3 MILE Fat Burning Indoor Walk (Burn up to 500 calories!!) Beginner Friendly | growwithjo

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Do this workout everyday to see major weight loss results!!

Are you ready to burn MAX calories? This workout is for you!! This 3 mile workout will NOT disappoint you! Make sure to share and track your progress in the comments to encourage all your fellow walkers who are doing this at home.

This workout requires only your own body weight and can be done virtually anywhere. It is beginner friendly, and if you want to make it even more challenging, you can add some small 3-5lb weights.

I did this workout with my bodyweight alone and i was sore (this is coming from someone who has been working out for over 10 years!)

If you struggle with any of the moves, ITS OKAY, just keep stepping. This will keep your heart rate up, which is optimal for elevating your metabolism and burning the most amount of calories possible! This workout is great for your heart health, and also GREAT for your mood!

If you struggle with getting the entire workout done just come back tomorrow and try to go for a little longer. There is nothing wrong with building your way up to doing this full workout! We all start somewhere and there is NO shame whatsoever in going at your own pace.

If you are not familiar with my walking workouts, also make sure to check out the rest of my walking workouts. They are quick, fun, and really pack the burn (trust me i am not just saying this, i sweat like CRAZY when i do these workouts).

Workout: 40s exercise, 20s walk
5. high knee march x2
6. knee up pumpers x2
7. kick & reach x2
8. side shuffle x2
9. kick forward and back x2
10. step back & ground tap x2
11. standing rock wall climb x2
12. alternating star jacks x2
13. curtsy ground taps x2
14. bounce & hip twist x2
15. side to side 90 degree curls x2
16. step back & knee drive x2
17. half squat step out x2
18. heel taps x2
19. pull down ball slam x2
20. 4 corner punches x2
21. speed feet & side punch x2
22. rumba arm roll & butt kick x2
23. side step kick out x2

Record a video or take a picture of you doing the workout, tag me @growwithjo #growwithjo @growwithjo_united

All information provided by growwithjo is of a general nature and is furnished only for educational/entertainment purposes only. No information is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any individual specific health or medical condition. You agree that use of this information is at your own risk and hold growwithjo harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, injuries or damages resulting from any and all claims.

growwithjo beginner workouts abs workout walking all standing low impact fun fitness videos
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IF YOU'RE LOVING THESE WORKOUTS, please like them (this helps me a lot) and share them with a friend (this helps me even more, and is actually one of the greatest compliments when you tell me who you've been sharing my workouts with).. Maybe share your fav one via Facebook or even WhatsApp/Text one of your friends you haven't talked to in a while. These type of workouts are great for ANYONE because they are low impact, you don't need equipment, and it gets your heart rate UP!

So share it with your mom, share it with your kiddos, share it with anyone who may need a little pick me up!

When we work together to motivate each other to stay healthy, we are better off as a community!

So spread the love, and motivate your friends to move. They will thank you later (trust me).

Thankyou ALWAYS for all your support, you ladies motivate me to continue making these videos and sharing my love of movement with you all. I love you hunnies xoxo


I won't lie. This was a little tough for me but I kept up with it for the entire video & I'm 72 years old.


"I'm tired. I want to quit."
Jo: 😃
Me: fine I'll stay


I lost 28lbs(13kg) with grow with jo and went from 93 to 80kg. Jo really helped me. i did it with a calorie deficit and working out just at home using home carpet and socks on. I was light active at home so i figured i should do something with my weight. Ofc i stopped for a while and regained 3kg but i did this workout today and i am proud of myself. To all my girlies you can do it just keep in mind there is no excuse you can just use a pair of socks and your house rag.


What a great workout! I love that it doesn't include burpees or exercises on the floor, you just need yourself and a bottle of water!
5533 steps, 480 calories!


I just did 15 minutes of this. I’m on the floor. I’ll be back tomorrow.


I did THIS after a 10 mins plank workout. I am a monster. WHO IS FREAKING PROUD OF HERSELF


I just found you and did the whole 45 minutes. LET ME TELL YOU: I'm a 41 year old, morbidly obese women. I have never enjoyed a youtube work out more than this one. Your energy and smile are infections. THANK THE LARD I FOUND YOU!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


I’m 70 yrs young . Found this lovely lady a couple months ago . This workout is a must . It covers everything . . You are never too old to work out .


This is amazing. Did this while listening to my audio book and still burned 400 calories! Going to do this everyday for a month. Will update with my results!


I exercised on this video for 1 month so here are my results. I'm gonna continue doing this workout I love it so much!
I'm 158 cm tall and 65kg. I did this workout 5 times a week. My belly is flatter, muffintops went down. The cellulite on my thighs are almost gone!! I feel so energetic, my whole body is thighter and nicely sculpted down! I drink a lots of water, 2-3liters a day, eat less junk food and I eat everything I want, just in smaller plates. Also sometimes I drink protein powder.
I don't see much changes in kilogramms, but in inches is noticeable!
Thank you Jo for inspiring me and now I'm love working out! I'm gonna follow your other videos if I get bored of this one! Keep up girl! Love you 💕

PS: Sorry for my english, I'm not a native speaker


I was skeptical at first.. but then in only 2 weeks I lost 5 Kilos and I've never been more determined in my life!! I've cut out sugars and processed food and do home workout everyday for minimum 30 minutes and the results are AMAZING! Thank you so much :)


I did this today, and I thank God for you. If somebody had told me I could be exercising for 45 minutes straight, I wouldn't have believed it. God bless you.


Wearing a light grey body suit for a sweaty workout is an absolute POWER MOVE


422 calories; 5328 steps; dripping in sweat. This workout is no joke! Loved it!


This woman is literally the best thing I've ever discovered on YouTube ♥


Before I found this channel, I would have seriously doubted my ability to get through an entire 45-minute workout at this stage of my getting (back) in shape journey. I'm currently 244 lbs and working toward my healthy 160 lbs. Thank you so much for making these videos!! 😭❤‍🔥629 CALORIES!!!! 🤯


Ladies this is a perfect workout if you’re on your period. Especially the first days when you feel the most discomfort and low energy and don’t want to jump around and put too much stress on your body.


I just burned 800 calories with this workout. I’m a big girl who has lost 50 pounds but I’m still in that beginner stage and this was awesome!


OMG I've been trying to complete this workout since it posted and I always tap out around 30 minutes or so. But today I finished! This may not be a big deal to others, but seeing you smile and push through is so encouraging! Thank you!
