Why a Raw Vegan Diet is Not Healthy

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2 years in on raw. I will never go back, it has reversed my lung problems, my acne, my sore back, and my low energy/letheragy.


What about all the people that do raw vegan and reverse sickness? Why does it work for them. They do specify certain things you shouldn't eat. Could it be that it works if done a certain way? There are Doctors that support this way of eating, maybe not for life but it has been proven to help.


Doctors don’t get nearly enough training on nutrition. Going plant based (vegan) has been great for me. Six years in, I’m crushing hard rock climbs and have great energy. Recently, I went down the raw vegan wormhole. I believe the truth is somewhere in between. Now I shoot for a 50/50 raw/cooked. Orthorexia is a real concern for plant based eaters. With that being said, no way will I go back to eating meat/seafood or dairy. My best advice is to do your own homework on the food you eat.


The doctor has no idea what he is talking about. Raw vegan has done wonders for me and my energy level. I feel I can ran a marathon on any day and before I always feel sluggish and tired on meat diet.


In addition to whole, food sources, healthy eating should also focus on how and when to eat. I see too many people eating like they are breathing in the food (don't forget to chew) and at a rate that leaves little time for digestive rest and periodic fasting.


I'm sorry but this video doesn't actually come across as scientific - it comes across as bias. You cant lump raw vegan and vegan int he same category - they are completely different. It's a bit strange that you did this and makes me question some of your other videos now.


When I was younger (17, 18) the vegan community was very tight and really popular. The raw vegan community was interlinked with the regular vegan community at that time (not anymore). I was lead to believe that actually having a period was not a good thing. I even missed a period when I was eating “raw” etc and I thought it was a good thing. I have really badly health anxiety and I’d attached myself to all these “informational” videos from people who were like 3 years older than me. My mental health really suffered around food at that time, and I had no idea how problematic the content I was consuming was. This was actually extremely normalised at that time. Now it’s unheard of almost.


The people who say raw vegan diet is not healthy never tried it, you feel amazing on this diet, so don’t believe anyone who says otherwise. After all we are talking about foods that were described in the Bible as the garden of Eden


So many fake informations.
Point 2 : wrong. It's not true at all that raw vegans are pale, or with eye circle. 😂
Point 3 : very wrong . Raw vegan diet doesn't make you feel cold inside. It's cooked food that does.

It is obvious that you have never, ever tried to be raw vegan. At all.
Dalai Lama is not vegetarian, he eats meat.

All those informations in this video are totally wrong.


"high vibe" means "live food", which is food that contains life energy (vibe = electromagnetic charge, live enzymes, etc.).

through cooking (heating in general) all life force of raw food is destroyed. all those important minerals are still there, but they turned from organic (body can utilize) to inorganic (body cannot utulize) state. this causes all those problems that we call diseases. the body just simply tries to get rid of those waste that inorganic material has accumulated.

raw plant food therefore offers the best utilization of its minerals because they are structurally not changed through heating.

if you want to stay alive you must eat live. a simple but fundamental principle of nature. any deviation will be punished by pain.


NO society in the history of mankind was strictly vegan. I've had some people come to me and say the ancients ate no meat or animal products. Domesticated livestock and poultry is not a new concept and neither is hunting, and there are plenty of recipes containing meats and animal products that have been around for ages. They didn't eat meat every day, but they definitely ate meat. Eating meat isn't bad in moderation, but overconsumption of anything is bad. I tried going vegan for a year and it was the worst and sickest I've ever been in my life. I was lacking in so many vitamins and proteins that I was hospitalized for 3 weeks. It took me almost 2 months to get everything back to normal levels, and I developed osteoporosis. I followed the advice of a dietitian, studied and did everything I knew to do according to the research available. Its not for me. So to those who are vegans, I'm glad it works for you.


Absolutely true.. My digestive problems got worse after I changed to raw vegan diet… Thanks Alex for this video..!!!


I checked out your website and it is confusing that your ‘clinic’ has no address and u don’t publish ur license number anywhere. I couldn’t find your name on any other license board nor could I find any references to your doctoral thesis online…
Idk that all feels fishy to me


Yes I’ve tried to eat raw the past couple of days and my tummy hurts. I feel very fatigued and lightheaded.


My head exploded 5 times watching this video. Everyone who isn't educated in raw-foodism, ends up mischaracterizing it.
Fruit is the easiest thing to digest. And everyone eats fruit raw.

And this period thing again. When you say 'period', don't you mean PMS? I have never heard a RV say periods are bad. What's bad is when it's a syndrome of pain.

And also, why would a lack of cooked(unnatural) food be needed for women to mensurate? This whole attack on our natural diet is just stupid.


What do the Chinese studies say about a whole food plant based, no oil, no processed sugar, low salt, diet?


I'm vegan but not raw. I completely agree with you. Raw vegetables too often is not good for the digestive system. We eat a plethora of foods but cooked.


If you appeal to nature, being vegan is not natural.
Even deer eat animal food occasionally, despite their digestive system allows them to eat 100% plant food without getting sick.
As humans are surely more carnivorous, than deer, full rejection of animal food is not right.
Humans surely are omnivorous.
On the other hand, omnivorous mammals eat more than 90% plant-based in wild when fruits, nuts and green vegetation are easily available.
Only true carnivores still prefer mainly meat if other foods are available.


As a TCM practitioner, I disagree with you here, although I like your channel. You ask why people believe in an ideology over their bodies. But you also do the same. You believe in TCM (an ideology-based medicine and diet based on Taoist ideology), and from a biomedicine perspective, you are doing all the wrong things, so why not have an open mind and dig more into historical TCM books? I am a raw veganist, and it's not my ideology. It's not me; it's the way I nourish my body. I don't have any of these horror symptoms you have described, but all of my non-raw food patients do; they all suffer from major illnesses. I live my life according to the Five Elements and the Daoist diet, in which raw veganism can fit perfectly. So all your theories on this topic are not true. I carefully watched it and reviewed it twice, and I can't agree with a single thing you have said. I see that you need more education on this topic. You also started with the statement that you don't know what high vibe is. It's a qi-nourishing diet. For instance, animal food is low-vibe food. In fact, TCM never recommends eating animal foods but rather uses them for flavor. In history, Chinese food had "shaved dried meat, " not like today's Chinese food. For raw vegans, include "heating" foods and herbs in your diet, i.e., ginger, and you will thrive.


if someone feels good or not on that diet is only because his detoxing and he needs to get rid of these toxins in his body .
raw food \ plant foods has alot of fiber and the body gets rids of alot of toxins while on it, and it takes time, and also you need extra ways to clean the body, sometimes its not enough only the food, but to fast, to do enemas, etc .

and her "mensis" or whatever you call it stopping is becasue of clogged up toxins - over detoxing of the body .
sometimes it goes byitself and sometimes the body needs a boost ( fasting \ enemas ) to help with the cleaning .
symptoms on a healthy diet is cleaning symptoms, thats all
