CPTSD & Procrastination: How Emotional Hurts Dysregulate Your Brain

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Everybody procrastinates sometimes, but for people who experienced abuse and neglect in childhood, brain and nervous system dysregulation can turn ordinary procrastination into a surrender of everything you want in your life. This video is for those of you who voted for Dysregulation and Procrastinationas your TOP topic requests, and in it, I talk about painful events that trigger dysregulation, and how you can process those feelings *before* they trap you in procrastination.
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I never normally comment Anna, but I just wanted to say that you have made me make sense of the world more than anyone else - both on YouTube and in real life. I know that it might not always help when people comment harsh or uneducated things, but please remember that the silent majority are hugely thankful for the work that you do.


Hi Anna,
Please don't let a jealous therapist or 2 get you down. I'm a therapist who tells my clients to watch your videos! There is room for all of us as there are so many people needing our help these days. You look fine, and your videos are spot on. You are providing a valuable and unique service because you are SO GOOD at describing the subjective experience of traumatized individuals, and because you also help them to see that their experience is similar to that of so many others. You are providing tools for managing their condition, and what more could anyone ask for? It's obvious to me that you put a lot of thought, research, and kindness into what you do. Please read these comments below when you are feeling down or insecure. Your fanbase dwarfs the negative people.


I shook my head when you said a therapist told you to stop talking. I spent years with therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists trying to determine how to understand what I was feeling. No diagnosis; no results, but spent a ton of money sitting in a chair talking to myself. I discovered CPTSD through a psychiatrist on YouTube and then found your page. Don't EVER stop talking, Anna. You make sense; you know your subject; you express yourself beautifully; your explanations are clear as a bell to laymen; your compassion is unsurmountable by any professional I've asked for help. Since listening to you, the relief I have felt is something I have sought for most of my life and never found. Don't stop. As my generation would say, keep on trucking.


I am an LCSW with ten years of experience providing mental health services. My specialty is DBT. I also have Childhood trauma and PTSD. I have a therapist. I take deliberate and intentional action to help myself recover everyday. Part of my healing involves listening to one of your YouTubes each morning while I journal my thoughts and feelings that come up. This is helping me process my trauma and live a more meaningful life. I am a licensed professional AND I find so much value in your presentations. I appreciate you. I’m sorry someone feels they need to reduce your presence.


I don't know why therapists are against people sharing information on CPTSD.
Many therapists I went to my whole life made me feel like all the affects of trauma were my fault and something wrong with me.

People like you are the reason I started getting better, because your approach is "what happened to you is not your fault but your behavior once you realize what happened to you is your choice" more or less.

Please don't ever stop making these, There is a way you approach childhood trauma that you do in a way that helps people understand and feel validated and focus on healing ♡


This is exactly the funk I've been in lately. No amount of sleep or rest have been truly restorative. No longer pursuing interests or hobbies. No longer expressing myself in any meaningful way. Just work and sleep during the week, and then chores, more sleep, and watching documentaries on the weekends. I really needed this wakeup call, because I do have to make some actionable steps to reboot my life and rediscover passions. Thank you.


Please don't stop doing these videos! There is a woman from a small country a lot of people don't even know exists that needs you and your knowledge, compassion and warmth. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Love from Croatia❤️


I became a psychologist at a point in my life, two master's, thirty years of therapy on and off, and I can tell you the psychological therapeutic community is broken. I've learned more from experts on you tube, starting four years ago. I followed two other well known therapists before I got to you, and you are my favorite on this topic. They got some things, but not all. Actually, another woman (who explained borderline better than I ever heard it and their victims), was also crucified but explained the dynamics better than anyone. Haters are usually threatened in some way...jealous maybe that you can articulate better!? Wouldn't be surprised.


"Fantasizing about someone who doesn't even exists". That one hits hard, It happens to me, like a lot, I tought I was just a weird case, but now I see it is more common that what I think. I noticed that I stopped fantasizing about fictional characters when I change city and started studying a career I like, and also for first time in my life my classmates wanted to be my friends, so I started to have more significant connections. Then this stupid Covid happen in the last year of my studies and I had to return ti the place I was born and all my proggres went to hell. Luckily I was able to return to the city where I was studying and I am feeling like making progress again. I am still working in doing new friends.


