EASIEST Way To Burn 500 Calories In 30 Minutes FLAT

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Now I have trained a lot of athletes in my day-- moms, dads, kids, you name it, Olympians. Every single time someone walked in the front door of that gym and said, Dan, can you help me shed five pounds this week? I need it off now. I have a fight coming up. Or I'm going in the military. I need to get this five pounds off. It's weighing me down. Or I've got a photo shoot and I need to get that lower belly fat to disappear.

Well, this is the number one thing that I did with every single one of my clients that paid me big money, big money to learn my secrets. Now I'm going to walk over here because I'm going to get on this machine. Yes, you know what that is, right? This is a Stairmaster. Now you don't have to be in a gym to find stairs. You can go find the stairs down at the convention center or one of the buildings downtown. Or maybe you even have stairs in your apartment complex, somewhere around-- just find stairs. Now this is an athletic gym. We are all about shedding the fat. Now five pounds-- here we go. I'm going to walk over here real fast.

This is the number one machine right here to burn the most belly fat. OK? I'm going to start this machine. And I'm going to tell you exactly how you're going to burn five pounds of fat-- so simple-- like 500 calories just in 30 minutes. Now I'm going to set this thing up. And I'm going to speed it up here, OK?

When you get on your stairs-- now you see this? You see this armrest? If you have a lower back that hurts, this is a good thing because it helps take some of the pressure off your back. Now the intensity that you need on this machine and/or the stairs ease your nine to 10, meaning 10 the most intense. Nine is almost the most intense, right? You're going to set your machine for 30 minutes. And you're going to go for 30 minutes at an all-out max effort.

If you do that, I promise you your heart rate is going to get up. If you need to do intervals, which would be a high intensity for, let's say, two minutes, back down just a little bit on the intensity for two minutes, and then back up, you're going to burn massive amounts of calories. So the Stairmaster is the key to burning 500 calories in only 30 minutes.

Now I didn't waste my time coming up here to tell you that. So make sure you're using this secret. Because if you want to burn 500 calories, all you have to do is jump on some stairs. And of course, you're going to go more high intensity than what I am right now. Because this is not going to be-- I would be able to talk to you. But you're going to need to jam on this thing, OK? You're going to need to really get it done and make it happen.

Now in theory, if you only exercise for 30 minutes and you burn 500 calories, one pound of fat is 3,500 calories. But that's not including the 24-hour, 48-hour afterburn. The metabolic rate stays high, right? You burn fat while you sleep, while you drive home. Yep, exactly-- so everything you're doing, talking on the phone, you're still burning belly fat-- 500 calories by this one awesome machine.

Now I'm going to stop this, because I want to come up here. And I want to talk to you one more time. If you want your dream body, all you have to do is implement this machine. And also, you have to be moving differently. Because if you're over the age of 40 like me-- 45 years old-- if you want biceps, if you want to chisel your chest, if you want abs, if you want to feel healthy, all you have to do is move differently. And you have to use the Over 40 Protocol.
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I make 1 hour's daily stairs climbing for 30 days, and I lost 10kg/22lbs. Just a little bit advice for someone who want to lost weight, relax and don't ever jump to level 10 at first try, consistency is the key. If your finds level 10 it too hard, make it level 5 with 1 hour intead 30 minutes. Don't rush, you'll develop your intensities of the muscles day by day. For example, this week you make level 5 for 1 hour, next week level 6 for 1 hour, and so on untill you reach level 10 for 1 hour. Remember, set your target that "you want to be healthy" not "you want to loose belly fat". It's bcoz when you loose you belly fat, you'll stop and you'll gain weight again. Trust me, I loose a weight, gain weight, again and again for 2 years straight. Consistency is the key.


I'm obsessed with the stair masters because I've lost loads of weight from BBW down to medium size all big thanks to the stair masters. My goal is to always burn 500 calories when I go on the stair master. It a fantastic fat burner


You just gave me hope. I want to lose a lot of weight before my birthday on December 29th and this is the machine im going to go straight to!!


To burn 500 calories in 30 mins you have to keep your heart rate above 175 bpm, high-speed walking will get you somewhere between 110 and 125 bpm. Only running, climbing hills, or intensive heavy weight lifting with a very short resting period between sets could get you above 175 bpm. So if you're not an athlete don't do that because it is not sustainable I've seen very few people who stayed with this intense workout for a week or more, do regular workout sessions, one hour a day three times to five times a week and keep a 300 to 500-calorie deficit diet.


I just tried it for first time today and attempted level 10. Oh boy my heart rate got to 170 easily. It's much harder than other cardio


The stairmaster will get you right. I added 3/4 sessions a week into my training and my stomach shrunk so fast.


To put it simply, go all out for 2 mins, lower a bit, and repeat.


I use a treadmill with a 40% incline, it's exactly the same except the stairs is easier on the joints for those who can't handle the stretched ankles.


My subconscious mind somehow zeroed in on the statement about burning calories while you sleep. Yeah I like that part :-)


I am doing 400 Caloreis on treadmill in 40 minutes


Boi gotta do this and as a freshman for high school I’m going to get bullied time to get strong 💪


Hey dan great workout!!! How many times a week should you do fat burn on the Stairmaster?


Alright my friend, I am going to try this, I hope and believe it will work. Stay strong and keep your great videos coming. I love it!!! Way to go Dan!!!


I hit the StairClimber every gym session for at least 30 minutes. 5 days a week. I like to do intervals (1 min level 8, 1 min @ level 20, repeat). This keeps my attention on the timing rather than the pain. Apple watch says I burn about 400 calories at 30 minutes and I'm soaked in sweat. Been doing this for a few months now. My legs have never been so strong.


500 calories a hour seems like a massive overestimate to me and if you send your heart rate too high you'll just end up burning mostly carbs and it will not be sustainable. I notice a lot of people at gym similarly hunched over the stair machine (which is not good for your back), they go on it for about 5-10 minutes and then give up. Best way is zone 2 steady state cardio like jogging, cycling, or just plain old walking for a few hours a day.


What tempo should I walk at? How do I find out?


I burn 500 calories in one hour on the treadmill, but you could do it in 30 minutes


Thanks Dan!! From Monday I’ll do the stairs for a whole week. Trying to clean bulk but at the same time losing my belly fat. And oh man, it ain’t easy even doing cardio every day for 45min. Hope the stairs will do the trick.


I'm here planning to do a cheat meal


Thank you for your wonderful advice! I started today 🎉
