The Painful Accuracy of Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (Season 1)

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0:00 Intro
1:48 Episode 1 "Jobs"
17:16 Episode 2 "Death"
27:34 Episode 3 "Family"
43:22 Episode 4 "Friendship"
56:18 Episode 5 "Transport"
01:04:00 Episode 6 "Electricity"
01:15:52 Plot Overview
01:17:10 Why the Original Plot was "Abandoned"?
01:19:00 Soft Outro
01:20:06 Patron Shoutout
01:20:42 Outro

DHMIS videos I liked:

The Autistic Horror of DHMIS


Music in Background:
Smoothie Vibes - peerless
Savings Account - Timothy Infinite
Private Pressing - Dusty Decks
Midnight Marauder - Matt Large
Bonafide Bars - Dusty Decks
Gatefold - Dusty Decks
I'll Leave the Light on for You - Matt Large

Outro made by Churro
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an alternate view on unemployed brendon’s meaning would be how jobs in creativity are praised in a fanciful nature (ie. the mention of being a painter in the job song) but is not taken seriously when taken into practice (brendon’s aspirations as a novelist) theres a whole attitude to teenagers and children that “you can be anything!” but as soon as you would want to have an alternative job, the restrictive walls come up


I always interpreted the Friendship episode to be more about toxic positivity and bullying (even though the episode is called “Friendship”). The “Ok Stop” bits where the w̶o̶r̶m̶ eagle pauses and rewinds the scenes reminds me a lot of those anti-bullying programs we’d be shown in middle school. And the way that the w̶o̶r̶m̶ eagle is butting himself into everyone else’s space is like a toxic positive person who would rather not take sides in a bullying case. It simply results in everyone getting hurt.


I will say with the concept of funerals my great aunt passed away a few years back during COVID and the entire funeral was just her church talking about how devoted she was to God and not anything about her herself. Only her sister got the chance to speak for two minutes. The rest of the 2 hour funeral was the church. This happened with my great grandma too and the same church.


The conversation around Death is so true. It is so infuriating when people pretend to care about someone who died. I had a friend who took his own life in high school and so many people took advantage of it. The senior English class was reading a book where a girl dies and it’s implied it was suicide, when the teacher offered those effected to sign their names on a sheet to get the reading waved multiple people who didn’t know/talk to my friend signed it. I don’t even know if any of my friends in that class took up that offer. But we all were seeing people who were acting effected by it while the rest of us were constantly having mental break downs in class. It’s cruel to those actually hurt by the loss to pretend to act better than you are


I think the briefcase is a metaphor for the school system, it promises all sorts of wonderful and colourful jobs just for you to be sent straight into a bland colourless place


An interesting, small detail in Death is that after the one duck kills the other, the one who did the killing animates like Stain did, like claymation, as opposed to the puppeteered look of other duck, so it might be the second time in the show he's killed and replaced.


I detail I love is in the Jobs episode, when a item is considered a quality product. It is just recycled into another ball and it’s just an infinite loop and just shows how some jobs are just completely meaningless.


I personally experienced the person not knowing the person who passed with a cat instead of a human. Checkers was an 11 year old calico, in her last days, years of bad teeth my mom ignored caught up to her and I was desperately feeding her watered down pate cat food through a food needle. My mother took her to the vet and instead of paying for the surgery, she put her down without me. Later when her ashes etc. Came in, she wanted to throw them away and I kept them, I've held onto them. Everyday I'd hug her box. And years later, I'd comment she was my cat, and almost like a mother to me. This was commented around my friend. My mom hated this and made sure to comment it was her cat too despite never caring for the cat, even when they were alive. I immediately shut down and screamed at her and to this day, I do not regret it. She had no right downplaying my grief or suddenly have loved the cat just because other people were there. To this day, me and my friend hold a grudge over the whole situation because it was her fault Checkers suffered the way she did and died alone.


Ultimately think Lesley was Yellow Guy's mother. The boy died and so she created the DHMIS universe as a way of keeping her son alive.


the friendship episode is one of my favorites personally. It's the only time all the characters at once fight back against the teacher and I think its notable that they really only questioned their friendship once warren started saying it was bad and were very defensive of them not being bad friends (I've also seen some theories that the bleeps were also done by Warren like how he kept pausing time and superimposing his mouth over their conversation which is a theory i like). I think its one of those "hey we can jokingly call each other names but if you try it we'll kill you" And I do think the credits audio of them all beating each other up is part of that too. That does not discredit them being friends imo.


