5 Signs You're Emotionally Unstable

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Emotional instability can take a toll on your mental health, relationships, and overall well-being. Are you struggling to manage your emotions and feel like they're getting the best of you? Do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or sad for no apparent reason?

In this video, we'll explore five signs of emotional instability and what they could mean for you. From sudden mood swings to difficulty regulating emotions, we'll help you identify the signs so that you can take the necessary steps to manage them.

Disclaimer: If the video resonated with you and you're currently struggling, please don't hesitate to reach out to a mental health professional. Seeking support is a courageous step toward healing and you don't have to go through it alone. Remember, there's no shame in asking for help and it's okay to prioritize your mental health.

Researcher and Writer: Syazwana Amirah
Editor: Caitlin McColl
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Voice Over: Brandon
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong


Lahey, B. B. (2009). Public health significance of neuroticism. American Psychologist, 64(4), 241.
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Tell us about your own emotional experiences


0:08 warning
0:16 emotinal instability
0:57 hormones
1:10 depression

1:23 emotinal rollercoaster
1:57 acting impulsively
2:37 unexpected reactions
3:02 unpredictbable reactions
3:08 difficulty calming down
3:44 trouble maintaning realtionships
4:29 final thoughts


I hate being like this. And I hate that nobody outside its sphere of direct influence knows to acknowledge it for how debilitating it can be. Just last week I started getting really upset at work over my coworkers’ poor organization, and it got to the point that I made myself throw up right before lunch due to stress and even belittled one of my coworkers before crying and saying I apologized and needed to go home for the day. And the whole time I felt embarrassed that I couldn’t control my emotions and that stepping back and reapproaching the situation only made me more upset.


I definitely fit #1. While I am doing something -- anything -- I am pretty stable. As soon as I hit an idle moment, the intrusive thoughts come back to remind me: "Hey. You're alone and you're always going to be and nothing you can do will ever change it." This sends me straight to miserable. I wonder if the neighbors have noticed me with a really sad face every time I leave the apartment.

To deal with this, of course, I do my best to stay busy, or at least distracted. Which is all well and good until I try to sleep. Then I can't shut those intrusive thoughts off. Sleep is hard to come by sometimes.


Yes, this is me. All of it. I'm on the spectrum and have been dealing with the likes of anxiety disorder, BPD, clinical depression, and PTSD since childhood. It's been over a decade since I have last seen a therapist; I have my first appointment with a new psychologist tomorrow.


I’m definitely emotionally unstable. I’ve been through a lot. Was driven out of my parents’ house late last year because I was deemed a houseguest, but the driving thing was that my dad unknowingly allowed my mom to continue her abuse of me by saying her house, her rules. I “woke up” so to speak when I was about 9 or 10 when I was told the tooth fairy, Santa, etc weren’t real. I wasn’t pissed about that. I was pissed at the fact that I was always taught not to lie yet those are lies. I’m going to be 28 in June. My former coworkers, most were older than me, were pointing out how a lot was not right and normal. I’m thankful for my current partner and fiancé. He’s trying to help me through all of the trauma and damage done. I’m trying to learn to regulate my emotions as I never really learned how to properly, especially my anger. Basically, equate me to a fire-breathing dragon. I “go blind” so to speak and lash out at everyone. I’m learning not to. Doesn’t help that I suffer depression and anxiety. Not looking for pity, I’m just sharing part of my story. I’m grateful that i found a group of people to help me out and a partner who is so loving and understanding that’s trying to help me out while I heal. I want to one day be able to actually talk to my doctor about my depression and anxiety freely, rather than feel i have to hide it just because it was not acknowledged by my family. This is why I fell in love with this channel. You guys have helped me gauge myself and offering suggestions for change. I never feel attacked, so thank you for your hard work and dedication


I can relate to unexpected reactions. There were times where I have a rest day and there was an assignment that’s due on the same day as posted. Or there were times where I thought I brought something with me and I checked my pockets, then there was nothing there. It’s like panicking mode.


