30 minute Yin Yoga for Stress & Anxiety | Sarah Beth Yoga

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🙏🏽 WELCOME to your modern day yoga channel by Sarah Beth Yoga where you can find clear & fuss free yoga videos ranging from short 10 minute yoga routines to longer 30 minute yoga practices for all levels to help you get stronger, happier & healthier.


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Some links may be affiliate links which help support Sarah Beth to create content, however Sarah Beth only promotes products she truly likes and all opinions are her own. Sarah Beth from Sarah Beth Yoga LLC strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise. You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge

#yinyoga #30minuteyoga #stressrelief

Music: Soft Euphoria, Gentle Whispering, Mountain with Many Rivers, Sleep Trance by Lee Rosevere
Рекомендации по теме

What I love about you is : 1- you speak only what is necessary, you give us moments of silence. 2- you allow us to spend some real time in each pose. 3- you are very simple in your message, with no "spiritual" thing going on on your talk. These things make the session so calm and focused, thanks a lot!


Hello Sara beth, I just had an anxiety attack, one of the worst ones I have ever had in my life. I just want you to know that I am so thankful for this video that you posted. I started doing yoga in the middle of it and it went away. I can't thank you enough. 💗


"If depression is living in the past, and anxiety is living in the future, then true peace is found in the present." That is an awesome quote. Thank you.


Dear Sarah Beth, thank you so much for your attention to and honouring of those who suffer from anxiety and depression. It is generously compassionate of you to have devoted a yoga video for us like this.


Thank God no Ads mid way on this one. Hope it stays that way, always love this relaxing yoga.
Please YOUTUBE Gods have pity on us, keep greed at bay, be grateful as we are. :)


You seemed to read my mind, every time it started to wander you reminded me. This was just what I needed I feel so relaxed now. Thank you Sarah


If living in the past is depression, if living in the future is anxiety than living in the present is a I know it's not verbatim but the message has been received! Thank you!!!


One of my favorite yoga practices online. I turn to this one when I feel down and anxious and it always helps me. Thank you Sarah Beth!!!


Only if every other day could be like this, full of Peace and comfort 🙏


A year ago this kind of yoga was too slow, I became frustrated with it and had to do Vinyasa yoga instead. Now, it's so soothing, sometimes I find it too fast. I'm in love with yin yoga.


Thank you so much for your attention anxiety and depression. As a long time sufferer of both, I am truly grateful.


I work as a mental health professional and I have to say, these videos keep me going. Thank you. <3


So glad I found a video with someone speaking in a relaxing voice without a long intro! Thanks


What you do Sarabeth is awesome! You are a great teacher! Thank u! God bless you in every aspect of your life!


After a string of sleepness nights, with my migraine and back pain flaring up, I was really stressed and worried about more pain. This practice was just PERFECT to calm my mind and reduce the pain in my body. You are amazing Sarah Beth! Thank you!!!


This was wonderful! I agree with what another commenter mentioned below: that in addition to having a very pleasant, calm speaking voice, you speak slowly and you leave plenty of space for silence, and that quality of spaciousness is felt.


Definitely one of my favorite routines that you do. I really love the yin yoga that you do. Especially because I have sciatica AND scoliosis, so anything that really stretches out my legs and lower and upper back are amazing and feel so good! My hips are also always sore, and I think I'm going to need to get surgery for it at a young age like my mom did. So these long holding stretches that you do are so helpful for me. Not only do they help my physically, but they really help me relax and be in a calm state of mind. Especially when I'm really, really depressed. Thank you so much for doing these videos!!


I loved this! I was grateful when you gave the option for the standing forward fold instead of the seated forward bend (which is sheer torture for me with tight hamstrings and NOT relaxing at all). Thank you so much.


Thank you Sarah Beth. You truly give of yourself to help others. A beautiful video that speaks directly to those who struggle with anxiety and depression.


This was great. Really helped me relax my jaw. loved the depression...past, anxiety...future, peace...present.
