10 Minute Guided Meditation to Attract Money Now

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I created this program when I was in need of a boost of positive energy with a focus on abundance and wealth creation.

Having been a student of personal development for decades, I wanted a simple system that combined the best of what I knew had worked for me in the past.

It would ideally incorporate elements of the law of attraction, affirmations, visualization, and meditation. It would also combine expressing gratitude, setting intentions, and programming the subconscious mind into one streamlined package.

Plus, it had to include real world action steps I could take and be easy to fit into my busy schedule.

Honestly, I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for. So I created a simple system myself.

This 21-day program is the result, and it's had a profound impact on my mindset and the results I get in my life.

SAMPLE the “21-Day Abundance and Money Attraction Brain Boost” for free at

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FOLLOW Bob Baker’s Inspiration Project on Spotify

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Also enjoy these YouTube playlists ...

Morning Affirmations for Wealth, Abundance and Confidence

Guided Meditations for Wealth, Abundance and Creativity

Affirmations for Creativity, Success and Abundance

21 Day Meditation Challenge Videos

Guided Meditations for Relaxation and Stress Relief

Bedtime Sleep Affirmations for Prosperity, Success & Abundance

Affirmations for Health, Healing & Weight Loss

Gratitude Affirmations for Morning and Bedtime

Follow my Bob Baker Inspiration page on Facebook:


10 Minute Guided Meditation
Abundance Meditation
Attract Money Now
Abundance Affirmations
Prosperity Meditation
10 Minute Meditation
Prosperity Affirmations

#Abundance #AbundanceAffirmations #Prosperity #Affirmations #AttractMoneyNow #AttractMoney #GuidedMeditation #Meditation


Also, I've published many books over the years, including …

The Passion Principles: 101 Ways to Express Your Creativity and Share It With the World

The Empowered Artist: A Call to Action for Musicians, Writers, Visual Artists, and Anyone Who Wants to Make a Difference with Their Creativity

Personal and Spiritual Growth for Fun People: The Secret Guide to Joy and Prosperity

Visit my Amazon author page to see many more titles:

Рекомендации по теме

Hello, i never comment on videos but today i will. This 100% works 🥰
Last night i heard this track at 11.30am
I needed urgent money to pay my rent.
Today morning at 10.30 am
I received the exact required amount by a customer of mine who wasn't replying to any of my messages.
Thank you so much😃


I did this once and received three different amounts of unexpected money the very next day, Thank you 🙏 🙏


I never comment on YouTube posts but felt this was deserving. I searched guided abundance meditation to do as I hike every morning and came across this video. For 4 days I have repeated the words, out loud, yelling practically in the middle of the mountains and I am telling my small, and I mean super small business has increased in sales this week. I am truly thankful for this meditation for helping to guide me to do what my soul already knows.... she just needed a little reminder “the abundance I seek is also seeking me” !


The month I started doing this meditation I made my record high month as a freelancer since starting the career 2 years ago. Coincidence? Only one way to find out. Lets keep on going.


Crazy.... I did this yesterday and received two checks today!


My time is right. I am receiving wealth, prosperity, abundance and good health right now. I'm so happy and excited.


I received my desired sum of money in just two days after this..


So I'm back to share more good news guyyysss 🥰 so I still have been receiving the blessings haven't stopped since day one of this video I love it it's the best video on YouTube I hope the person who shared this video as well as the person who created the video is receiving cause you deserve it so much thanks again


The abundance I seek is also seeking me!!


This actually works, I tried this one day and the next day I received money. I am so grateful and so thankful. Wishing you all eternal abundance in every areas and aspects of your lives. :)


The abundance I seek is also seeking me 🙌


I hope that I get the money that I deserve I hope that I can get an good job so that I can be able to support myself and my family as well. I deserve to have an good life as well.


I received check today. It came a month earlier than I expected. Thank you thank you thank you 😊 ☝️☝️☝️Good meditation


My 3rd time listening to this and I been receiving 🥰


Yesss this works I am greatful I listen to this video and it has a positive impact for my morning or when ever I listen.. Thank you may Christ Jesus bless you for posting a blessed and amazing video


I am ready and open to receive abundant of money and nothing can stop🛑 me!!! 👍


I allow the flow of money into my life 🙏


Day 5 I have been actively seeking for abundance around me. I live in Nevada, on my drive home from work, I see many people enjoying outside dining, going into or coming out of the many shops and casinos downtown and walking around just enjoying the fresh air. There is an abundance of people, and abundance of activity and an abundance of money flowing downtown.


So Grateful to you for your meditation segments. They have Opened me Up. I'm Ready to Receive my Gigs and Millions. I'm Ready to Share and to spare.. Ready to Receive my Husband Rich Successful. Tall. Funny. Trust worthy. STD Free.


Day 6 as I seek for evidence of abundance I visited a friend who was having a garage sale. She was having the sale to be able to pay for the plumbing issue she was having. Multiple people donated items for her to sell so she raise the needed funds. To witness an abundance of friends and neighbors willing to help another out is truly a blessing.
