Easy Exercise To Lose Belly Fat At Home For Beginners - 35 Mins Aerobic Workout | EMMA Fitness

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👉 Easy Exercise To Lose Belly Fat At Home For Beginners - 35 Mins Aerobic Workout | EMMA Fitness
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Me before 80kg, after 2 mths, now my weight is 69.8kg.. Still long way to go for my ideal 55kg.. Wish me luck guys.. 😊💪💪💪


Who else is lying down in bed watching, and thinking they would do this later? 😀


Estou fazendo esses exercícios desde Fevereiro, comecei pesando 89 kg, já estava no IMC de Obesidade I, autoestima lá embaixo, mas criei vergonha na cara e comecei a me exercitar todos os dias com esse vídeo e fazer reeducação alimentar e já se foram 13 kg eliminados em 4 meses! Estou falando isso aqui pois sei o quanto faz diferença para quem está buscando um incentivo. Não desista, você consegue!


Me before 82.3 kg, after one month I’m 75 kg😢my goal is 45kg, wish me luck ❤


I’ve been doing this for about 2 and a half weeks and doing it a few times a week and I’ve already lost 3 inches on my belly and about an inch and a half on my waist and I plan to keep going!! Just incase you guys are wondering if this is effective or not.


I think this is my best workout so far. I've done it every month for a year Feb 2022-Feb 2023. Lost 25kg. And days when I don't feel like dancing, I use the sound to walk/run miles 👌gives me the energy I need. Thank you Emma


This girl has the best routine. No crazy jumping and complicated dance moves. Especially good for beginners or for people like me who used to do this in their 20's but life took over and now just need to get back to fitness but don't want to go into a gym with the young, hip, hot bodies looking for attention. Her moves are on point.


I am a 55-year-old woman living in Korea. It's been two months since I came across this video while looking for a simple way to exercise at home. She initially weighed 87 kg, but has now dieted to 75 kg in two months. Try doing this repeatedly and consistently every day. Now, there is not a day that goes by without the music ringing in my ears. Thank you for sharing.


Started yesterday: 60.4kg.. I'll do my best to do it everyday.
Day 1: finished the whole video. Almost died at 8 mins but pushed through.
Day 2: when I woke up, my arms were hurting a bit. Did the entire video. Good workout. Sometimes it's hard to keep up. Hoping to see some results. :) Wish me luck people!

Well, I did the excersize for a week. And I lost only a pound, however, and this is a big one... I lost a lot of cms on back fat and toned my arms better than they were before. Also reduced my thighs a bit. The sides fat from my belly also saw a reduction. So that's great! I would encourage people to do this workout. I will get back to it once I get back home.


., I saw these exercise yesterday through tik tok and I decided to try it today coz it looks easy., 5 minutes later I feel like giving up already but decided to continue wish me luck and will power.,


78 kg for 1m72. Never worked out before.
Day 1: only 6 minutes, my left arm hurts and I'm breathless. And it's all right! will be back tomorrow!


I've been doing this workout for more than six months, it's very easy, I love it! I've already lost about 25kg with this workout! ❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉


Hope this helps me to get healthier; My husband is watching me while I dance and he says half way through I caught on which I haven't worked out in over 10 years and I had brain surgery so I had to relearn how to walk - the stroke caused memory and word issues - also my cognitive function and this particular video helps me learn how to be myself again, I could cry. lol ;) I wouldn't of been able to do this today without my husband <3


Nossa, cheguei da caminhada e fui fazer esta aula aff estou soando como nunca, não fui até o fim pois cheguei no meu limite.. sou obesa mas aos poucos chego lá, estou com 118 kg e pretendo chegar aos 75 kg com fé em Deus e com muita força de vontade


this is so motivational!!
REAL women exercising and doing their best!! they all look so amazing


Привет будущим стройняшкам!!! Начала заниматься с девочками. Жирок топится. Начальный вес 94кг, за 5 дней минус 1, 5 кг
Тяжеловато, привыкаю. В ритм порой не успеваю. Бывает останавливаюсь. Но это только начало. Впереди все лучше и лучше будет. Я уверена 💃💃💃


Hare mis actualizaciones aqui

Día 1: Agotada ✌ (83 de cintura)
Día 2: Agotada y animada 🔥
Día 3: Vamos que se puedeee!
Día 4: Emocionada 😄
Día 5: 💪🏻🔥(81 de cintura)
Día 6: 💪🏻😄
Día 7: Entusiasmada, nunca pensé sudar tanto 💪🏻
Día 8: 💪🏻😉
Día 9, 10, 11 y 12: sigo sin rendirme, he bajado 3 libras en casi 2 semanas
Día 13: 😁🔝

Ya perdí la cuenta de cuantos dias llevo jajaja, pero mi cintura antes media 83 y hoy mide 79 cm y he bajado mucho de peso, en serio se los recomiendo
Es divertido hacerlo al pasar los dias 💪🏻🔥


I’m 50 and out of shape and finished this and loved it! The various body types of the women made me feel like I could do it and I did. I’m definitely doing this regularly. ❤️❤️❤️


I do this for a month in a half and it actually work y‘all !! I love the music background and after workout, i sweaty *a lot*, y‘all keep moving forward
my kg now is 50, my 3ring measurements now is 87–62–97, very impressive by this video


Köszönöm Emma! Így 68 évesen kezdtem el a gyakorlatodat fogyás céljából. Nagyszerű eredményeket értem el vele, folyamatosan fogyok és a gerincbántalmak és az isiász-nak is nagyon jót tesz. Minden nap csinálom, egy fokozattal lelassítom, mert az eredeti nekem túl gyors. Hozzátenném, hogy soha nem tornáztam, még egy bukfencet sem tudtam csinálni, és lásd most kezdtem el öreg fejjel és nagyon élvezem a gyakorlataidat. Még egyszer nagyon köszönöm neked! :)
