Restorative 15 minute Yoga Flow Full Body Stretch

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Restorative 15 minute Yoga Flow Full Body Stretch

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Sometimes you’ve just got to slow everything right down.

When your life is racing full-speed ahead, so is your mind. Restorative yoga helps provide that physical and mental balance to prevent stress and anxiety, through the use of props that allow you to hold poses longer, giving you all the benefits of deep, passive stretching.

Poses like Child’s Pose, pigeon stretch, thread the needle, must be held for at least a few minutes, and you can stay in place for up to 15 minutes using bolsters, pillows, straps, blocks, etc. to support your body in a full, long, and comfortable stretch.

Though moving your body helps you find space, sometimes you might crave a sense of peace and calm. A great way to slow things down is with a regular meditation practice. Meditation soothes the mind and often focuses on the breath, which helps you find a sense of quiet as your busy day goes on. Sign up for the free 30 Day Meditation Challenge to complement your restorative yoga flow. You’ll feel more open and the body will be better prepared to move with intention.

Here are the top reasons to spend a little extra time opening up and breathing in the benefits of this nourishing yoga practice.

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Annie Pilates Physical therapist , recommend you consult with a physician before starting any exercise program. The exercises give here are not meant to treat, diagnose medical condition. Please stop if you have any increasing pain or discomfort. You understand that any physical activity can pose a risk and this channel you assume all risk and injury, you are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself.t meant to treat, diagnose medical condition. Please stop if you have any increasing pain or discomfort. You understand that any physical activity can pose a risk and this channel you assume all risk and injury, you are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself.
Рекомендации по теме

I appreciate the instructions specific to the forward fold for beginners. I learn something new about form with every video of yours I watch. The shorter regimens are great: they work well with my current fitness regimen.


thank you for your time and really helpful practices, I love your knowledge about human body and your gentle voice
