To Lose Weight Without Exercise, Get Your Metabolism Working for You

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A sedentary lifestyle contributes to weight gain, but what if you can’t exercise due to excess weight, joint pain, or other limitations? There is a pathway to weight loss without exercise. If you take it, you’ll help your body burn fat and reduce joint pain and fatigue, ultimately helping you feel so good that you want to exercise. This video shares how to get your metabolism working for you.


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Disclaimer: Dr. Becky Gillaspy, DC received her Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1991. Her use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to herself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Gillaspy was a licensed chiropractor in Pennsylvania, but she no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Gillaspy and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Dr Becky Fitness LLC and Dr. Rebecca Gillaspy, D.C. are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any conclusions drawn, services or product you obtain through this video or site.
Рекомендации по теме

I had to cut back pasta except for holidays and special occasions. Being Italian I thought it would be hard but after a few months, it seems "normal". I'm 62 so if I can change, there is hope for others. ; ) Bread is less too, I do "open face" egg sandwiches and just the end of the french bread on special days. You find what works for you. I'm one year 9/11 and went from 174 to 136.(most by Jan of this year)


I lost 50 of a total of 85 pounds while recovering from shoulder surgery. 18 weeks of doing pretty much nothing. Short slow walks around the neighborhood and living keto did that. It was during that time I found 2 Fit Docs. Thanks Doc!


wonderful!! The first dietician who ever acknowledged that there is some of us who are sendentry and have too much joint pan to do much beyond walking to the office!! Thank you SOOO much!


your voice is very calming for me...! thanks a lot it means a lot to me!! i am going through rough time....


Currently working on my diet and everything she said really works. I’m not able to exercise and have lost 3 kgs in 4 weeks and that’s just by cutting chocolates, biscuits, cake and soda. Thanks for the video ❤


Thank you so much ! I just turned 56 and have been battling sugar addiction for years. These videos help motivate me. We have diabetes in the family and I don’t want to end up there!


Thank you, four years of keto, low carb diet and If , no exercise to lose weight just some light workout to keep my muscles!!! BMI 20, just started running, love it !


I have found with mental illnesses like clinical anxiety and depression it can produce adrenal fatigue after having them for a long time. It affects my motivational ability in my mind to the point of having no mental desires.. When I was able to do some fasting there was a slight motivational ability there. Now it's completely gone. It's like a person who has been extinguished inside. Your videos are really good though.


I am 55 and I love your advice. Health and fitness has always been my passion


Hi! I just discovered your channel and this is my second video. I just recently started instinctively making less carbs a way of eating and the intermittent fast just kinda started on it's own. I have bad knees from a very bad fall in January 2022. I have a day here and there where they don't bother me much. I recently discovered a very gentle cardio exercise. It is going to the park and swinging on a bench swing that is designed with a footrest that propels it forward with a gentle push of your feet. I stay with it for 30 minutes at a moderate pace. Also, I went to their exercise area and followed the instructions and diagrams for doing really deep all-over body stretches with the use of their horizontal and vertical bars for support. I've only been 2 days. Took a break today, but returning tomorrow. I Already Feel a World of Difference in my Entire body! All of my aches and pains have disappeared !! Thank you for all your helpful tips!! A new Subbie here!!!


Thanks, Becky. Trying to get back to consistent IF, which during my main weight loss of 55 lbs. was a breeze. Slid a bit and now trying to lose the 10 (okay, maybe 15) pounds that have creeped back in. Learned so much from you and Dr. Keith* and you both helped me stay on track thru lockdown. Can’t exercise much, so helpful to see this video to remind me about electrolytes. Thanks so much for all you do for us! * Hope Keith is in good health and still kicking it! 😘 Best regards!


Thank you for recommending this video to me. I have been struggling with mobility for some time and being a former athlete it caused me to emotionally
eat. The cycle the last couple of years has left me feeling defeated and "unfixable". So glad I could your channel. My new eating habits start today!


As always, brilliant video Dr Becky ! You are literally saving people's lives. I am personally grateful for your channel...God bless...M


Brilliantly explained. Other extreme videos do not work because they don't incorporate the transition and how to go through it while eliminating sugar etc. Thankyou this has been extremely helpful.


These diet principles make sense and after following them for over a year- I can testify that they work to lose weight and lower inflammation in joints.


FYI - The offer for LMNT doesn't work outside of the USA, due to customs concerns. In fact they won't send ANY LMNT out of North America for the the same reason.


I’m SO thankful for finding this channel. Thank you for this very informative useful information.


Thank you!! Some people can’t exercise due to injuries 🙏🏽


I was the 60 YO 245 lbs type II diabetic sit at a desk guy who had to have a quintuple bypass in 2016. My wife found your channel (2 fit docs) looking for a way to lose weight without exercise. We started keto and graduated to OMAD. I'm now 165 lbs, 5.6 a1c, and have only rarely needed insulin in the last 2 years. I am 65 and retired and walk 6 miles each day. Seeing your electrolyte section prompts my comment. My calf muscles are always sore to the touch and I am prone to cramps in the feet and calves in bed. My potassium levels are normal so I thought perhaps it was from lactic acid build up from walking. I do crave salt which goes missing a lot in our meat and veggie diet. Is it a high possibility that electrolyte replacement will help this pain and cramping go away?


Mail carrier. Excellent, clear illustration! 💣 Used to be a Zippfizz girl. LMNT is amazing (chocolate salt and citrus salt 👍)Thanks DocB!💜
