Understanding Trauma - Part 4 - The Brain

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Research is making clear that Trauma (both Big T and Little T) has a profound effect on the brain. All of it negative. But the brain can heal thanks to neural plasticity. Tim explores the latest research to help us understand this important topic.


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Рекомендации по теме

The fact we are able to get this series free of cost in AMAZING!!! I am learning so much I feel overwhelmed. Tim, you are changing lives!!!!


I have CTPSD and cannot afford counseling. I’m 41 and just recently found out why I am the way I am. Thank you Tim for your service to society, you truly are amazing. Thank you for helping me make sense of my life and why it’s been nothing but destruction. I now need to start the journey of healing, for the sake of me and my loved ones.


Carl Jung has a quote that goes with Tim's message.

"Until you make the unconscious conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate."

This is so true!


When mom and dad are the source of trauma, it's a sad sad thing


I am 49 yrs old and have searched and searched and SEARCHED for someone who can explain my way of thinking and I have finally found it here. So many things are coming to light in this video. Had never heard of limbic brain. I was an addict for 17 yrs and the instant gratification explanation is spot on. I think the biggest thing I am learning here is that "no" doesn't mean someone doesn't like me or is punishing me. Everytime I am less than very happy, I always have had this belief that I must be doing something to upset God therefore he is unhappy with me and scolding me by taking away my joy. I have been tormented with this for so many years now. I guess I am realizing that in normal life, people do not always feel happy every day. My main goal my entire life has just to be happy and experience this "joy of the Lord" that I have convinced myself that as a Christian I am supposed to have with me at all times. I could type a novel about all the things I am learning from your videos. I am so excited to keep watching and learning as these are the first things I have heard that really resonate with me to help what I have battled with my whole life


This is a timely message for me as I am hitting a new level of healing. Thank you for explaining how the mental function of the brain can recover from trauma. You’re a godsend Tim.


"Traumatized people become addicted to chaos". This one hit me hard. I was traumatized as a child and I watch Cops, First 48, When Animals get the picture. But my wife who grew up stable likes watching cooking shows and feel-good stories.


So much work to do and I feel discouraged and really envy those who had healthy childhoods. I will soldier on.


Wow, what a package of information! No one talks about opioids or extra sensitivites. How illuminating and interesting. I wish I knew all this 30 years ago. My life could have been so very different.

Thank you for these lectures! God bless You.


Why only so few viewers? There should be the whole world....


Holy cow. I honestly didn't think it was possible to convey in a fashion that someone unfamiliar might get an appropriate sense. This is beyond spot on. Standing O👏🏼


I can't remember a time before my abuses began but you have outlined my healing journey to mental and physical health that continues to this day. I've been blessed to find my authenticity just a few years ago. Now at 70, I'm living nearly a pain-free life. I am happy, positive and thankful. Thank you for validating my journey. Go me!


Tim, you're so fantastic and your voice and manner of speaking is so soothing and encouraging, thank you!


Tim. I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate and enjoy your message and information. Ive been struggling with all these things after some intense trauma a few years ago, it makes one feel like you're going crazy or gotten REALLY lazy. The avoidance and dissociation is very real. As is the body going into shut down and needing to sleep. And the subconcious programming running the show. Having why explained is gold. Thank you


Hi! This series is the greatest gift ever! I noticed always the guitar..the acoustic guitar..I had a dream about the guitar at the corner of the room as an invitation to cry..to heal..to love. While my guitar gently weeps. Trauma healing takes processing. Integration. That guitar is a gentle reminder that this takes time for your audience to integrate for themselves. Thank you for your infinite patience. No pressure.


I disassociate by watching and listening to this while I'm working. It's like a doing an emotional autopsy on my living emotional corpse... .Ok maybe this statement is an emotional oxymoron.


This makes a lot of the things I've experienced in my life and the reactions I've seen in my mother make so much more sense


Repressed cortisol is a prevalent issue affecting people worldwide, not just in the US and Canada. Unfortunately, many individuals and communities have chosen to deal with this issue through toxic positivity, which involves suppressing undesirable emotions or issues at any cost and only focusing on the positive.
I have observed this phenomenon in many aspects of my life, such as among my close friends, family members, peers, schools, and universities.


Thank you for providing explanations to questions I've had for a very long time.


I’m very engaged to all your series!! Thank you for sharing the knowledge
