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I have this History teacher that picks on me all the time even when I do nothing wrong and she’s always saying “Your so passive aggressive” “And there’s that passive aggression again” She only says it to me and me only and Last week all I did was not hear her say we were switching to pen and she said “Switch you pen did you not hear me?” And I’m very very very very quiet in that class but I have an A/B grade and I just went to my backpack to grab a pen without saying anything and listening to her and she said “There you go with the passive aggression” and I got so pissed because one time I got called passive aggressive by her because I didn’t hold down my paper while writing even though it wasn’t moving and she told me to put my hand on it so it wouldn’t move and I did and I still got called passive aggressive. After what she said about the pen thing she told me to come after class at break and gave me a lecture about how I’m different and can’t socialize like a “normal human being” and talked to me about how I can’t Socialize with my peers and I say there in silence almost crying and I almost bursted out crying when she said I don’t try and I never try and she started comparing me to my partner and after she just let me go and she ruined my day. Later that night I cried myself to sleep for an hour.


Ah yes, be nice to a really annoying and passive aggressive person


bish i do this all the time and the person being passive aggressive torwards me still fuckin gets pissed by me


Agreee im more passive than passive agressive but trying to install fear into someone to get them to tell you things isnt gonna work in your favor. If you just give them the option by saying "you dont have to tell me anything" or something like that that will make the other person feel more safe


Try expressing your emotions as an adult and talk about them so other people don't have to walk on eggshells to be around you


Question about the topic. Does this sound passive-aggressive? The chef at my job asked me how I was after a lecture she gave me the day before. See, she'd taken me to my boss's office--with the both of them--and told me that I've been touching my coworkers too much ( *_casually, _* on arms or shoulders). I was always very outgoing and tactile at work. She told me that we need the workers to be comfortable in a good work environment. That I shouldn't talk about anything other than work and school or tell my stories, because they may be inappropriate or upsetting (can't remember her exact words) to others. Now yeah, I pretty much didn't have a filter, but I don't think I said anything *_horrible._* I only meant to have fun with my crew. I really didn't get specific information from the chef about subjects and references. She likes that I'm outgoing, but she made it sound risky and in need of limits. And again, that I shouldn't touch anyone without consent. And then the next day, she asked how I was. Like, WTF? What did she think? That I was doing well after she practically shamed me? If I didn't know any better, I'd say she was patronizing me--or just plain nuts. I should've said, "Uh....I'm sorry, I'm genuinely curious to ask, why would you ask me how I am after yesterday?" I'd kiII to know her point of view.

Also, for the record, I own my mistakes at work, so I don't want anyone twisting it around into I'm making the chef the only bad guy. I didn't _mean_ any harm or discomfort. If I had known anyone would feel either, (though technically no one showed signs), I would _not_ have touched them. I am not a creep. But the chef made me feel like one. I always thought it was perfectly innocent and natural, and I still do, in certain ways. Happens a lot at the bar parties I go to—total strangers. Besides, two middle-aged workers from the dining department have done it to me; I don’t condemn it. All in all, I deserved some dignity and comfort from the chef.


its THEIR choice to be passive aggressive. its not like they have to behave that way, so yeah no, if i ask them “are you okay” and they say “yeah” or something along that line, ur getting a “k.” from me because im not gonna walk on eggshells to talk to you. just learn how to express yourself.


Man how much i hate people when they ask 10 times to tell them what's wrong cuz after the second you not shutting your mouth is my only problem. I am a leave me be person and i hate when people bothering me with questions like these.. Ifi have a problem that really matters you can be sure i will tell you. I am not making big deals out of small problems, just leave me be. 😆


which attachement style acts like that I dont know which I am


I would just say
U k?
"I'm fine"
K .

That's my simplicity


Since when were you supposed to have rules for a passive aggressive person?😂, how bout we give them rules on how to not be annoying 😂
