Can Emotional Trauma Cause Physical Symptoms #MarriedToATherapist

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Can Emotional Trauma Cause Physical Symptoms #MarriedToATherapist //

Have you ever wondered if emotional trauma can cause physical symptoms? Watch this video to learn how trauma stays trapped in the body and how to recognize the symptoms.

#EmotionalTrauma #TraumaRecovery #TraumaHealing #MendedLight

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I bought the book "The Body Keeps the Score" and was literally 2% into the book when I hit the part about Tom. I won't write about it in any detail here in case it triggers other incest/rape survivors like myself as well, but the last thing someone who is vulnerable due to trauma from being raped needs to read at the start of a book which they expressly come to for help with trauma is to hit the wall of a rapist's trauma. Perhaps this should be flagged up in some way when recommending the book so that rape victims are mentally prepared for it or can skip over it so as not to exacerbate their existing trauma (the reason for reading the book in the first place). I understand that it is important for the author to explain these aspects, but it's also important to be aware that this is definitely a negative impact if you weren't prepared for it.


As a child you may not have the ability to understand the emotional abuse, but let me tell you, you still know that it makes you feel like you're worthless. I went through physical, sexual, verbal and emotional abuse as a child. I'm 54 years old and, for me, the verbal and emotional abuse were the worst. The aftermath of the verbal and emotional abuse just stay with you.


It sounds like the main question could be rephrased as "does feeling bad make you feel bad" ;)


I've read the book recently, because my psychiatrist told me about it. In fact, he found lots of similarities between me and some of the cases the author presents. The place where I am in his treatment is part of public social health and free for me (I could not afford otherwise) with a multidisciplinary approach. And he had the idea that I might benefit EMDR, since one of his colleques is schooled in this therapy. I will give it a chance, even if I'm a little scared.
And the book was at the same time very interesting and informative, and yes, I recognized me in quite some of the patients and symptoms, and that's why it was hard too and made me cry a lot. Still I never once regretted buying it.
And you resume it's core messages very well.

And thanks for yout great video. You really find the right words. Being emotionally abused as a child by your own family members just makes you helpless. You can't escape and you develop all kinds of mechanisms to "survive" somehow. It helps in the moment, but scars you for life... I'm 35 and "messed up" in many aspects, and one of the deep roots is self-doubt, all the time. Questining my thought and feelings, are they even real, are they allowed.... It's exhausting.


I live with tons of physical pain every day, pain that is unimaginably powerful. I am 100 % certain and understand, that I have also a ton of mental pain that expresses itself in a physical way. I have a therapist which I see once in a month, because she is private and private means expensive. And with all of the help I still far from healing from things like: PTSD, depression, anxiety.


Oh yes. At 29 I developed ibs through choices in my relationships and I haven't been the same since. I developed a stomach infection in my first marriage due to severe neglect. I'm 40 now and have never been the same.


Thank you for this! I’m a massage therapist and have a friend going through massive physical pain for “apparently” no reason. I’m going to look for that book.


Damn.. idk if anyone else with C-PTSD can relate to being aware about this pattern and feeling defeated whenever you are in a triggered state and living life on fight or flight / autopilot until you feel safe and in control again. It‘s tiring and extremely isolating but hey, that‘s just how life is now for us I guess? Is there even a way to "cure" trauma or will we always have to live with it? :/


I had a dr tell me that I have adrenal fatigue which she said is not accepted by all drs but she believed was legitimate. I have extremely low cortisol. My mother was a nightmare. Selfish, mentally ill, did drugs and dated drug addicts. I'm 32 and still have the effects. I have huge blanks in my childhood that I have zero memory of. She almost killed me at 11 when she refused to take me to the hospital saying i was faking and my appendix had been burst 2 days before I got help. She still harasses me and tries to guilts me into a relationship. I hate it, honestly I hate her but for some reason I always give in and take the phone calls which are always about her or my brother who eneded up a murderer in prison or my sister who's an addict. I've always been the "good kid" but God forbid I did anything wrong or she'd beat me and say the worst things. I guess because the first 2 were messed up she had to make herself look good so I had to be good at everything.


