymore, but the other Ab videos are still a tiny bit too hard for you. This workout is for you! It's a "Medium Level" - so something right in between :) 

I will publish new Free Home Workout Plans for next week on my Instagram later! 
They will also be saved in my Highlight section. 
Instagram: pamela_rf


I love how she gets right into her workouts without all the dialogue!


That “we’ll done” at the end really feels amazing


I'm actually so happy in the quarantine because loads of fitness YouTubers especially you are posting it's amazing!


11:50 Pamela is fixing her hair and doing a one hand plank.
meanwhile me at 11:50 wanting a third hand to keep myself from falling down.


i love her so much because she skipped the spider plank in round two lmao


Let, s all have a glow up during quarantine!😊
We can do this💪🏻


I love that your outfits match time circles in every video ❤


After 8 weeks in isolation - does anyone else associate certain songs with specific exercise now?


When the beat drops it gives you power for Russian twists


Crunch w/ knee lift
Hold w/ arm pulses
Russian twist
Russian twist w/knee lift
Standing bicycle crunch
Knee kick left
Knee kick right
Slow bicycle crunch
Scissors kicks
Roll ins
Ab hold
Hold w/ arm pulses
Mountain climber slow
Spider plank slow
High plank
Standing bicycle crunch
Knee kick left
Knee kick right
Russian twist
Russian twist w/ knee lift
Roll ins
Ab hold
Mountain climber slow
High plank


It's so amazing :) before 2weeks I couldn't even do your beginner ABs workout without a break and today I did your new 'medium workout' without a break. Thank you for all your work


64 year old guy here, doing this every friggin’ morning!


As a begginer, trying this workout made me rethink life. Especially with the planks. Those were the longest 30 seconds of my existence..


Guys, I’m so proud of myself! I finally was able to do this workout without breaks and i didnt feel like it was hard. I feel like I can do some more workouts. What I want to say: you can do it! Every day you get better until you’re as strong as Pam. I believe in you ❤️
Edit: i took break for some days & today I came back. I did her 10 mins waist workout and then did this & I was able to do this without any breaks again. Just wanted to tell you, cuz it shows that you can do it 💪🏻


How she looks after 12 min workout :😉☺️

How i look after 12 min workout : 🥵🤢


Who else likes training their abs more than their legs and arms


Everytime Pamela changes positions so quick, I say: "Girl, wait up!" Out loud haha! Anyone else?


I remember when I struggled to do Pamela's easier workouts, and now I can train the harder ones without having to pause all the time and to fight too hard. Thank you soo much Pamela !!


Am I the only one who likes her workouts better than Chloe ting? I don’t feel miserable as when I’m doing chloes but I also enjoy doing pamelas. Workout
