Do the Non-Elect Have a Chance to Repent?

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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 1720
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Do NOT worry IF you are elect----just come to Jesus. HE said " him that cometh to ME l will in NO wise cast out "


“It is not his will that ANY should perish but that ALL should come to repentance.”


I have a family member who is a devout Calvinist. He led what appeared to be a pretty materialistic family (from what I could tell, anyway). His wife and daughter were always pretty rogue, and at one point he told them that they clearly aren't elect and might as well stop attending church.

Not surprisingly, his daughter grew up to vehemently hate Christians (and blamed him) and is now involved in witchcraft. My aunt continued her wayward life, ultimately doing some pretty awful extra marital things before finally leaving the marriage.

She was pretty much ostracized from the family, and I wrote her off and didn't give it much thought until it was put on my heart to pray for her and love her. Long story short, she got saved and is living for Jesus now. She is very vocal about her faith, and isn't afraid to boldly proclaim that He is Lord in Facebook posts.

It is such a joy to see such an unlikely person come to a genuine faith in Jesus later in life. I'm not sure how God worked behind the scenes, and I probably am not capable of understanding such a thing. However, we need to be careful not to let Calvinism or any other man made doctrine or interpretation become front and center in our faith. I can only imagine the damage that could have been saved if she wasn't told she was unsavable.


Dear God, in times where I am at a crossroad in my life, I ask that you will give me the counsel that will help me make the right decision. I do not desire to go in the way that is not pleasing to you, Lord. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen Shalom.


This is a very easy question to answer. Christ commands us: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”” Matthew‬ ‭28:19-20‬ . God, in his infinite knowledge, knows who will choose Him (the elect), and who will not. But we can not know who is truly elect and who is not. Even those who have committed to Christ can turn away. So we must evangelize everyone, and pray that God’s grace brings people to faith in Christ, leading them to follow Christ’s commandments as He instructed in the great commission.


Let's not forget Acts 13:48 When the Gentiles heard this; they began to rejoice and glorified the word of the Lord; AND AS MANY AS BEEN ORDAINED TO ETERNAL LIFE BELIEVED.


It's not for us to know who will be saved and who won't. Only God knows, and it's between God and the individual. Our absolute commitment is to Jesus and to preach the gospel to all nations with prayers and fasting in obedience to Him. Trusting God in all things and leaving everything in His perfect care.


I was never saved based on conviction but through FEAR. I am the first in my family to be a born again christian. I never heard the word of Christ till I was 16 (came from a different religious background: SIKHS). I, immediately, rejected it out of anger which I didn’t know why since it was giving me turmoil and fear of the idea of hell. About a year later, I heard the gospel, again and started questioning in my head, “why do I even care?” For whatever reason, it led me to ask around. I knew if I died I’d go to hell- even though, I didn’t know Christ, at all. …Weird, right?

When I finally accepted Jesus Christ, the fear and anger left, immediately. I got hungry for the Bible but I didn’t attend to church till 5 years later where I had all of my answers given—as if Christ read my mind. I also felt and wondered if I would lose my salvation and the answer is NO- since I had never chose him for he loved me first. My life was fine before Christ. Why would I need him? Who in the world ever says, “I’m glad I chose Christ over the desires of this world.” No one would because we are dead in our sins but some of us been chosen to be redeemed for his kingdom.

CONCLUSION: There is NOTHING special about us; Ultimate justice would be all of us to be damned. Yet, Jesus went out of his way to come down without ever asking. …If that isn’t a true hero rescuing and wanting to be with us then I don’t know what is; Nothing can beat that. That’s why sinners hate him because he is the ultimate good guy (God).



This is heart breaking to listen too and to read in the comments. I've spent years studying both sides of the spectrum and still find this difficult to wrestle with when one brings the vast amount of texts on this topic. The apparent paradox is not hidden but instead it is seen from both sides. I am a seminary student and this topic was one that drew me to seminary. I'm still found wrestling with this.

I do want to state that if you are drawn close to Christ, listen to the Holy Spirits conviction and grow in your relationship with Him and his word. Everything else can be secondary. God bless you all!


The best explanation of Romans 9 that I've heard. Now it doesn't sound like a death sentence to me anymore. God is sovereign and loving and merciful. Praise the Lord 🙏


It says that “many are called yet few are chosen”. Then you need to ask yourself why God would call someone that is not chosen? It’s because after they are called they would not believe so therefore they could not be chosen. It’s like being called to try out for a basketball team. They try out because they were called to try out. Doesn’t necessarily mean they will be chosen. The ones that are qualified are chosen. Well, not everyone who claims to believe, truly believe from their heart. It says that you must confess with your mouth and believe in your HEART that He is Lord. You have to say it out of your mouth and believe it in your heart and not one without the other.


Pray Jesus will grant me repentance and faith. I’m 29. I guess he hated me before the universe begin


Amen!!! Pastor sir... You're blessed amongst men for bringing to light this great doctrinal truth


Every Knee Will Bow and Every Tongue Will Confess that Jesus Christ is Lord Hallelujah God Bless ✌


This is exactly what I needed to hear today. I've been subconsciously grappling with this issue, on account of a discussion I had with my atheist friend about election 🙏


Seems like a solid biblical answer to a difficult question. I suppose one day we will all understand fully and be praising God for this too.


Shalom qodesh mishpacha!! All esteem to Abba YAHWEH b'YAHSHUA ha'Maschiach!! HalleluYAH!! Amein!!


All who love Jesus Christ will be faithful to Him.


Who so ever call 's on Lord and believes for by Grace you are saved through faith then you become one of the elect


I have believed the doctrines of Grace since I was saved and I have never thought that evangelism was to focus on people who show some sign of interest in God. I was showing no interest in God when my boss/friend asked me one evening, “Larry, are you saved?” There is no indication a person is elect until they call on His name and begin following Him. So those of us who believe in the Doctrines of Grace or sometimes called Calvinism believe we need to and have to preach the gospel to all. For God saves through the foolishness of preaching.
