15 Minute Yoga for strong legs | Beginner | Day 2 of Beginner Camp

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Starting 30th September to practice many asanas, meditations and learn the yoga philosophy.

This 15 minute flow will work on your legs to strengthen them in poses like Veerbhadrasana and Utkatasana. You will also experience stretching and flexibility poses to improve blood flow to the legs that will help relieve soreness and pain. 🦵🏼

We hope you enjoy the class! 🤸🏼‍♀️

Things to remember
1. Practice on an empty stomach. Always keep a gap of at least 3 hours between your meal and practice. If you have had a fruit, 2 hours is good enough.
2. Wear loose cotton clothes while practising. Please do NOT wear tight, polyester, dry fit clothing while practising yoga. Your skin needs fresh air as you get in and out of asanas.
3. Practice only as much as you comfortably can. Never try to force yourself into poses. Please remember to be gentle with yourself.
4. If you’re a complete beginner, it would be wise to keep a mirror next to you. This will help you observe yourself as you get in and out of asanas and allow to self-correct.

Stay consistent with your practice with this yoga camp. It’s okay to miss one day but never miss twice! Happy Practising 🙌🏼

For food and lifestyle related guidance subscribe to our channel @SatvicMovement

Disclaimer: Satvic Movement recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities and assume all risk of injury to yourself.
Рекомендации по теме

Completed the 21 day challenge and came back to this video, still can’t do most of the asanas. But the future videos are much simpler. Those of you who couldn’t do today’s asanas, don’t give up, this is the most difficult day in the series.


Following the camp since 2 days, it’s really very helpful and easy to follow. Thanks a lot for your efforts in fitness awareness drive… looking forward for more Satvik ways of life.


Спасибо огромное Вам. Вот уже две недели как занимаюсь с Вами по видео урокам. Это именно то, что я искала. Благодарю ❤❤❤


I am so grateful that I have come across satvic yoga, it has helped me in many ways that I could never have imagined. I am an absolute beginner/novice but this is what I have always needed in my life and never knew it. looking at me you would never have thought I would be into yoga but it has been a godsent blessing for me. satvic yoga? where have you been all my life? thank you so much😅😅


30 Oct 2023
2nd time 🎉 started practice at 4:20 am
Day 2 completed😊
Thank you ma'am and satvic team ❤😊🙏


Day 2 May 2 2023 I really loved it all those twisting n all happening in the body it feels good like I did day 1 yesterday and trust me guys I slept like a baby it was a deep sleep I had since so long. I m gonna continue the awesome journey I have got. Thank You Universe for such an amazing session.😄


1st December, 23....completed day 2 ..absolutely love the stretches in legs


Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful yoga knowledge with us! Hare Krishna 🙏


Finished this yoga challenge along with Day 1 challenge. :) Feeling really good. :)


I started to do from yesterday.im feeling so good.thank you ma'am


Fellow yogis ...Trust me 🥰
Radhika mam makes our yoga journey very easy❤️🥰take a note
She is my mentor of my yoga journey ❤️Lots and Lots of love Radhika mam-Subah mam from the buttom of my heart❤️very very Gratefull to satvic moment team❤️❤️


It was greatest experience. Thank you so much for sharing your yoga experience with us ❤❤❤


Did this again after completing the whole playlist and I can feel a huge difference in my flexibility and strength. So don't get demotivated if as a beginner you're unable to do some asanas. Just stay consistent. It will be fruitful ❤🌸


Mam yesterday myself and my brother did the Asanas you taught. We both felt Thank you. Feeling great to be a part of this Yoga Camp


में हमेशा से योग सीखने की इच्छा रखता हूं। पर एक गुरु की कमी थी, जिसे आपके इस योग प्रसंग ने पूर्ण कर दिया, में आपका आभारी हूं।


Completed day 2 . Thank you so much. "Becoming self-aware is what yoga helps in, "


Along with her lovely stretches ...I love the venue choosen for this video... Beautiful hill with lovely sea at back ground...


Really loved the Beginners camp ! Started few days ago !
Looking forward to a new journey of Body love and Body fitness !


Day 2, July 21, 2023 I felt a lot of tension in my whole body being released while doing the asanas, i was like legit feeling the blood and air flowing through my body during some asanas .i was very sleepy when i started the yoga session but then as the practice continuous i felt more energised than sleepy . I really enjoyed the flow and loved it too Thank You Universe and Satvic Yoga Team for letting it reach out to me❤‍🔥


After the morning running around routine, thus exercise felt like bliss... Thank you Radhika.