0:08 Warning
0:16 Emotional instability
0:57 hormones
1:10 depression
1:23 emotional rollercoaster


1). Emotional rollercoaster 1:22
2). Acting impulsively 1:57
3). Unexpected reactions 2:37
4). Difficulty calming down 3:07
5). Trouble maintaining relationships 3:43

Hope this helps you out. Hope you have a nice day. 💙💙💙💙💙💙


I’ve been watching many of these videos for a while now, and I’ve found it’s actually help me understand a lot of things about myself and others! There’s a lot of different things I’ve caught onto in these videos that just make so much more sense now that I hear it coming from someone else.

Thank you for making these videos about how people express their emotions and how people can regulate on a daily ❤.


this video was literally the weirdest timing ever, i was trying to explain to a friend of mine of my feelings and whats it been feeling like for me and this video shows up the day after or yesterday i had my breakdown as my friend told me since i dont even have barley any memories of it- my apologies for the random confusion or personal side of things in this comment, but i just wanted to say i appreciate you guys that work on these videos it helps me and many others alot who jus cant explain how they feel or how they go about doing things without making the videos you guys make from the bottom of my heart thank you <3


March was quite a good month for me, but now April is like a complete opposite of it. I don't know is it just me but when a month changes, a switch turns and my life makes a 180. Just today I got immensily emotionally unstable, mainly because I haven't got to pursue my emotions much recently which isn't healthy.


Timestamp about 5 signs of Emotional instabiliteit

0:00 intro
1:20 Nummer 1# Emotional rollercoaster
1:50 Nummer 2# Acting impulsively
2:35 Nummer 3# Unexpected reactions
3:05 Nummer 4# Difficulty calming down
3:41 Nummer 5# Trouble maintaining relationships
4:25 final Thoughts/outro



Here's the thing, I made mistakes when I was upset before psychiatric care, afterwards it no longer was a choice to not be what I confused as being "open" when it was just unrestrained emotions being unfiltered and communicated based upon my best assessment, I didn't grow up with being able to express sadness, anger and other emotions but having to tolerate them being around me at a young age, from seven and that continued into my adult years as I was exhausted without feeling like I had any reason to be until I identified that the disregard for me as a person how I operated, along with how constantly reminded of my parents someday dying, to the "I'm the worst mother ever" when I brought up something that might have contributed to me being as messed up as I am when all I was trying to do was nail down what was wrong with me, combined with the fact everyone would leave or put me down for immaturity I didn't ask for as I wasn't shown properly how to be an adult.

I have many issues and if I could I would have been born without the capacity for negative emotions, to the degree of which I was capable of unless they operated within a confined box for empathy and love for others, maybe even for myself. My parents made me exhausted I thought it was normal, I know somehow I have to fix the wounds but I am not sure if I can given how far I have gone to even have wagered core parts of me to deities/devils so I could manipulate myself, something which isn't normal or how it works. I've struggled to understand patience, gentleness and kindness with myself when I had to expect being aggressively yelled at with a father red in the face for any failure or admitted wrong, sometimes even for wrong I didn't admit because of my fear. I learned to accept people for being how they are to an extent, cutting them off cleanly if possible or grieving over the loss substantially if I didn't have other people to help me out, I learned that some people never reflect and change their ways, even when you start to detach from them and in fact respond to your distancing of yourself from them as them needing to bite down harder on their "control" over you. If you're not quiet they'll leverage parental monitoring tools to observe what you do, if you open up to them and trust them, they'll lie to you and shame you with it to keep you under their control, you say no or object they'll push you to do what they want anyway, it doesn't matter what you want if they think something else is better for you.

Maybe if souls exist I won't get such a bad roll for a start with what you could call inconsistent at best to insensitive/abusive at best. I'm not sure if I can ever change at this point and I feel so far away from where I wanted to be and have by this point I am seriously considering throwing in the towel and living in the woods with animals, able to be violent and then pass away from whatever in peace surrounded by nature that I can understand


I've started to notice mood swings in my life once I graduated high school. I guess the sudden loneliness I face at my university has affected my positive personality at times.


I definitely have emotional instability
What happens a lot is I’m running late even by just 15 minutes I panic sometimes on the verge of a panic attack
I go form happy to sad really quickly a lot it’s not good


That's me. I get emotionally unstable at times.


I loved the vídeo! Everything on it is awesome!


My question is: how do you learn/train emotional stability?


I don't need a video to know I'm fucked up. But thanks 😅 👍
