Understanding Trauma - Part 5 - Effects on the Nervous System

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Trauma has a profound effect on the Central Nervous System. It results in the Sympathetic Nervous System and the Para-Sympathetic Nervous System not working the way they were designed to work, which has many negative, far-reaching effects.


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This should be taught in schools, instead of some subjects we never use. This is so important. 🌍✌️


tim's body of work should be part of school curriculum for all therapeutic professionals across all the various health . I happen to be Christian in my faith so it's not problematic to me that this comes from a religious based source. However, given our current state of "tolerance" for the if say there should be an opening to the quality and caliber of this content and less to the potentially religious association that might stop some people from hearing this. Thank you❤


Many here are talking about growing up with narcissits. Please look into Emotionally Immature parents/people. Im serious, its been a massive breakthrough for me.
Its destroyed my life and my body. There needs to be more awareness about Emotionally Immature parents and their impact on your mental and physical health.
Ive been releasing trauma, panic attacks, sobbing endlessly.
I cant sleep anymore, im developing insulin resistance, inflammation in the body, constsnt tension, hypervigilance, and currently a constant state of burnout on and off for nearly my whole life. Now my burnout is permanent and im currently still living with parents for financial reasons. The trauma keeps being applied every day.
I feel healing isnt possible but im only at the beginning of my journey. This video really has restored some hope that healing is possible, that life isnt over.
Much love to everyone, dont give up❤


I'm 63 years old and just now realizing that I've lived my entire life like this without a solution. I've been through multiple burnouts and never knew why, until now. Better late than never. Thank you.


I can't even count the number of traumas I have endured. I am now realizing that I have been freezing most of my life. I get the fear impulse, then I go frozen. It has been a battle to live any kind of life. I have been saying for about 15 years, the problem is the nervous system. I have been complaining of fatigue since my 20's and now I 59 and it is quite debilitating. I am so happy that we are learning more.


Decades of abuse and extreme stress has left me with all types of pain.


I agree...when i completely surrendered to God...pursue Him daily through His word and prayer...i am transformed and a work in progress...ive been clean 35 yrs!✝️


My husband had intense trauma as a child. I was not aware if his addictions. Listening to this makes so much sense. He thrive in the emotional highs of life. Was always on the go and then he would crash. He was physically abusive so I had to leave 4 yrs ago. Recently he took his life. I told our child looking back I think your dad was never not in pain.


Having fibromyalgia for about 20 years now, I feel that our society requires people to constantly work, take care of family, ect. There is no way to fully recover. We have to work to survive. We can talk all we want but it's not possible to completely heal and take it easy. So we're stuck in this mode.


I have complex trauma from child sexual abuse, neglect, bullying to name a few. I am dependent on drugs to cope with life. I am about to go into rehab tomorrow and follow up with trauma counselling. I am constantly in survival mode, I have major depression. This information is food for my soul. Thank you. 🙏


Well excuse the hell out of me….you just described something I live with every day & struggle to put in words… perfectly said.
I have been going to therapy now going on three-years, and I’m in school now to become a mental health counselor for reasons just like this… to let people know they’re not alone, to signify the importance of understanding mental health.
Thank you.


There seems to be a special grace upon resting in the Sabbath day to get the body back into parasympathetic system. Just rest. ❤


My nervous system went out of balance being married to a raging narcissist for 13 years. He would literally swing from one mood to the next and fly into rages and become very threatening. I became ill and couldn’t get diagnosed until 7 years later. They thought I had lupus but thank GOD it wasn’t full blown and I was diagnosed with symptoms of autoimmune disease. His mood swings was sending my nervous system into confusion and it was like it was short circuiting. I realized I grew up walking on egg shells from my father’s rages as well. I also suffered sibling abuse from a narcissistic older sister so it was all I knew. I’m healthy now, I’m divorced, my father passed (although I don’t hold anything against him. He was a black man dealing with racism and other oppression and back then, therapy was not an option). My sister has decided to estrange herself from me and my other 2 sisters and I’m ok with that although I do have unsettling dreams about her often.


My home was run with a similar outlook on love and ultra-service. Us kids were dropped for most anything else the church community needed.
My mom was a great cook and baker. We'd ask her, "Who's this for?", when she'd make a beautiful dish or dessert. We knew the one she made with care wasn't for us.
For decades, I felt I was lazy if I had much energy before bedtime.
Now, in burn out, I struggle with shame and frustration.
This really helped me in ways I've been searching for.
I appreciate this channel and the wonderful group of fellow healing path travelers. ❤️‍🔥


He just perfectly described most of my life. Having bipolar disorder for most of my life makes a lot of sense as well. I was a pretty good student and was an avid athlete. I was always waiting for the other shoe to drop and my mom to scream at me for irrational reasons. My parents are classic boomers focused on themselves and not my brother and I. So, he turned to drugs and alcohol and ruined his life. I stuck with work and pushing myself harder and harder until I fell apart physically and emotionally. Now I am 57 and am struggling financially because my family and I have too much debt and I can’t put in the long hours anymore.


This is an outstanding channel; thank you for all the great work you do!
I can totally relate to this vid. I have childhood PTSD. Had a very abusive dad, mom had health issues. I pretty much had to be the parent to my mother when I was a child. Because of the way I was raised, I became a perfectionist and people pleaser. I was always an outstanding employee and felt that I had to do everything perfectly or I would be punished. Now that I'm retired, I am finally able to do what I want to do, when I want to do it. I am an extreme introvert and love being alone. I think I'm making up for all those years where I did everything for others and neglected my own needs.


This is by far one of the most comprehensive, simple to understand and deeply revealing wells of information for anyone who has been unknowingly operating in this manner such as myself and many I can think of.

I can not sufficiently give my appropriation for this amazing body of work Mr. Tim Fletcher. You absolutely and single handedly helped me to put the puzzle pieces together like never before.


I am so so so extremely grateful for this wonderful human. I have been in severe burnout for five years from my partner passing in front of me and the walls came down from severe childhood abuse and abandonment and am now on disability. I still can’t rest. I have also been sober for this five year period. Not a single drink. I am now not sure how I can stop from not sitting still
. Due to discovering these videos and Mr Fletcher, s teaching I am learning how to deal with my diagnosis of CPTSD. My gratitude is enormous. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️ I am bawling my eyes out as I write this because I have felt so alone the majority of my life because when you are on your own from age 15, you don’t learn how to deal with anything so you isolate and don’t let anyone in. When I realised that so many people go through this, first my heart broke, and now all I wanna do is help others because I’m an artist and I want to teach people that painting is so healing.


51 years old and just now realizing all I’ve been through: came from a stressful childhood; married a man with his own issues who has stressed me out daily for 30 years; became a part of leadership in a high-stress ministry for 12 years; had 2 children who were diagnosed with on-going major medical issues. And I’ve been blaming myself and saying I’m just not good enough/smart enough/tough enough/organized enough to handle it all. Thank God for His mercy and grace covering me all these years.🙌🏻 But I don’t mind telling you…I’M TIRED!!


Every single video of his I watch brings another level of understanding of my own self and the realization that my childhood has followed me into adulthood. It's maddening people asking why you do the things you do when you wish you knew the answer yourself.
