feeling sad for no reason

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Songs used are from Housecat:


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i miss days when i got happy for no fuckin reason


This man's ability to read our collective minds is uncanny


Being sad for no reason is almost impressive, given the insane amount of things there is to feel sad about.


Having someone else deal with the same crisis, and come to the same conclusion feels pretty nice. Almost like having someone else bearing the same pain, even across the world, makes you feel less alone.


I wouldn't really call myself sad, I feel like I have a positive mindset in most things and I feel content with the ups and downs of life, but overall I feel an underlying melancholy sort of sadness throughout my life.

It's this feeling like the end of a really good book where the resolution was happy but you yourself are sad that it's over, at least that's how I would describe it.

Anyway I really enjoy these types of contemplative philosophy videos, especially yours.


Two things I love about Sisyphus 55

- how he makes complex topics easy to understand
- how soothing his voice is :)


I wrote a poem a while back about the same feeling:

A deep sadness strikes at midnight.
There seems to be no apparent reason for it.
How does one get through it?
How does one know what it is?
I ask myself if it's that reason or this.
Is it the sudden realisation of a lost parent?
Is it the poem I just read?
Is it the lover who doesn't love me like they used to?
Or is it the friend that drifted away?
I tell myself to let it be.
Let it make me.
Let it be me.
Let sadness be sadness.
I tell myself I will endure this night like every other.
I tell myself I will be ready next time when
a deep sadness strikes at midnight.


Being sad for no reason, struggling to do the simplest of tasks despite having a life in which most people would be thriving, is uniquely isolating. I am constantly surrounded by people who have less than me, who struggle more than me, and who succeed more. On the other side I am surrounded by people who struggle less than me, want less, and are more content than I am. The constant voice I hear in my mind telling me I’m pathetic for struggling when my problems are so small makes it so hard to share my feelings, my failures, and my successes with those close to me, and equally hard to feel happy for them in their successes. I have internalized the idea that if I struggle more I’ll be able to justify it. The fact that others experience this is cold comfort.


Every Sisyphus 55 video gives me a new look inside of myself and feel better. It's a little bit of self closure that I need. It's good to know I'm not alone in thinking these things.


I always thought the 'grey sadness' is not about what is happening but about what is not happening. The last drop of unsatisfaction in an already overflowing glass.


I've had seasonal "sadness attacks" since at least 11 y. o. These came for no aparent reason, although they almost always came during summer. The feeling was awful. It was an utter despair, like a deep feeling of emptiness that makes you rethink your whole life. But there was no objective reason for them.

Now that I'm an adult I have very real reasons to feel sad and depressed, so I've been on heavy antidepressant medication since I was 23, and the "sadness attacks" don't really come anymore, but I always fear that if I ever stop taking the medication for a relatively long period of time they will eventually come back.

Anyway, that's my story. I'll just put it out there in case anyone has had the same experience, so that they know they're not alone.


Seeing a lot of "woah how did he know I'm also sad at this very instant" and I'm a bit concerned. Surface level "don't be sad" aside, I think this is one of the few illusions that should be broken.

Not everyone currently watching this video is sad. Nor were *you* always sad. Your brain might automatically start recollecting all the sad moments in your life the nanosecond you read the video's title which gave you a negative rush. Which is fine, that happens to anyone, but I hope people are at least a little bit more aware of it.
Don't chase the sadness away, you'll get same results as chasing a butterfly. Just stay conscious of it, treat yourself if needed, don't be afraid to talk to close ones about it (or write it down in some journal, or express yourself in art if that's your thing)
If you're watching this video you probably have a lot of time on your hands (or at least you could cut down on YouTube a little) and take some time to reflect upon yourself. Learn by little what makes you tick, what makes you happy and sad. You don't have to meticulously research yourself to optimize your happiness (sort of cynical approach), it's enough just for you to know that you're familiarizing yourself with yourself.

I hate how generic this may sound but "do what's best for you". Cry for a bit, scribble some moody picture, sing, sleep, eat a little snack, jog, box or whatever. Maybe you'll find something that works really well in these down times, good times won't wait forever to come.


why did this came when i just started to cry


"do we refuse to see the beauty and purpose in a song because it ends?" 3:05


Man thank you for this. I was having this feeling of sadness but it just came out of no where. This came in just the right time.


I'm proud of you for waking up
I'm proud of you for brushing your hair
I'm proud of you for blinking
I'm proud of you for breathing
I'm proud of you for making your bed
I'm proud of you for eating
I'm proud of you for trying to eat
I'm proud of you for drinking water
I'm proud of you for being here
I'm proud of you for smiling
I'm proud of you for continuing even when things get difficult
I'm proud of you for standing up
I'm proud of you sitting down
I'm proud of you for going to school
I'm proud of you for being alive
I'm proud of you for simply trying
I'm so proud of you
Not my words, just passing this around!


Did you just pull this out of my mind?

This video resonated too hard. I’m currently spiralling to a new low of emptiness and hopelessness, and thank you for bringing such comfort.


I feel this exact way man, that line of “I struggle to remember when I was last happy” hits hard.

It’s the same with relaxation, i can’t remember when I was totally free of worry and just enjoyed life as there was always something to do, a task or deadline.

Maybe that’s why we cherish childhood so much…


I find comfort in this lonely feeling, because I'm used to it now and also because it keeps me grounded. even if I feel "too self-aware" sometimes. it's melancholic really. nothing matters, but I don't want it to. and life goes on like that.


this hits so hard, it's like you splashed my messy feeling into a video. its nice seeing that im not alone
