Do You Procrastinate MORE Than Most People? Here's What to Do

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Getting things done is a HUGE problem for many people, especially with the neurological effects of trauma complicating your ability to focus, to maintain consistent energy levels, and to handle emotional upsets that are bound to happen from time to time. In this "best of" compilation, I share strategies for overcoming procrastination and "action paralysis." Learn how you can overcome limitations from the past and accomplish important goals that make you happy.
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Omg I can’t believe how spot on this is!!!! It’s amazing how much I relate to all of this! Thank you so much Crappy Childhood Fairy for how much you must have to put into these videos. It is so incredibly helpful to others! I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone tick so many boxes of what I go through and I didn’t know that others experience what I experience - in fact quite the opposite because this experience feels extremely isolating and as if the reason I don’t fit in sometimes is because nobody is like me or nobody can relate to me. The fact that I’m not alone in this is very reassuring and gives me hope for my future. Thank you🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💕💕💕💕💕


"this is the most haunting kind of depression..." knowing you are capable of more but trapped by fear. It's so painful.


"Sometimes we do need to rest, but procrastination doesn't recharge our batteries."


I've been seeing Psychologists for over 30 years - not one has ever mentioned CTPSD, procrastination issues, limerance, anything of that ilk. I've gotten more from your videos than seeing any of them and I thought they were awesome. I got alot from them but nothing like what I get from you. What's dangerous is therapists that say you're dangerous. If someone is helping someone else that should be encouraged. It helps me immensely when, in the middle of the night, I'm awake, in panic or tremendous sadness, I can just watch one of your videos. You've helped me and you've somewhat saved me. Please don't ever stop. You make a difference. You are important.


Paralysis is exactly what it is. It's like hanging off the side of a cliff and being terrified to move. I'm just coming out of an episode. Thank you so much for putting a name to it.


I am a licensed therapist/researcher and the perspectives you provide appear to be evidence-based and empirically sound. I recommend your videos to friends/family. Personally, I have found healing and coping skills from your videos. Thank you for the applicable information you provide. Thank you for all you do! :)


Procrastination is one of the few things I excel at.


“Using inaction like a drug.” Bingo. 👌🏽


Dear Fairy, I'm 77 and just getting unstuck, thanks to you and your good work. Thank you so so much


The best method I've found to stop procrastinating is 1- not to THINK about what I need to get done. Deep inside I already know. 2- Act, one simple SMALL action leads to another then another. And before I know it I've accomplished what I had to get do. Even though in my mind it was this huge responsibility.
For me the TWO hardest thing to overcome is the addiction. That need to fall back into the comfort zone and just isolate. Which really comes from this underlying need of not getting triggered. Then there is the Fear. I grew up "Walking on egg shells" for the first 18 years of my life. It's been a slow journey peeling back this feeling of fear but I have made progress. All going back to learning how to take small steps of action and not let my thinking get in the way.


You got a fist bump and a subscription from this psychiatrist. I love finding good creators spreading well thought out, helpful material that I can point my patients towards since we are remote and the need far outweighs the available professional and layperson mental health providers. This one spoke to me deeply as a chronic procrastinator when stressed.


Hi there I am a physician and I really appreciate the work that you’re doing. You’re giving sound advice, actionable steps that actually help people. Thank you very much.


Please don’t let the haters win. You are the voice in the dessert of psychotherapy BS calling the seekers who know truth when they hear it. Thank you thank you thank you.


The fact that you are not a licensed therapist and are still delivering such important useful information is TO YOUR CREDIT.. As an older middle aged person who has spent their entire life living in first tier western world cities, I can say with great confidence that most pyschotherapists I have met, either on a professional basis or in my social millieu are completely full of shit. Thank you for your incisive incredibly genuine and heartfelt perspective. I wish you every success.


Anna I am a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, and Family Nurse Practitioner, I have been certified as a master psycho-pharmacologist, all that being said I just wanted to thank you for all you do with this channel! I have adhd and cptsd and in my professional and personal, opinion your channel is a valuable resource for me and my patients


“You can choose to use your attention the way you want.”

“You want the joy from doing the things you have to do.”

Thank you for these.


“Stepping forward into my small part” is what people need to do. I am a licensed therapist and everything you say is on point. What matters is you are helping a lot of people. Your stories about your childhood and what you are doing today makes you relatable and effective.


~♡~Anna, we are now in an age, where 'professionals', and 'licensed experts' are no longer the best help, or have the best advice~These industries have become too corrupt~You are an absolute gem!!!~Ive found the same true of medical doctors, and the best advice i get are from people who are not restricted by their industry, just like you would be if you were 'licensed'~You are helping far more by being outside of that system!!!~♡~


I’ve learned more about CPTSD from your videos than from any of the many therapists I came across in the past. Thank you for putting yourself out there for the broken people so that they can mend.


You give it a name to what is happening to me. Dis-regulated. I’ve been fighting these feelings most of my life. Thank you so much. It helps me to understand myself. I’m 70 years old and still struggling to understand myself. I wish to live the rest of my life with happiness and peace. It’s like your teachings were sent from above.
