Painful Emotions and Complex Trauma - Part 5/8 - Stress

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Tim talks about the immense impact stress has on the brain and its function.


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So I found a therapist who does brain spotting and it has given me 80% relief, I am dealing, / facing all of the issues from my childhood stuff. God Bless you and yours


This man is a miracle. Just astounding, eye-opening stuff.


It's crazy how spot on you are. Glory to God, seriously.


This is unbelievably well worded and accurate I’ve never heard it translated to language!

When stress builds in addicts they say ‘I need a holiday from life called a relapse, I will just relapse for a week then get back on to work’. Your only tool for dealing with stress is a holiday called a relapse. That doesn’t work long term but all that your brain has available to it.


God Bless you! You are a God sent! Thank you for sharing your videos and for bringing so much peace in our lives!


I came across your video's a few days ago,
So insightful, thankyou for your time in making your channel available.
God bless you.


I used to believe I was strong. I used to believe I could survive almost anything. I actually thought I had figured "it" out... just like Tim says us cPTSD young adults do. I made it through being raped and molested from infancy to preteen, survived being raped by a 40ish man when I turned 13, I even survived my father abandoning our family for a teenager a few years older than myself. Then I survived needing multiple knee surgeries due to a genetic mutation as an older teen. I met my shy sweet husband, fell in love, and got married. Shortly afterward I learned he was unfaithful with pornography, two weeks later I had a seizure and was diagnosed with an AVM requiring brain surgery, along with the risk of paralysis, disability, and death. That was when I was 21 years old, a year into marriage and about 4 months after the birth of my first son. Surgery, therapy, and years later I learned of emotional affairs, more porn, and a lot of drinking. I stayed and pushed for my family but all the lies had taken their toll on my mental health. Years later I've learned that my husband has continued to be unfaithful with porn despite knowing I was raped as a child using porn. It has become intolerable for me and I have no escape any longer nor do I even really care anymore. How I wish I could carve out these parts of my brain. If not at least distract and numb because there is nothing that can rewrite a story all ready over.

Sure everyone has struggles and stress but I know very few people who have found "happiness" after even some of my reality. Our reality can be simply overwhelming.


If you want to find good therapist look for Body Orientation
We use breath work and body awareness building to calm down the autonomic nervous system
I'm a Body psychotherapist and also experienced I truly do understand how triggers work and how most people do not recognise at all what Normal stress is them the world is a danger and people are dangerous too. That's the world of people who have experienced high levels of negative experiences and emotional abuse. As I did...none of the therapist I had ever acknowledged this. So I trained myself to help was very very challenging


Love you so glad your happy you validate my recovery and help me to maintain it thankyou for sharing and caring. I will give back and expect hard times ahead and know that that is fine now I will set boundarys with my children and traumatised teenage twins that need healing too. Pray for us. Thankyou


What an amazing man that Tim is!! I'm learning so much about complex trauma. I want to say thank you to Tim for my life starting to change due to listening to dozens of his videos. God bless you, Pastor Tim.🕊🕊💕💕🙏🙏



Your videos have given me such insight and possibilities for personal growth.

Thank you so much for what you are doing for all of us who struggle with the challenges of life. Your videos are pure gold!

Thank you for your insight, education and willingness to share to the wider world beyond REACT. You have such a caring and generous heart. ❤


Thank you Tim! I am so happy that I’ve found your page. I have been Watching your videos regularly for a few weeks now and they’re helping me on the road to recovery from complex trauma. God bless you


your rendition of the story of king david and "God's university" describes so much of what i have seen and experienced corporately or in ministry. life is suffering per se. most of us expect more of every aspect of life only to find that will never work very long, if ever. once that is accepted and if we are willing to meet the adversity, it gives us a chance to use the adversity in surprising ways that leads to attainment, at the least spiritually, but also in our external lives.


❤ i wanted to say im learning everyday from you courses and healing sir you lectures os like being on therapy face to face for me


Stressing myself out by watching a video on stress 😂


Thank you, sir, for sharing these with us. ❤🎉


Everything is stressful for me, even simple stuff like the thought of taking a shower, or going to the grocery store. It's so ridiculous. I practically have to dissociate to get out the door.


😂😂😂 i was laughing at the part where you said the client is like a pinball machine jumping from topic to topic and you have to keep track of 7 different conversations!! I do that exact thing! Which is why I am laughing at it. 😂😂😂


0:45 stress one of biggest triggers for relapse, due to CT.
1:30 stress is defined as body responding to demands you place on it. requires energy. feels like pressure.
3:45 danger, loss, change are biggest stress events. Addicts have losses, never dealt with, change now facing, so stress is part of early recovery. Not understanding that can lead to problems.
4:45 trauma response, perceived disrespect to how someone says hi
5:15 past, present and future stress all piled into now, present
6:30 the people supposed to teach you how to deal with stress were instead causing stress
7:30 toolkit still that of 8 year old, emotional development arrested, fight or flight used as tools then and now
9:00 distress intolerance. child who didn't have tools isolated, turned negative, fought or ran. Cortisol released to give energy. Nanosecond escalation of emotions from that. That now is built into that trigger.
11:30 learn from each bad reaction what to do in that cortisol and adrenaline nanosecond

***14:00 look for early warning signs. Physical: cannot sleep, tight muscles, heartbeat quickening. Brain: cannot stop thinking, racing thoughts, brain beating self up. Become negative, complaining, find fault with everyone and everything. All of which creates more stress! The solutions that you adopted to deal with stress have made it worse.

17:15 lack of control is stressor

18:15 bookmark

21:10 need to control everything

24:00 maladaptive + tools

29:32 stress indicative of other issues like poor boundary setting

31:00 God’s university

40:30 most effective healers are wounded healers + learned patience and God’s timing

41:00 choosing to let go of anger, choosing to love people who are difficult or have wounded you

43:35 how God teaches you to get along by putting you with annoying people, puts you with people who hurt you to teach you to forgive, put you in situations in which you want out now to teach patience

44:37 stress and pain is God saying the thing I want to change now is you, not the outside. You have tog row up inside and develop character qualities inside.

45:36 in using that which healed you to heal others you develop communities of love in caves, create a loyalty and family that we all need. The benefits ripple out to others, create a family and lead to great changes in the world.


Dont know what brain spotting means
Becoming conscious to how your negative feelings affect your thoughts and thoughts affect your feelings and reactions...that's how it works.., then you listen to the distress in your your gut heart head...migraines IBS are all linked to CPTSD...ME is a stress disorder not a condition