The phrase, "you feel like you're not on a level playing field" (with others, with the "normal" people) really resonated with me, even more profoundly than so many other questions. I've felt sort of handicapped my entire life, and until I started watching these (and purchased your programs), I just thought I had some unidentifiable mental illness. This struggle called CPTSD is real, there's a lot of us out here, and it's challenging. Thank you for everything you do for us and for your own healing journey!


That “therapist” from Indiana should realize that the best understanding and guidance comes from people with lived experience. It leads to a quicker and more lasting recovery. For example, addictions groups are required to have a person leading who has been addicted themselves. And people with disabilities have a saying, “Nothing about us without us.” Someone who has not been through it will never really be able to empathize as well nor advise on the best course of action. There is a reason for doing it this way, it works!! I see a therapist about what is going on specifically in my life but I watch your videos bc you really get what it’s like to be sensitive and easily dysregulated bc of past trauma, and I get a lot out of your advice! If she were a good therapist who had her priorities straight, she would see that the topics you cover are super relevant for people with CPTSD and that your insights are a rare treasure from which she could really learn and perhaps be better at her job.
💖 Love, a social worker with CPTSD


You’ve truly changed my life. I’m 28 and have looked for answers for so long. Therapy never worked. I’m so grateful for you. I’m serious. Please please never stop making these videos. My life and many other.. have been filled with hope again. It’s everything to know that your not a hopeless human being. There’s hope now.
Truly grateful for you friend💖


Dear Fairy, you helped me more than my past and current therapists combined. You have my love and respect.


“You actually are designed to heal” I love that 🍃


Oh, Anna, I’m so sorry that folks have made such awful comments. You’ve helped me so much. Thank you! The snake-bite piercing thing made me laugh out loud—people are cray-cray! I’ve completely withdrawn from socializing and going outside, so this was good to hear.


Jesus, I found myself in this 100%. Those crushing moments when everything is fine and then BAM I'm paralyzed. Negative comments, even obviously pointless ones, are very triggering to me. Thank you for your videos, Anna, you helped me a lot. I discussed some of the subjects yesterday in my therapy session. Probably will do that again next week. Keep up the good work, dear! :)


I have C-PTSD, and doctors are aware of my trauma. Because of that, everytime I brought up the issues with procrastination, lack of focus, impulsivity and emotional dysregulation, they put it all on it.
That's why it took until this year, at 36 y/o for them to assess me for ADHD, as I requested countless of times.
Long and behold, I did it and effectively have ADHD, and pretty severe.
Now I'm on Ritalin and the improvement is notorious, though it is not as miraculous as other people say, because half of my problems are due to C-PTSD.
But at least it's reduced about a 50%, so I'm ecstatic!


I've seen more therapists than I want to admit. Not one of them has the grounded perspective on trauma and CPTSD that you provide in these videos. I had no idea what dysregulation was, or that it played such a destructive role in my life, and learning about it from your videos was a life changer. Bless you! What a service you provide! Thank you again for shedding light on the true cause of my lifelong struggles. I can't help but wonder at that perseverating, obsessed therapist who is fixated on bullying you for providing one of the most valuable services available online. Your contribution is leading edge, and I'm glad some members of the therapy profession are paying attention.


That happened to me yesterday, a bitter comment out of the blue. Thanks for sharing, even as far on the path of recovery as you have come, you know how it still affects you. It's such a weird feeling. Intellectually, I know I said nothing wrong, but I still wondered what I had done wrong and from there, circled into an "I'm an inadequate person, I hurt people" loop.


I have cptsd due to an abusive dad and both of my siblings passing away when I was a teen and in my twenties. I've struggled with alcohol abuse and self harm and always blamed myself for not being able to pull myself into a healthy place by sheer force of will. You have helped me with my cptsd more in a few months than anyone else ever has. The ability to name my experiences and understand my patterns has been so valuable. Thank you for your work, you're literally saving lives.
