The Red Flags You Keep Ignoring! (Don’t Let Men Treat You Like This!!) - Sadia Khan & Matthew Hussey

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Welcome back to The School of Greatness! We have a very special episode for you today. For the first time ever, we're in the studio with two incredible relationship experts, Sadia Khan and Matthew Hussey, to explore the reasons you're still single and how to navigate the complexities of modern dating. Sadia is a psychologist and relationship coach who works with people around the world, and Matthew is a New York Times bestselling author renowned for his work in helping individuals build healthier relationships.

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0:00 Intro
00:02:19 - The Phenomenon of Sabotaging Green Flags in Relationships
00:04:30 - The Fear of the Unknown
00:06:57 - The Power of Appearance and Sexual Gratification
00:09:14 - The Power of Sexual Connection and Beauty
00:11:33 - Women's Emotional Addictions in Dating
00:13:50 - The Myth of Money and Status in Men and Women's Attraction
00:16:19 - The Illusion of Value in Love and Dating
00:18:52 - The Rush of Receiving a Message
00:21:19 - Deciding your relationship with opportunities in life
00:23:50 - The Impact of Dating Apps on Relationships
00:25:53 - Male Emotional Unavailability and Women's Reactions
00:28:11 - The Popular Kids Making Everyone Look Bad
00:30:17 - The Importance of Height in Relationships
00:32:41 - Emotionally Unavailable Women
00:35:12 - The Destructive Cycle of Self-Preservation
00:37:11 - Overcoming Relationship Game Playing
00:39:42 - The Curse of Being Too Smart for Love
00:41:41 - Finding Security and Trust in a Relationship
00:43:40 - Insecurities and Staying in Unfulfilling Relationships
00:46:17 - Accepting and Judging Ourselves
00:48:49 - The Struggle with Vulnerability
00:51:17 - The Masked Persona and Escaping One's True Self
00:53:16 - The Difficult Conversation

#greatness #inspiration #motivation
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Thanks to Sadia & Matthew for sharing their wisdom with us! Leave a “YES” if you enjoyed this and share the biggest moment for you. And make sure to subscribe to never miss out on inspiring content like this again


Thanks for having me on as always brother! ❤


“What misses you was never for you, and what is for you will never miss you.”


What I love about listening to Matthew is that every time I listen thinking that I am gonna get a relationship advice but I end up learning more about myself and life ! So it’s much more !


I love how matthew always points out that we shouldnt generealize some experiences or statements on a certain sex/gender. Sadia seems to push women down a little whereas matthew offers a more fair view on both genders


Super honored to be part of this ! Thank you Lewis ❤


Matthew Hussey is one of the few people that truly make sense to me. In a world where narcissism is " the health crisis of our time per Dr. RAMINI", he just makes the most sense to me.


Playing games to protect your ego only leads to self-destruction. Real value lies in true connection and emotional availability


Thank you Matthew for advocating for women’s true life experiences and for being so genuine ❤


I love the openness, calmness and knowledge Matthew brings to this conversation.. There is compassion in his energy that is so relatable which makes you trust his words.


I wish high schools could have mandatory classes with Sadia & Matthew. There would be so many more healthy relationships out there. Love this interview!


Matthew seems to have a deeper insight on human relational behaviour. He takes into account real world situations. Sadia seems to stay on the surface. She identifies some behaviours but attributes negative or/and superficial intentions and believes it's a majority when it's not.


As a woman who's been single for 8 years and who's been through a lot and worked on my growth and healing through years of therapy, I would highly disagree with the "98%" of men are emotionally available. Out of all the men I've dated in the last 8 years the majority are very emotionally UNavailable. And I think alot of things are to blame, starting with being integrated in a culture of toxic masculinity, childhood trauma and being jaded after getting hurt and not having the tools to process and regulate their own heartbreak. I've maybe dated a very, very small handful of emotionally available men. Unfortunately, we were incompatible. It's rough out here.


THIS EPISODE WAS The part I loved the most was when Sadia was asked why do people self sabotage when there are green flags. She said " Their barrier to intimacy has become their self esteem based on a core belief they have believed that love should be difficult and a struggle and not smooth. And because they don't have love and compassion for themselves, they start to question and think their is something wrong with the other person. Instead of realizing the love is infused with peace, which they just aren't use to. Hearing this truly healed apart of my heart that has been broken for a few years because I was in a relationship with a guy like this and couldn't understand why he just wouldn't accept my love and why he kept questioning everything, So THANK YOU! writing with tears in my eyes :)


I dated a short guy once. I am 5’3” and he was 5’4”… he ended up being super manipulative due to compensating for his shortness. He had to be the loudest in the room and needed the attention to the point of peacocking through his life instead of being authentic


I think women and men like personality more then looks at the end of the day. The whole best friend thing makes a big difference


Finally Sadia and Mathew Hussey in the same room ❤️❤️


💯Agree with Mathew.Majority of men are playing games, hence the majority of women are are opting to be single and loving themselves other than being out there playing games.


What I feel they are both missing is that we don’t fall for people (or choose people) consciously. We fall for them and choose them subconsciously.


Matthew always makes the world seem more hopeful……..✨✨ The world is a better place with Matthew ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
