How Can I Know If I Am One Of God’s Elect?

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How Can I Know If I Am One Of God’s Elect?
2 Peter 1:10
Do not just assume you are one of God’s elect, unless you have sufficient warrant to do so. Jesus will declare to many on Judgment Day, “Depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness, I never knew you.” These people called Jesus Lord. They had spiritual gifts. They had made a profession of faith. Yet, on the final day they are sent to hell. Jesus said, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven.” According to Jesus, true conversion is marked by doing the will of the Father. While the non-elect practice lawlessness, the elect are known by obedience to God.
Video tags:
"The Bridge" "Church" "Acts 29" "Rancho Cordova" "Christ" "Jesus" "Gospel" "Christian" "Bible" "John Piper"
Nonprofits & Activism
2 Peter 1:10
Do not just assume you are one of God’s elect, unless you have sufficient warrant to do so. Jesus will declare to many on Judgment Day, “Depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness, I never knew you.” These people called Jesus Lord. They had spiritual gifts. They had made a profession of faith. Yet, on the final day they are sent to hell. Jesus said, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven.” According to Jesus, true conversion is marked by doing the will of the Father. While the non-elect practice lawlessness, the elect are known by obedience to God.
Video tags:
"The Bridge" "Church" "Acts 29" "Rancho Cordova" "Christ" "Jesus" "Gospel" "Christian" "Bible" "John Piper"
Nonprofits & Activism
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