The connection between body and "soul" is so much bigger than most people realize. The speicalists keep finding more and more connections the more they look into this. I saw just a couple of weeks ago an article where they listed a whole bunch of deseases they previously thought were only physical that they now can see are clearly linked to having gone through an emotional trauma or struggling with self worth.
I used to jokingly say that when God handed out bodies I must have gotten the "Monday copy" (don't know if you have that expression in your country or if it's only here in Europe), because I've struggled with sooo many desease problems almost my whole life. It isn't until now, when I've become depressed and have to face all the horrible things of my past, which my brain has tried to shut out for all these years, that I start to see the real reason behind me getting so sick all the time ...


The hard truth of how the issue itself keeps you from getting to a safe place 😩 I'm glad I keep hearing though how crucial the step towards safety is.

I'd like to smack that knowledge into the area right infront on the noses of governmental authorities 😂 (Cause we wouldn't wanna hurt anyone!). But we have all kinds if supports which are even free with our healthcare system. But then some well meaning but "not actually" under informed people (who may simply not have had the data yet) developed that funny system of feeding the absolute bare minimum to people in recovery while quickly starting to bully them in a "When are you gonna be OK? When are you gonna be protective enough again to provide for yourself? When are you gonna do xyz, because if you don't we cut your money (which is supposed to be a necessary minimum already) short!!!"

Heaven forbid we look at how extensive and difficult healing is by letting people take the necessary time and hence making it absolutely crucial to society to actually health care and prevent unnecessary damage in people! 🙄

But we're somehow not there yet. We're still busy punishing everyone for "bad people possibly abusing the 'generosity' of society". Like people by default have full control over what damage they take and need to recover from and it's somehow their fault they didn't. While openly abusive people are out there cheating and complaining that it's oh so expensive and they have to pay so much to the government (when in terms of percentage, the impact a poor person takes from paying their bit is way way way way bigger than for them paying their bit and still being able to afford 20 lifetimes of the oneswho struggle).

It's upsetting. People are amazing but really built stupidly to now end 😂 Cause we keep believing short term gains and letting ppl get away with short term gains is a better strategy than doing the long term work!

I'm really glad to see we're not just starting to rethink things, but the process of rethinking also being spread into general public. Taking the time to heal is actually an act of process against the structures killing people. And oh, do we get bullied and shamed for that (and should, thus, rest up even more!)

May your journey be kind and gentle. May you be gentle if it isn't. You're working hard on a better future regardless of others being able to see it or not. I see. You see. It's good enough for now. We're contagious ;)


Thank you for this video, I was very confused when I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and one of the first things they recommended was talk therapy, I was somewhat offended on the misunderstanding that the therapy was going to be about ignoring the pain and denying that I have a physical disability, essentially I was scared the doctor considered it a psychosomatic disorder.

Knowing there’s a connection to trauma and fibromyalgia makes the recommendation make so much more sense and I think I might reconsider my choice to opt out of it. Thank you


I remember requesting a video like this a few months back. Thank you for listening <3


🤯 is the only reaction I have to this. It explains so many things. I am almost 40, and just now getting back on the path I felt I needed to be on since grade school (immersing myself in mathematics, science and technology). Even though I resent many people and events in my life, I am grateful for all this information that is so freely available in this age! It is truly miraculous! As long as I learn what I dream of knowing before I pass, my lifelong passion will have been fulfilled.


I need to hear this again and again and again. Thank you so much. <3


Oh absolutely. I haven't read The Body Keeps the Score but I know the connection between emotional trauma and physical disorders is true because I developed ibs, stomach pain, chronic fatigue and a host of other issues after suffering pretty severe emotional neglect and abuse as a kid. I wouldn't be surprised if how long I was sick as a kid was caused by the emotional trauma itself.


Amazing video and message, thank you! 💖




What you are describing in this video happens to me a lot.😢


Interestingly, when "I am being triggered" was first a major thing that people were learning, from many media sources and such, several professional persons in the field of psychology wrote articles, went on talk shows and were interviewed on the news regarding what the purpose is versus how it is wrongly used. The explanation was basically this:

A person is trained to say "I am being triggered." This is primarily to themselves, to help them recognize it and keep their brain online. It is also a warning to those who know the person and what it means or who have at least been informed as to how to respond when a person says that.

Not so they can change their entire life to suit your dysfunctional need, though. So that they know weirdness will ensue, like that you might need help in moving to a safe place while you crumple into a ball of despair, or hold you so that you start crying instead of punching people.

Always, though, the primary reason for saying "I am being triggered." is for you to recognize your own dysfunctional tendencies and gain control of them.
