Does God Love the Non-Elect?

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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 1146
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I think it's amazing as I'm growing in Christ that I get a Q. about something.. and then the Lord brings things too me.. Thanks so much Pastor John, really enjoy


1 John 4:8 “... God is love” . 1 Corinthians 13:6 “ love does not rejoice in iniquity”.


Faith is a gift from God, so no man can boast. Praise God!


Both Calvinism and Arminianism have their points which we must view together not separate. It would be impossible for god to be sovereign and not “predestine” what people do. Likewise we couldn’t love without freewill. God knew revelations before genesis ever happened. Therefore all things are predestined to a sovereign god. It is impossible for him to not know something therefore all things are predestined to him. We have entire free will as far as our fleshly choices. We can not choose god on our own because we disobey him by our very nature, but because Christ died for all our sins he calls each of us to him through ways we cannot know. If we choose to open the door to the call he sent first we can through him be saved, overcome our fleshly desires and when time comes humbly enter heaven. We cannot wake up and decide to choose god after a life of disobedience, however since he has chosen us all and calls us all we can accept his love or not. He is always fair and just.


Romans 9:15 For He says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion.” There you go as God said it.


Thank you Desiring God for answering all these questions biblically :)


If He desires for all to be saved, why would there be an elect? If we are elected before the world began, then our paths (heaven or hell) are chosen.


I know god understands our fear, sadness and our struggles. Therefore, will he condemn those who are bitter, angry over their sad, tragic lives? Many I know are these and I hope this loving god of mercy, compassion, wisdom, love will be merciful to them. We must pray for them and love our neighbors. BU LOVE GOD MOST WITH YOUR MIGHT AND MANE.


He loves them so much, he tortures them for eternity.


So.….the 'non-elect' get their threescore and ten, during which time they may experience soft, refreshing rain. After which, they are consigned to an unimaginable eternity. And God loves them. Not enough to force them to respond through 'irresistible grace - not even enough to give them the mercy of never being born - but just enough to afflict them with a short, pointless they pay the ultimate penalty.


Jesus loves everyone for the purpose he created them..


Look at this. If you were going to create a company, from a great idea and plan of your own..., in order to get out your product to as many people as possible ..., you would have the right to "elect" and "chose" a certain amount of employees to "establish" the need for your invention, with the result being that hopefully EVERYONE could benefit from it. God used Moses, Abraham, the prophets, the Apostles, Paul...., to preach one main subject in the whole bible...Redemption in Christ.


I announce throughout the universe and eternity...I give my choice Jesus Christ..
And agree to undergo all the demonic attacks and persecution for my faith...only not to miss Jesus and His saints..because its hell for me to live without His presence and church even on the earth ....but if after this He doesnt have mercy on me..and support my spiritual life..that will really be His choice and Ill eternally announce ..that He left me go...but Im horrified to live without Him...I love You Lord...Help me ..plz...Amen


Why do people go to men? Its almost as if they don't believe that God will lead them in truth. At least John here acknowledged to be in the word in the beginning of this answer and that is the source of true knowledge. But men lead us in all sorts of different directions. God will lead you in truth if you trust in Him.


According to Calvinism, not only does God not love the 'non-elect' (as the define them), but rather made them for the purpose of destruction... for his 'good pleasure' and to gain more glory for himself, as-if God could even be more glorious than he is.🤔 BUT... not only that... Any Calvinist professing faith in Christ can only do so by God's effectual, unchangeable, decree. And, since they hold this to be true, and since no one is promised the 'Gift of Perseverance'... the only way afforded within the confines of Calvinist doctrine to explain those who later abandon their profession of faith is just as John Calvin did.
"Evanescent Grace", a temporary, 'fake', faith God permits some to experience for a time and later withdraws...because he never really loved them anyway. AND, if God does that to some there is absolutely no reason to believe he isn't doing to to you right now. And the real possibility of apostasy, by God's decree, now hangs over their head like the Sword of Damocles. Any attempt to point to one's Christian activities or desires as 'evidence' of salvation is useless. In Calvinism, they are only a manifestation of God's decree...for today... which may not last either.
You are worshiping a God who cannot be trusted to love anybody you know. Not even the man in the mirror.


There are two Greek words in the New Testament that are translated into English as "love". The words are agape and phileo. When the Bible tells his people to love their enemies, the word used is "agape", not "phileo". Agape means to walk in the commandments of God. Phileo means to have an affection for someone.


