Why raw, paleo and keto diets are stupid

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Hey y'all, thanks for watching the vid! A few supplemental thoughts...

I will absolutely cop to going with an oversimplified and provocative title here. Sometimes it's easy to sum up a 13-minute piece of content in a few words that people will actually want to click on, and sometimes it's not. You usually either need to sacrifice nuance or clickability, and anyone who makes content for a living constantly struggles with the reality that you can't inform anyone if you don't get their attention, and you can't express your entire piece in a headline (because if you could, there'd be no reason to keep writing beyond the headline).

But, if you've watched the video, I think you'll understand that the basic message is this: If you're a typical over-fed First Worlder (like me), any diet that gets you out of caloric surplus and replaces junk foods with nutrient-dense ones is probably gonna be great for you.

The sense in which I'm calling keto "stupid" here is very narrow — many (most?) people who think they're doing keto aren't actually eating few enough carbs to be in ketosis, and there is not (yet) scientific literature proving that keto has therapeutic benefits for metabolic syndrome beyond those conferred generally by losing weight and eating less junk.

The sense in which I'm calling the raw diet "stupid" is narrow — many of its proponents call it a more "natural" diet, which is in conflict with the weight of anthropological opinion, they often fail to consider reductions in bioavailability of nutrients from raw foods, and they often fail to consider the safety implications of eating raw.

The sense in which I'm calling paleo diets "stupid" is similarly narrow — many of its proponents call it a more "natural" diet, which is in conflict with the weight of anthropological opinion.

I think the science and history behind all of that stuff is interesting, and I thought you would too, so I made a vid about it. That's all!


I was disappointed to learn that the keto diet is not one based entirely on ketamine


This is why I'm on the Pleistocene Diet. Walking all day while foraging for greens, nuts, fruit, and eggs, and intermittent high speed cardio sprints when chased by predators. Fun times!


Why I’m on the white wine diet and not the paleo diet


One time I went to a raw food presentation and the lady was like "I'm so healthy, guess how old I am" And I guessed 50... she was 50 and got mad.


The problem with a raw diet is that they didn't dial it back far enough. You have to eat your meat while it's alive.


I heard a nutritionist once say "The best diet is the one that you can see yourself following for the rest of your life" and bruh the way that hit me. Like, I can't give up pizza, lord knows it, but I can limit it to every second saturday. That sounds perfectly reasonable to me. I like sugary coffee but only one cup before 12 also sounds perfectly reasonable to me. The way to eat healthier is maybe to just, you know, eat healthier.


"Why I eat my meal raw and then throw myself in the oven."


I worked at costco for a while and saw "keto" on so many packagings that i thought it was just a food company


Cooked food feeds better in minecraft, that's the science.
No apologies


She seems very well-educated and interesting, but someone named Dr. Ham talking about a cooking hypothesis is on of the funniest things I’ve ever heard in my life


re: the paleo diet, the local healthfood store carries a very delicious brand of paleo/vegan ice cream, it's wonderful but like, I'm certain no caveman ever enjoyed a bowl of salted caramel ice cream :)


I’m a firm believer in the Cooking Hypothesis. Our relatively weak jaws, small digestive tracts, and gigantic energy-consuming brains basically REQUIRE cooking to get enough calories.


“Why I digest my food in my pot, not my stomach”


"Cooking is an inherently social act."

Me in my kitchen at 3 in the morning making a grilled cheese sandwich by myself in my underwear: Doubt


If I were in Ghana and surrounded by all those stews, fresh food, home cooked meals and ripe fruit, I would NOT be missing my salads.


I’m an undergrad chem and micro bio student. One time a vitamin store lady tried to sell me “liquid ketons” for “supporting a keto diet” while trying to convince me my creatine was killing me. I told her to go back to school.


So what you're telling me is

*Don't* take a huge bite out of a raw chicken breast? Unfortunate. There goes all of my plans tomorrow.


“Why I season my stone club and not my mammoth steak”


So this just confirming what I've always known. Soup is king. Long live soup
