Relationship Instability & Childhood Emotional Neglect

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In this video, I discuss how relationship instability is a serious sign of childhood emotional neglect.
To watch more of this video, search "15 Signs of Childhood Emotional Neglect - And What You Can Do About It" on my YouTube channel.

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Hi, I'm Kenny Weiss 👋

I teach the four pillars of the Authentic Self Cycle: Truth, Responsibility, Healing, and Forgiveness.

I will do my best to provide you with the knowledge, skills, and tools to heal childhood trauma, childhood emotional neglect, codependency, narcissistic abuse, stress, shame, fear, anger, sadness, self-deception, self-sabotage, depression, divorce, relationship problems, parenting, parental alienation, estrangement, addiction, mental health, mindset, self-love, and the worst day cycle so you can reclaim your authentic self.

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It’s true. Very few people are happy in relationships. Is rare. Many of them just tolerate it. We put too much weight and hope into relationships. It’s most often not the key to happiness and a satisfying life.


Yes I believe those that have very little introspective co exist without really understanding the disfunction in their relationship


Kenny I love you! I love the vocabulary you use to help us laypersons understand. You are amazing. I also married a narc lile you. Luckily, I didn't have a kid with her. God Bless sir! Keep up the amazing work!


Been married 38 years. I was the scapegoat to a self righteous and covert mother ( she was diagnosed with a personality disorder when she and dad sought counseling.) Dad was an alcoholic/ workaholic and I guess super immature/ thin skinned because he was so paranoid. I've been in therapy many times over the years, and my husband is what I'd call a neglectful narcissist. He's happy; I feel like I'm slowly dying. I just try to stay busy with grandchildren and am blessed with super wonderful friends and great relationship with my sister. When you've had a tormented childhood, you settle for crumbs.


Yes and they get sick but too afraid to separate
One of my friends literally died
Till death do we part!


It takes about 6 months before you start to know a person. And that's not just on the telephone and that's just not emails. It's being around that person everyday. You can't say while we're been dating 46 months when you only speak and see each other on the weekend.
Six months is thirty days times six which equals, Eighteen hundred days. And you're always on your very best. Trying to give the best impression and hiding the true self. My opinion is let each other see who you are right from the go get. And a lot of people are not honest right from the beginning. Because they're too afraid that person won't like you.
To me that's terrible. Because you have to say how you feel from the beginning and if you don't like something. Tell the other person and if you do like something, let the other person know. Don't hide anything. Because the worst thing is to find The Truth. After you married and you don't want to be deceitful. When people are deceitful then They break up and then people were hurt. And sometimes people go into a relationship as if it's some kind of game. You don't play with people's emotions.


And sometimes in a relationship, people expect that each other are going to have an even temperament, dean and day out. And that there's no such thing as emotional.
Up and downs. You can expect person to be the same emotionally for whole 6 weeks or a whole. Six months you gotta realize that people have their emotions day in and day out. So, after knowing someone for a short. of time and all of a sudden, they get upset about something. And you're shocked it's beyou expected them to be Always evenly emotional.
Come on not everybody's gonna be the happy goody two shoes. Who have to learn to be tolerable. Everybody has their ups and Downs. It's how you handle it and how they handle it. Don't be extreme with your emotions. If you get upset, don't get extremely angry and flip out. Because nobody wants to live with somebody like that. And don't put your date eight on a pedestal. Because you'll be let down when you find some fault. Remember remember they have to put up with you. So make yourself a better person if you find any flaws about yourself work on it. You don't have to be perfect, but you should be kind. Warm generous understanding and respectful.


Relationships should not be difficult you always attract the person that is just like you. So if you're screwed up part in the expression, you're gonna attract somebody that screwed up to. So if you want somebody who is kind and understanding and patient, you have to be the same way.
And then you're going to get the right person. And don't rush a relationship. There's nothing wrong with being a friend for a year. You don't have to jump in the sack. I think that's one of the worst things you do. Because once you do that, you feel obligated. That you have to stay with a person because you slept with them. Don't get yourself into a situation where you're alone in their house. So that you're tempted to have sex when you're not even ready for it. Maybe i'm a little fashion but sometimes it's better to be that way. Because in the end you end up to be good friends and that's important you start off. As a friendship, and you end it as a friendship if the relationship doesnt work. No one gets hurt.


It’s morethan 28yrs. Surviva and so much into that era .?😊


Sometimes, a person can be charmed by someone's good looks and then inside they have a rotten heart, but they have been deceived because the girl For example's got a nice body, pretty face, and the woman's so good at coning a man because she knows she's good looking. And then there's these guys that are nice and tall. Good looking, and the woman falls for the good looks. But he could be a jerk and abusive.. So do not, and I repeat, do not fall for someone's good looks.


The trouble nowadays is. People are too quick to jump in the sack and think that is ❤️ sex just confuses things. ANYONE CAN HAVE SEX.. And then six months goes by the honeymoon Is over and they wake up. AND REALIZE IT WAS A MISTAKE.
And they are too quick to wine and dime each other. They'll take somebody out for dinner and they will take them to a fine food restaurant and the next weekend they're doing it again. But the truth of the matter is You can't expect that you can afford to eat out in a restaurant every weekend that can get expensive. What about pizza what about mcdonald's. Be realistic and be honest not everyone can afford that type of lifestyle. And if a woman is like that and that's what she wants. All the time. Then you're going to get a gold digger. And she's going to be high maintenance. But if you got a lot of money and you don't mind throwing your money away, then go find a woman like that high maintenance. And sometimes women like that will get tired of you so fast that they're going to find someone else. That's got more money and then you're going to be left out in the cold and penniless😅😅


We are too stupid to get out
