How should we evangelize someone who claims they aren't elect?

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Practically speaking, we should hope every person we evangelize is numbered among the elect. From one of our Ask R.C. events, R.C. Sproul helps us respond to nonbelievers who assume God has not chosen them for salvation.

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I shall never forget Dr. Raymond saying, “When evangelizing, don’t you EVER, EVER, EVER try to decide who is elect or who is not!” That became so very important to me when I witnessed to individuals who I never thought at first would allow my gospel presentation... but did! And understood! And acknowledged Christ as their savior and lord in prayer, sometimes in tears. When I witnessed such a conversion, right before my eyes, it increased my recognition of how very real it all is and how powerful God is! Witnessing is as much for the for the person doing the witnessing as the person listening. Could it actually be “the fullness of Christ”? Christians who are not witnessing regularly are missing out on SO much. I so miss being in the original EE under D. James Kennedy. The conversational presentation that I developed over years in the program has allowed me to EASILY witness whenever prompted by the Holy Spirit. (Sometimes as much as four times a day) And the words “Don’t you ever ever ever try to decide who is elect and who is not” always in my forethought! I used to actually argue with God...”No way! Not THAT person!” But every single time I stepped out in faith and trusted God, and witnessed, it was not only positive but a mind blowing unforgettable experience! You want solid “proof” that God is really there? Just witness as God leads you!


Just to state.. I am a believer and believe I am saved by Gods grace. But I’m wrestling so much with the doctrine of election. Not that I don’t believe it, but I’m trying to Understand it. I try to constantly seek the truth and not come up with my own conclusion that suites my preferences. I’m trying to understand election.. I know we are supposed to evangelize and share the gospel.. but if a person is elect, won’t they become saved anyways even if they are never evangelize?

Also, my brother, I don’t believe he is saved currently. Is it possible he won’t be saved because he simply wasn’t chosen? Even if he draws near to Christ and believes on Him and repents of his sins?

Will people who are chosen for destruction just never believe? Would they even try?

So many questions, again.. I want to always seek the TRUTH.


just like everyone else .... we tell them the truth .... the rest is up to Father, Son and HS


We have gotten in the way of Neo-Evangelicalism, having abandoned the way of God, have been beguiled. The great commission is not to speak of Christ dying for us, this is made plain in the passage itself, but to preach the law. Peoples and nations were worshipping false gods. Christ commands those people to be taught the one true God, and as such proselyte them by the law of God, as the law of God is written upon their minds and consciences (Rom.2.15). So this preaching of the law is affirmed by people whose conscience begins with the law, and so find a fellowship with our God-given religion (Jms.1.27).

The Gospel itself is Law (Rev.14.6, 7), which the Arminian detests because law is reverence for one's Maker and Creator, not as the Arminian has it, good news, therefore stripping God, his Maker, from all reverence and supernatural power, leaving the power with man, and being with man to the worship, puffing up of man.
