Diabetes Exercises At Home Workout: To Help Control Diabetes (Level 1)

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Diabetes Exercises At Home Workout: To Help Cure Diabetes (Level 1) // Caroline Jordan //

Here's a home-based diabetes fitness video routine that doesn't require a gym membership, fancy workout clothes, or expensive equipment.

How important is an exercise for diabetes?

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends 30 minutes of moderate activity most days of the week. If you have trouble fitting in 30 minutes of exercise at a time, consider breaking it up into 10-minute segments. It's best to spread your activity out over at least 3 days during the week and try not to go more than 2 days in a row without exercising. Remember: moderate intensity means that you are working hard enough that you can talk, but not sing, during the activity. Vigorous-intensity means you cannot say more than a few words without pausing for a breath during the activity.

If you haven't been very active recently, start out with 5 or 10 minutes a day. Then, increase your activity sessions by a few minutes each week. Over time, you'll see your fitness improve, and you'll find that you're able to do more. Getting started with Diabetes exercises at home.

If you are just starting out, this free diabetes exercises at home video routine is a great place to begin. You don't even need to leave the comfort of your own home!

Make sure to get your doctor's permission before starting with these diabetes exercises at home. Let them know that you want to do these diabetes exercises at home, they can make sure you're ready for it. If you're new to working out, start slowly.

Check your blood sugar before, during, and after exercise — especially if you’re trying something new — to determine how it impacts your blood sugar levels. And keep a snack nearby in case your blood sugar drops.

Consistency is the KEY to seeing benefits from your diabetes exercises. Try to do this 10-minute video on most days of the week. You can add additional fitness to your day (like strength training and walking!) as you build endurance and health. The key to sticking to your diabetes exercises is to make your workouts fun, appealing, and easy to start. All you have to do is press play to get moving and see results!

I hope this diabetes exercises video helps you manage your diabetes and live well.





My Videographer: David Ari

#C​arolineJordan #DiabetesExercise #Diabetes

DISCLAIMER: This content (the video, description, links, and comments) is not medical advice or a treatment plan and is intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this content to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Caroline Jordan Fitness its officers, employees, and contractors for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content. Caroline Jordan Fitness makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content. Use of this content is at your sole risk.

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Рекомендации по теме

You have changed my life. I dont know how shall i repay for this. My Sugar became normal within 2 weeks which is out of my expectation. it was 230 FBS and 350 PP. Now my FBS is 135 and PP 142. I hope I am on the way to reverse my diabetic soon. In shaa Allah. May God bless you for helping people with your videos. Love from Saudi Arabia🌹🌹🌹


I found your exercises on You Tube. I am a 70 year old male with type 2 diabetes. I was diagnosed in 2004- I found the low impact routines just awesome. I must be careful because of 2 bad knees- again the low impact works well for me.
I will continue to watch and join in.
Thank you so much.


I am ashwini shete.i am diabetic from last 16 yrs.i am 60 yrs.old.I had miniscus tear to lt. Knee.Mam you had shown very easy exercises.thank you very much.


I have started 2024 with your exercises and a healthy attitude. My goal is to enjoy each session and getting fitter and, healthier, as approach 67. After just two days, I look forward to working out, and I smile doing it 🎉 thank you Caroline.


I'm holly von Hessler and my sugar levels have gone up dangerously high and this video is absolutely brilliant it's hard but it helped me and I'm going to do this everyday to help me with my diabetes this lady made it so easy for me as I don't do much exercises and I feel stiff but I feel great I know it is the first time I've done this but this lady has shown me that it isn't hard to do and it made me feel 100 times better than this morning when I heard the results I would like to make sure I can share this video with anyone who wants to lose weight and also their mental health


I want to rid myself of diabetes! I have lost weight, now I want to exercise daily to keep myself fit, while maintaining a healthy diet. Seeing this video, I know I can work with you, and will be joining you every day. Thank you so much.


Hi, I am Marlene 75 yrs old. Joining your exercises fo diabetics. Thanks much for following you.. Am so happy that I can now do it good.. I love to do it.. Tnx again. Frm manila, Phillipines. God bless🙏❤️😘


I have done all 3 levels of your diabetes exercises at home and they are all excellent, Caroline! Thank you so very much for these wonderful exercises that raise the heart rate, boost your metabolism, control diabetes, lower your BP and are mostly lots of FUN!


I’ve been on my weight loss journey for 5 weeks now. I’ll be 40 on August 23rd. I’ve been a diabetic since I was 21. I hide how much I hate myself by being the life of the party. The big bubbly girl. I been using your workouts for 2 weeks now. It’s low impact and gets my heart going. I check my blood sugar before I do the workout and after. I am seeing a huge difference. Thank you for these workouts. They are changing my life. - Aimee


Good morning Caroline, I am Constance Jones, Change on May 8th 21I found your video on the 10 best Exercises for diabetes, I did it before going to bed, This morning I check my blood sugar it was 99, Hallelujah, !!!! I had planned before retiring last night that I would do your Number One video this morning, I have completed it it was wonderful and I was proud of me, I suffer from asthma, As well as being afraid that there's not going to be enough air to take me through a workout, I used to be very active in working out every day, When the pandemic happened the classes that I normally would attend, I could no longer attend, I kept it up for a while at home and walking, Then I fell off the waggon, And the waggon rolled over me and backed up over me, I was in a slump, Not working out 4 weeks . And I pray to God for help to strengthen me back and further in stressed to workout lego this morning was to do your work out i did and I thank you so much, You're being here for people with diabetes or just needing to workout is a blessing. I am thankful to God, For giving you the smart mind and great body to give greatness to all of the people that view your Video. Have a happy Mother's Day


Thanks a lot Caroline, I am doing all three level exercises everyday from almost last one month and this is really amazing. I never thought I can control my diabetes from more then 200 to near almost 100. Thanks a lot again may god bless you


Thank you Caroline... Your exercises make me feel so light n energetic...
Today is the second day, and m feeling so good. I'm not diabetic but fear I may get ... That's why I am doing it with you .
Thank so much


It’s great for seniors even if you do not have diabetes. Thank God we found out about this.


I have recent Diabetes diagnosis.I have Managed to reduce my A1C from an 8 to a 6.5 in 30 days, with a 10 pound weight reduction.This is my very first time exercising in 20 years.I am so grateful to have been able to find you and your exercise.Your voice is encouraging, calming and motivational with kindness.I am a fan now, so happy to have been able to exercise with ease


The information provided was extremely helpful. By incorporating daily exercise, making healthier food choices and following a meal plan suggested by my physician, I was able to lower my A1C from 14 to 6.9 without medication. This also led to improvements in my physical fitness and energy levels. With determination and the right tools, achieving your goals is possible.


Thank you for this video. I was very demotivated and stressed after delivery of my baby due to weight gain and diabetes but started the exercises you did in the video and felt good about myself after such a long time.


Excellent short workout. Thank you Caroline from this 72 year old with borderline pre-diabetes diagnosis. Will be back tomorrow


The beauty of the workout is it can be done anywhere and doesn't go on and on and on like many others do. You get a great workout without having to buy a bunch of equipment.
P.S. My blood sugars have also lowered.


First timer here. This is exactly what I had in mind to help get started. My heart rate is up, I broke a sweat and I feel good. Video saved. Thank you.😊


I was just diagnosed with pre diabetes. I ran across your video and was very helpful for me. I haven't been active in no excise since 2018. Before my back surgery. I'm a very active person. Love walking and working out.
