If you are feeling unhappy or unmotivated, watch this.

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Let's talk about quiet quitting. We hear the term a lot, especially as it relates to work. But we can quit quit anything, essentially lose motivation on proceeding forward, trying our best, giving effort. And oftentimes we can see this when it comes to life. We find ourselves getting into a pattern of just going through the motions, not having passion or motivation to do life - or not finding joy or happiness in life - or not feeling rewarded throughout the week, month, day whatever it may be. The truth is there are many reasons that we may feel this way, and begin quit quitting on life or maybe we feel so overwhelmed and burnt out that we can't do it anymore and give up - and trust me when I say you're not alone. In this video I'm talking you through the reasons you may feel unmotivated or stuck in life, causing you to be unhappy or not finding happiness in your day. Have you experienced this? What has helped you to prevent you from quiet quitting on life?

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I don't know about quiet quitting, but I've stopped running myself into the ground trying to do things that ultimately don't matter.


I haven't quite quit. I totally gave up. I wake up, take a shower, walk 10 feet to my desk, work 8 hours, sit on my porch, come back in, watch TV, maybe read, go to bed, Repeat. I may be dead and I don't know it.


Most people quiet quit because their hard work is rewarded with more hard work instead of more pay. I’ve had plenty of jobs where I worked my butt off and was always the one my boss counted on to step up when needed. I never got raises or promotions even though I worked so hard. So I stopped and asked myself, “why am I working so hard when it gets me nowhere? Why am I working so hard to make my boss rich when my paychecks aren’t getting any bigger?”


I told my therapist at 58 years old I’m not suicidal or anything like that but I kinda look forward to being dead.. she told me she hears this from an overwhelming number of people these days.. especially those over 50..


This is me. I've lost all my motivation. I may be breathing but I'm not living, I've never had that zest for life.🥺


Life is just one long Groundhog Day....no interests, no fun, no joy/happiness...just work, bills, and errands


I quit life long ago. I am just going through the motions until the end. I did not ask to be born. It was forced on me. I do not appreciate something I did not want. For some, life may be some sort of a gift. For more of us, it is a sentence.


Not going above and beyond is not quitting or "quiet quitting." It's doing what you are responsible for and nothing more because employers aren't compensating people for "going above and beyond." We really have to stop using the term "quiet quitting" to describe people who are still doing their job.


I am increasingly at odds with how this world works. Just the absolute selfishness in how it is run. The suffering that those in power inflict is so incredibly wearing on the psyche. No wonder people are quiet quitting.


'Quiet Quitting' is a shaming tactic – 'Working Your Wage' is more apt.

Maslow's foundations are intrinsically tied to socioeconomic status.

With hugely increased cost-of-living, cost of education, interests rates etc, there is little opportunity to try new things or have new experiences. You can't realize or actualize your dreams if you spend your days exhausting yourself working your main job + side gig just to pay rent and keep your belly full.

"Will I ever own a home? Have housing security?"
"Will I ever have children? Raise them happy, healthy, well-adjusted?"
"Will I ever progress? Will there be supports and reward at the end?"

People are reevaluating what brings them happiness and fulfillment in a get-rich-or-die, unsafe, unstable, fool's paradise-y environment. 'Quiet Quitting on life' is part of that process.

While this video does offer 'steps in the right direction' concerning Mental Health, it doesn't acknowledge the capital-labour conflict at the root of it all.


Well this has made me feel better, I’m not the only one who feels like I’m existing rather than living. So thank you all for sharing, we’re not alone.


At 66, I have quit quietly on life. I have hundreds of books, DVDs and CDs. People have disappointed me greatly and I have little patience for most. I find more satisfaction in a good movie or book than with chatting with a person. When I was 60, I looked 45 but in the last 3 yrs, my looks faded fast as if time caught with me and beat the crap out of me. I was devastated as people always made a big deal of my looks and I felt as if I lost my superpower so I became a bit of a recluse.


Someone told me once, you know what hard work gets you?...more hard work. That is so true.


Tbh, I’m at a point where if I don’t wake up tomorrow, I’ll be fine with that.

Life is just a dull gray for me.

It’s only a matter of time.

I just don’t see the point of it all.


People are tired of working there life away and getting nowhere for it but seeing the big corporations continue to beat higher and higher profit margines. To be successful today is much harder than it has ever been. There are more hurdles and hoops to jump through just to achieve the same levels of things as people did 40 years ago and there is a disproportionate amount of what we get back out of our work. Somethings got to give, people are fed up.


Yep. I've been quiet quitting for a long, long time. It doesn't matter how hard I work, I don't get what I need. I don't care what others have. I spend NO TIME on insta or tik tok.
I make purchases to keep shoes on my feet and food in my home. Nothing is good or rewarding, it's all survival and trying to avoid pain.


I've been "quiet quitting" on life since I was like 9 because I'm stuck in a situation where I have basically no control over what happens to me and putting in effort is pretty much pointless. I'm 22 now and my entire life is just doing the bare minimum to stay alive


I've quiet quit life because in this society, expressing any real desire to actively quit life will land you locked up without your shoelaces. Life just is too hard. It's an unending treadmill of work or poverty. Add in aging and the health problems of middle age and older, trying to afford treatment for a mental illness so you won't end up jobless... it's just not worth it. Not with depression, anxiety, and ADHD. It's just too hard.


Uh .... sure. There are false needs. Like shopping for no reason. And there are REAL needs. The wealth inequality gap is larger & larger every year. How many folks have 4 good tires, an oil change, and enough money for gas, all at the same time? A lot of us are white-knuckling it through the day, have worked our asses off, and we're still broke. Minimum wage no longer offers ANYONE in the USA enough to rent a small, clean 1-bedroom apartment within reasonable travel distance to that job. We're dying out here. And we feel despair. We've been talking about recycling & climate change for 40 years, and hardly anything has changed. We all watched living, breathing citizens of the USA die on video, multiple times. We rally, petition, vote, and protest. Our needs are not met. The future is bleak. Most of us are struggling with the skyrocketing grocery prices. It's scary.


My work this morning had the audacity to ask about incentives they can offer us to meet our goals. This is after they decided to not give anyone a cost of living raise this year 🙄 I’m a full time WFH with two kids, a spouse who recently had knee surgery and needs to be cared for and we just moved so setting up an entire home and getting it livable with four children total. To say I’ve been stressed and overwhelmed lately is an understatement. My mental health hasn’t suffered yet but I’m sure it’s coming. We’re all trying to keep our heads above water, but at least I know I’m not the only one stretched to my max.
