If God Is So Happy, Why Did He Create the Non-Elect?

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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 547
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Terrifying amazing unfathomable God, worthy of all praise of the universe


Isaiah 55:8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways, ” says the Lord.


God is worthy of all praise all he does is right and just


I want my last words on Earth to be "remember me Lord Jesus when I come before you in your kingdom". I know with all my heart that I will stand before Christ. I genuinely believe he is the Son of God and I place all my hope and trust in him. Amen.


PART 1: Okay, I was saved by GOD through Jesus Christ, my heart saw how merciful he was to give me peace through belief that he forgave my sins, that this is a for real promise, and knowing my sins and how bad my sins where I felt a great deal of shock, joy and thankful fearful relief and great compassion towards GOD, which I had never felt for him before. I got into The Word, prayer because I was happy, thankful and hungry for more peace GOD gave me when I read His Word no longer hostile towards him but accepting and in turn I noticed the spirits of the fruit started growing in my life.


help us to acknowledge how little we know Lord and accept that you know all and know better with your infinite wisdom


I think a huge stumbling block for people that prevents them to understand God's purposes is a misconception of who God is, and who we are. Do we deserve heaven, just because we exist? God formed us, and he is above sin, and much of his work can be recognized objectively as love - the greatest of which is Jesus' death to pay for our sins. Can the pot argue with the potter, why did you make me? We can ask for faith and trust from God, and God is kind and merciful and abounding in grace.


There are a lot of things we don’t know about God (even John Piper, a wise older man with much experience as a Christian, doesn’t know it all) and there are many questions we all have, but I think he is right in saying that we need to trust God and have faith that He is who He says He is: perfectly just, wise, and loving. We have to trust this even when things don’t make sense.


I pray with all my heart that God has chosen to save me.


I think he gave the best answer any pastor could give: We must trust God's infinite wisdom. In other words: There's no "why", there's no understanding, only contradiction; it's all about faith and trust.

By faith, you can believe a man can survive 3 days in the stomach of a whale; there's no limit for faith. So, if even by being exposed to such an impossible question, you still wish to follow this path, i can only recommend you that you strenghten your faith, because there's little hope of understanding anything here.


God’s plan is Great and simple. Without up there is no down, without sweet no sour, without evil there is no good. Without God choosing his family none would be saved.


What you should have answered is (I have not the wisdom nor the understanding to answer a question that only GOD knows.) Period!
The nerve of it all to even attempt to answer this question; the only answer is you will have to ask GOD that question.
Almighty God, the Self Existing Eternal Wise GOD. Period! And nothing follows.


On John Piper’s position of Calvinism, God wilfully brings into existence Non Elect people that He has No intention of electing unto Salvation. He has No Intention of Regenerating. He has No intention of giving them the gift of faith. Further, He decreed every single thing that the Non Elect do so that they cannot do other than what they do.

Then God blames them and subjects them to torments for all of eternity future in a Lake of Fire.

How is God being morally good TO the Non Elect to bring them into existence ?

Answer: God isn’t being morally good to the Non Elect.

How then is God morally perfect ?

The Calvinists can’t say. All they do is quote Bible passages.

The Calvinists have surrendered their moral conviction and their moral reasoning to take a leap of faith onto an irrational and immoral system of belief.


Whoa! This is the question ive been seeking for recently. 🙏👍


Weather to believe or not, it's not about religion, but a one on one, personal relationship (friendship)with the father through the sun


He punts on the central question. In the face of an insuperable metaphysical, moral, and theological contradiction, Piper retreats into the "we'll just have to trust God that this mess isn't a mess, and God really is a good God" cop-out.


We have to take comfort in the words " I will desire all to be saved " also " I will have all come to repentance " also " every knee shall bow down before me " also " whoever does righteousness is righteous even as he is righteous " and many more - I believe if anyone goes to hell it's because they deserve it - anyway does anyone really understand the meaning of the lake of fire and eternal torment it may not be as most Christians think - trust in Christ to answer your prayers for family and friends after all he says " whatever you ask will be given to you " does that include mercy to loved ones I like to think so - come soon lord Jesus come soon - worthy is the lamb


Gods Plan includes.. Good And Evil. You cannot even Know Good unless you experience evil. And how can God Show His Glory? But to have evil to do His Works Above? That is The very Glory of God..is that He Does His Good in the very midst of evil. It will Never be any different. God is Here to Teach us and Show us How to Live with evil.. in Peace Through Faith in Him.


It really distorts your view of God's plan when you believe in the ridiculousness of the eternal life of torment version of hell.


I personally don't know why God would create the non-elect but I do know that God sometimes works in ways that would otherwise be a mystery to us as mere mortals that live in a space-time universe. But the Bible does says that God's thoughts are not our thoughts and that his ways is not our ways.
