How a Narcissist Uses Your Triggers Against You

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There are just some people, call them unhealthy, that do not want genuine connections. The only thing that is on their agenda is making themselves feel better. They will go to extreme lengths to get what they need to feel better about themselves.

They will twist the truth. They will use what you have confided in them against you later on. They will see the things that hurt and trigger you the most and throw them back at you to hurt you.

Unfortunately a lot of us are learning this truth the hard way.

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narcissism only works when you dont know that they are a narcissist. once they are found out the power is gone .


I left
I survived
I'm healing 😌


misery loves company. its crazy how they will do anything to not feel alone in their hellish world


They certainly are children in adults bodies.


"It's NOT ALL about YOU, you know!" is one of their mantras when you assert your legitimate needs in a situation.


I have a new manager who was raising her voice at me. I have a feeling she may have narcissistic traits. But I looked her in the eye remaining stoic. I started smiling and I said, I’ll get on it. I could see she wasn’t expecting that reaction. An hour later she realized I had already finished what she was asking me to do. She said, You should have told me you were done. I said, “ You were hell bent on being upset, I didn’t want to ruin your moment. She just walked away.


My biggest mistake was over sharing with my narcissistic abuser. Later on he used every single thing that we initially bonded over against me. 😢 It really sucks.


The thing about narcissists is they're all about preserving their fragile ego. So whatever vulnerabilities you have is an ego boost to them because they don't have empathy. They have a twisted psyche where your weakness is their strength. So they take your your vulnerabilities as opportunities to exploit you. Weaponizing your inner and outer empathy against you. This creates a person who becomes isolated and hypervigilant someone who loses trust and hope in others.


They are the worst. They try to break you.


I feel like the best thing is go no contact or, if this is not possible, don´t share anything personnal, keep the conversation on the surface level and when they try to trigger you practice becoming cold blooded and develop a strong sense of self that allows you to set boundries. Amazing video!


I grew up with a narcistic mother, narcissistic oldest brother and sister. I used to think it was me and was a bad person however after I read a book, about the narcissistic family, I was horrified. How can people be so conniving, vindictive and downright cruel. I am glad I found the name of the demon and it is narcissism. They literally sabotaged the important growing years of my life which would have helped me become vital and alive today.


Sooner or later - narcs broke themselves.


I am very familiar with this. They test out a variety of insults and depending on which ones elicit a reaction they repeat those and discontinue the others.


I told my covert narcissist mother that I was planning on getting my Bachelor's degree in Psychology, she said: "You're wasting your time. You'll never get a job doing that." After that, I never mentioned ANY of my interests or plans to her. We're "no contact" right now and she's blocked from EVERYTHING. I'm much happier and calmer now that she's out of my life.


They tried and failed miserably and I still stand very strong like a pillar


I stopped exploding when she tried triggering me, and then she left...


This is what I have been thinking lately. They are “insecure.”
This is a huge problem.
They have to put you down because they are too insecure to lift themselves up.


I'm mad that I'm 64 and we were together 23 years. Just the last couple of years, the "monster" came out. Cheated with a young (35) married woman at work. Humiliated me, caused gossip, started to change and he was done. I was so stupid and I will never understand how he could EVER treat ANY HUMAN so cruelly and enjoy breaking you. 23 years and I don't get any answers, I am hated of course, and he can't even give me any compassion or respect at all. I've been out for 6 years and had no idea what a narc was....i know now. God bless all of you. It does get better but I still ruminate coz I'm so angry! No closure and he denied affair (which is laughable). I never got to say a word coz he threw a tantrum and dismissed me....


A narcissist couldn't figure out what my fears were. Frustrated he finally came out and asked me what my fears were.


Most of the time the things they think is your problem is actually their poblem, like being mad about somthing that happened twelve years ago, or the fact that They have a bad additude, and they make mountains out of mole hills because they are petty. None of that is your malfunction it's theirs, but they most likely won't self reflect, because they are delusional.
