Supporting older kids in foster care - tweens and teens #fosterparent #fosterparenting #fosterteen

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I really love how much control she gives kids, I hadn’t even realized how little decisions like that could trigger a child


Choice theory is so important to teach children. It seems like you're really an excellent coach on how to help children make wise choices.


"I'm in this with you, no matter what." This sentence would have helped me so much during childhood. If only one single person had said that to me...


ALL children deserve to be treated like this! It makes me so happy to see you are sharing love and kindness with the kids that need it most!


I wish my parents would understand that I have some hard days, especially at school and make poor choices.


“I’m in this with you, no matter what’ is surely the message all of us need and want. Thank you Laura for putting it out there


This is a great approach and general vibe!! Doesn't put any pressure...
May I just add, that as an adopted child, people often said "tomorrow is a new day" but no one explained that this actually means that we can try again and start over and today doesn't define anything. Because to me it always sounded dismissive and obvious that it's a new day. Only as an adult I understand what they meant really


I needed someone to say this to me as a teenager


Love how she talked about going to the prom as a group, and not necessarily a date. Also love the learning life skills bit.


I feel like your videos are helping parents in general not only foster ones. Everyone’s going through the same struggle of figuring out what to say and how. Your guidance is so underrated.


Great ideas to show value to and interest in a kid/teenager. I love how kind and clear you communicate. Your examples are helpful and appreciated - not only for foster parents.❤ Thank you Laura for your impact from Germany🎉


Both you and Peter (Now I Am Known) have such compassion and do foster care right.


thanks for your channel popularising foster care whenever someone can is a great step so thank you for raising awareness and turning it into fun skit videos


That made me cry. I wish I had that compassion and understanding when I was younger. So important.


Id love to hear how you handle situations with foster kids identifying as lgbtqt+, supporting safe choices, and keeping communication open, even if fheir identity is not something you are super familiar with or comfortable with. I know that a larger percentage of these kids end up in foster or other living arrangements


One small thing: for clothing, you keep specifically saying 'dress'. Maybe they would like something else, like a suit (or something else entirely)? I would suggest leaving open some more room for them to explore their comfort levels! ❤


Trusting them and letting them learn life skills in a safe place


I'm almost 30, but I'm secretly crying right now because I miss you😭 I missed a person like you in my life


I wish my mom had been like you. She kicked me out of the family at 12. 😢


And please here is a sidenote! In the video when you said something about bonding and developing a relationship with a child. Please foster parents remember you’re there for the Child, the child is not there for you. I had a foster mother that had me replaced because I wouldn’t bond with her when she tried. I wasn’t rude or mean at all to her. But she didn’t know that I didn’t have a mother growing up so it was uncomfortable. I was comfortable with her older daughter because I had older sisters and I was comfortable with her husband because I had my father. But instead of her taking it personal I wish she would’ve talked to me about it or brought her daughter in to help talk to me. I could’ve explained to her. Instead of tiptoeing around a foster child. Treat them like regular kids. Just smile and be genuine with individual attention with the child. That’s all abuse in the collect the kids really want. They can see through phoniness Very easily even if you appear to be very genuine. So truth and love goes a long way. That just added to a lot of damage I already had the way that lady treated me .... Foster kids may show they have issues and express things inappropriately or wrong. But on the inside theyre just regular kids and should be treated that OK sorry that was a rant. I guess I needed to get that out I’m 50 years old now lol but I can’t go back and tell that lady so I’m telling anyone who cares to listen on YouTube :)
