Ultimate 8 MINUTE TONED ARMS WORKOUT. Quick & Intense At Home.

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Get ready to strengthen and shape your arms in 8 minutes with the ULTIMATE toned arms workout. This is my favorite upper body routine to develop lean muscles in the upper half. Its quick, effective, and gets straight to results. If you are consistent in using this video 3 times per week in combination with a healthy diet and fitness routine, you WILL see definition in your arms and feel stronger all around. Consistency is the KEY to real results and I want to support you in reaching your goals. If you are ready, willing, and committed, we can work together to get your best arms ever! So what do you say, are you ready to get moving with me? Grab your handweights (or waterbottles) and let's do this thing!

We will only move through each exercise 1 time for the suggested amount of repetitions. Start light with the dumbbells then as you feel comfortable progress to heavier weights. Choose a weight that feels challenging to complete the set with proper form.

Positive Feel Good Fitness,
-Caroline Jordan





DISCLAIMER: This content (the video, description, links, and comments) is not medical advice or a treatment plan and is intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this content to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Caroline Jordan Fitness its officers, employees, and contractors for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content. Caroline Jordan Fitness makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content. Use of this content is at your sole risk.

#fitnesscoach #tonedarmsworkout #armsworkout

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Get ready to strengthen and shape your arms in 8 minutes with the ULTIMATE toned arms workout. This is my favorite upper body routine to develop lean muscles in the upper half. Its quick, effective, and gets straight to results. If you are consistent in using this video 3 times per week in combination with a healthy diet and fitness routine, you WILL see definition in your arms and feel stronger all around. Consistency is the KEY to real results and I want to support you in reaching your goals. If you are ready, willing, and committed, we can work together to get your best arms ever! So what do you say, are you ready to get moving with me? Grab your handweights (or waterbottles) and lets do this thing!


since I;m recovering from toe operation, I used this video sitting in a chair. So thank you Caroline


I became a patreon last month after I found myself doing at least 2 of your fitness videos a day. Since I've been doing your strength training workouts consistently, my daughter told me that my arms are no longer "soft and squishy" and she doesn't like it:). Well, I LOVE IT! Thanks, Caroline!


This is a great arm workout for just 8 minutes a day you can really feel you're getting a great workout ❤ it just started doing this exercise plan on doing this along with your strength mobility training that I have been doing or try to at least 3× a week like the fact these are osteoporosis friendly workouts and yes! be thankful for everyday you have has been hard lost some friends lately 😢 stress level is high Thanks Caroline for your wonderful videos it helps me to deal with the stress better with your smile and happy go lucky personality look forward to your videos keep up the good work making people healthy and happier!👍 ❤ 😊


Edit: I did this for 30 days
day 1 ✅
day 2✅ ( it really burns)
Day 3: ✅
day 4: ❌ ( took a break)
day 5: ✅
day 6:✅
day 7:✅ ( i love this workout i feel like this is really working)
day 8: ✅ ( i increased the weights and felt it so much in my arms)
day 9❌
day 10❌ (skipped bcs my arms were really sore from increase in weights)
day 11: ✅
day 12: ✅ ( did it with lower weights and it felt a. lot easier)
day 13: ✅
day 14: ❌ ( skipping bcs my one arm is some kind of pain)
day 15: ✅ back with heavier weights
Shared the result on my channel :) i am gonna do it alternate days
day 16: ❌
day 17: ❌
day 18: ✅
day 19: ❌
day 20: ✅
day 21:✅
day 22:❌
day 23:✅
day 24:❌
day 25:✅
day 26:❌
day 27: ✅
day 28: ❌
day 29:✅
day 30:❌
day 31: ✅
day 32: ❌
day 33: ✅
transformation on my channel


Wonderful!!! Fantastic teaching style Caroline. I'll be back for more ;)


I'm exercising with four of your videos at least 4 to 5 days a week: I do stress-busting cardio, arms, shoulders, hips, and tights on the floor and with the chair. I'm so so happy with the results 🤗 finally, I found a channel with workouts that suits me. I love your saying, 'low impact does not mean low results.' Exercises are simple, quick, and very effective. I can see the definition in muscles I never knew I had 😂 Even my kids and husband started exercising! 🏃 Thank you a lot; keep up the excellent work 💕


I love the clock showing us the time to go.


Very nice exercise for the arms not exhausting just right for a senior like me love it❤


Love this! Quick and effective! I used 5 lbs because you are the rep queen, but I think I will try 8 or 10 next time! Thanks!!


A great way to get in some exercise while I'm dealing with a banged-up knee. I should find a knee-friendly workout on your channel.


Thank u for today's upper body work out.❤❤❤


Great feeling after this exercise. Thank you Caroline!


Also, I meant to tell you the sound on this and recent videos is so good. 👍🏻


Ahhhh I needed this today! I did your chair neck stretches and this arm workout and I feel so much better!


Love you Caroline. You're the best! With such well structured exercises that you present, living up to a 102 feels possible 💪🏿 and within reach. Thank you for being so dedicated. I much appreciate it ❤ 🙏🏿


Always love a great arm workout. And so doable for me at 65. I will do the chest presses standing up tho. 💪🏻 Thank you for all you do! 💞


Awesome dumbell arm workout.definetely going to do 3 times per week.


I’m downloading both this and the chair upper body stretches video.


Good morning sunshine ☀️ thank u so much for this toning arms exercise video because I have been looking for an exercise video that will get rid of the wiggles underneath my arms! Again thank u and have a great day!☀️☀️☀️