If someone can explain this to me, how come at the end he says that we should make every effort to bring people to heaven with us, while previously speaking for minutes about the doctrine of election? It seems to me like they contradict. Perhaps I’m not familiar enough with the subject, but what’s the point of evangelism if some are elected for heaven and not others? Because if that’s the case what can human beings do( or not do )to change or affect what God has predestined?


Why would god not choose everyone for his elect? Truly want to know. Make me understand. #outcast


GOD So Loved The World But GOD’S Love Is NOT Promiscuous, It’s Powerful, Never Wasted, And Accomplishes GOD’S Predestined Purposes Through HIS Chosen People:

In HIS Letter (The Bible) to HIS Children (The Elect, The Chosen), GOD in the flesh (Jesus Christ) announces something (John 3:16) surprising to HIS listeners. HE announces that HIS Love for HIS Elect is no longer (John 4:22-23) based on a certain geographical portion of the world (Jerusalem), or a certain nationality of the world (the physical genealogical seeds of Abraham-Isaac-Jacob – Luke 3:8, Galatians 3:7-8, Romans 2:28-29) but GOD’S Elective-Chosen-Love is for people of ALL the world.

Within ALL geographical locations (Mark 13:27), and within ALL (Revelation 7:9) are HIS Elect who HE has ordained (Acts 13:48) to eternal life through HIS sacrifice on the cross. Who’s names HE wrote in the Lamb’s Book of Life before HE laid the foundations of the world.

The John 3:16 Universal Love Heresy Debunked:

For GOD so loved the world does NOT mean GOD loves EVERY individual in the world and gave HIS Only Begotten Son to die for EVERY individual in the world – it means GOD so loved HIS Children (The Elect, The Chosen) who are within ALL geographical locations (Mark 13:27), and within ALL (Revelation 7:9) of the world.

It’s important to note who Jesus is speaking to when HE states John 3:16. Jesus is speaking to the physical genealogical decedents of Abraham-Isaac-Jacob who ONLY know of GOD’S Elective-Chosen-Love being for the physical genealogical decedents of Abraham-Isaac-Jacob. It was shocking for them to hear that The GOD of Israel’s Elective-Chosen-Love is spread out among Gentiles as well.

John 3:16 KJV

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

The word “believeth” is a word of ability and because of the fall of Adam humankind is spiritually dead, and a spiritually dead man has NO ability to believe – that’s why one must become Born Again to even SEE the Kingdom of GOD (John 3:3), and ONLY GOD can raise the dead.

Acts 13:48 KJV

“And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed.”

One has to be “ordained” (given sight by GOD – John 12:38-40) to have the ability to believe and NOT EVERY individual in the world is given sight.

GOD Has Always Chosen People – Before HIS Incarnation (Old Testament) And After HIS Incarnation (New Testament):

In the Old Testament GOD chooses a people – the physical, genealogical descendants of Abraham-Isaac-Jacob and WILLS them to fulfill HIS predestined purpose -To Bring forth the promised suffering Messiah, Jesus Christ (Isaiah 53:3-7).

In the New Testament GOD chooses a people – the Spiritual descendants (Galatians 3:7-8, Romans 2:28-29) of Abraham-Isaac-Jacob who are the true worshippers GOD is seeking (John 4:22-23) through WILLED faith in Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior.

GOD has ALWAYS chosen people whom HE has WILLED by faith to accomplish HIS purposes. No one has EVER by their own freewill chosen to follow GOD by faith.

GOD’S Love Never Fails:

IF GOD so loved the world meant EVERY single individual then a vast majority of GOD’S Love will be returned void because it is a narrow road to salvation (Matthew 7:13).  

GOD’S ways are not humankind’s ways (Isaiah 55:8-9) and therefore HIS Love is not like humankind’s love. GOD’S Love is ALL Powerful, Truly Irresistible and ALWAYS accomplishes what it sets out to accomplish as GOD comes and lives in HIS Elect after their Spiritual rebirth (John 3:3-6) and guides (John 14:16) them to fulfill GOD’S plan for their lives (Ephesians 2:10).


Are aborted fetuses all non elect since they cant make a choice? And if hell fire lasts for eternity, how can that be seen as loving. Especially if they are predistined to hell?