53:38 which is why my first out of school therapist googling “symptoms of depression” right in front of me makes me glad I have a new therapist.


I'm with you that DHMIS is best appreciated as darkly comic commentary instead of some "lore" puzzle that must be solved & has one singular serious answer. The reactions to the Friendship episode & people being disappointed that a deliberately unlikable character was unlikable because they aren't looking at thematically WHY Warren is unlikable kinda illustrates the dangers in thinking that is HAS to have some great overarching narrative. That or they were disappointed that they couldn't turn him into a quirky Tumblr Sexyman like they did with the clock from the original series.


Wetting the bed/self is actually a common sign of childhood abuse.


thinking about the briefcase guy in context of the UK where the creators are from, we have this thing called the job centre which is supposed to be how people recieve unemployment benefits and to support people getting into work. the job centre is well known for being pretty useless though, they will restrict benefits for stupid reasons and you have to prove you're looking for a job to recieve help. my mum was on jobseekers allowance for a while, and when she found a job that she had to have 3 weeks unpaid training for, they cut her off because she wasn't actively looking for a job anymore. the job centre will absolutely push you into a seeking employment but don't actually give you support with anything. there's a film called I, Daniel Blake about the futility of it


I personally like episode 4. I do see why people don’t like it but I think it’s because the character of Warren the (eagle) worm was done a little too well.


the death episode resonates deeply within me, i lost my father very suddenly and i acted just like red guy, i didnt react, i was cold and unfeeling towards all people around me, i was angry and confused and i flet out refused to believe he was gone even when we put his ashes into the wall a full year later. the day before the funeral my house was full of people who "felt really bad for me and who miss him so much" even people who i never met before, even people who i knowmy dad disliked. then staying up at night thinking about the afterlife, is he just gone or is he really out there still doing things he enjoys. Death is hands down the best ive depiction of the grieving progress i have ever seen.

also i dont know if someone mentioned it already but incontinence in children and bedwetting in both adults and children are common stress responses that stem from a kind of abuse (usually sexual) since the twins defiantly dont have the best homelife it could be a nod to that!


I love seeing the whole series as a built up to some major lore drop on us, and then at the end everything is thrown away, but not in terms of “get fooled, we will never reveal it to you!” but instead, as a “there is no plot, be creative” which is basically the whole reason dhmis existis to begin with. this show is amazing and I love seeing everyone’s theories, analysis, and just reaction of it, because it is a beautiful art that I fully believe was meant to be like a coloring book, they give you the content, you just “color” however you want it


This is like the 9th or 10th hour+ breakdown of DHMIS I’ve watched, not to mention how many times I’ve rewatched season 1. The grip this show has on me is unreal.


Im really glad more people are talking about why they enjoy/how dhmis made them feel this time around as apposed to solely trying to theorise on a potential plot and time line. Some of those videos (although enjoyable) usually bum me out because they build theories on misheard quotes or try to recreate the media theory.Your video and Patricia Taxxons video, are breaths of fresh air when it comes to perspective on dhmis


Hi! First I wanna say, great video! I can tell you put a lot of hard work into this!
Second. I really appreciate that during the 'Death' episode segment you didn't portray Red as either emotionless or uncaring entirely. I've seen a lot of people use that episode of proof that Red doesn't care for the other two, but grief is different for everyone. I'm saying this cuz I see a lot of myself in his reaction. Recently my family went through the death of a family member and the death of a beloved pet on the same day. It's difficult to really understand everything I feel, or feel anything about it at all. It makes me come off as uncaring sometimes, but that doesn't mean I don't care. I think thats probably why I related more to Red in that episode, even after molding Edward Stains the Forever Boy INTO a new duck. I think maybe that's meant to be his own way of grieving
Last bit, t I wanted to say I'm not sure if you're right about the last episode. I think you got the concept right, but I dont think that the creators are giving us the middle finger. I could be wrong obviously! But it felt more like teasing! A friendly jab at all of us about our theories and such, a little tease about how we almost had the 'answers'. They could be annoyed about us and how we veiw the series, but im just not convinced. After all, I think they want us to be creative! And theorizing and putting things together is being creative with the little details they put in! So, I don't think it was meant to be mean, just a bit of light ribbing kshsj.
I did really enjoy the video! Looking forward to seeing more ! Sorry if I accidentally left in typos im. Dyslexic lol
