Emotional Healing from Narcissistic Abuse: How to Overcome Learned Helplessness

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Emotional Healing from Narcissistic. Abuse How to Overcome Learned Helplessness.

Are you feeling stuck? Chronic anxiety? Depressed? Struggling to get out of a rut? You're not alone. Many of us have dealt with some form of narcissistic abuse (NRA) in our lives. If you're like most people who have experienced NRA, you've probably become stuck in a pattern of learned helplessness.

In today's video, I'll be sharing with you my strategy for overcoming learned helplessness and moving on from narcissistic abuse. This Emotional Healing from Narcissistic Abuse video will teach you how to break free from the cycle of narcissistic abuse and regain your power and control. Watch and learn how to overcome your felt helplessness and start living a life of genuine self-love!





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Hi, I'm Kenny Weiss 👋

My channel is all about speaking truth and taking responsibility for healing our emotional pain so we can elevate our lives and live in the greatest version of ourselves by developing emotional mastery.

I will be providing you the skills and tools to heal childhood trauma, childhood emotional neglect, codependency, narcissistic abuse, stress, shame, fear, anger, sadness, self-deception, self- sabotage, depression, divorce, relationship problems, parenting, parental alienation, estrangement, addiction, mental health, mindset, self-love, the worst day cycle and more.

#kennyweiss #worstdaycycle #kennyweisslifecoach
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“You are frozen in the pain of your past “ WAO!
Thank you Kenny. What I appreciate the most is your understanding that we need to take “ slow “ steps.


That poor woman! To watch a brother being so neglected, turned him into being a "rocker". Oh, I also had to watch a brother being not only neglected, but abused, and I couldn't help him. It still cuts me to pieces, and I'm almost 60. He died, only 42, he was too damaged, no will left to live. Thank you, I will check out this part of your website. I used to love the outdoors, as a child in a small town in Austria, the forest was my home, and my actual parental (father and stepmother) home was the "cage", a Nazi Camp. As soon as I returned from "outside", from the river, the forest, or playing with friends, my feelings of joy, freedom and love left me, and I had to enter a very dense and horrible, dangerous climate, where every bit of love and joy was ridiculed or beaten out of me.


This advice of taking a very gentle approach, slowly and tenderly it’s a huge relief for me I think I can do that. I have been feeling stuck and frozen and was not realizing that the weight of the expectations I am putting on myself is too heavy to make me come out. But if I do just a little bit each day, that seems feasible.
You also mentioned the word tenderness, which Wao… felt like a hug to energetic body. I have never had anyone offer me tenderness. It’s been always rough and pure survival. Very heart opening for me, not only within my relationship with myself, but to ask of others. Yes! I do deserve tenderness and compassion. I will start by trying to be tender with myself .


Thank U So Very Much For Sharing this. It Took Me Years Of Being In A RELATIONSHIP with A MALIGNANT NARCISSTIS To Disconnect. IM In Bad Health FROM BEING Emotionally Abused. I Have FINALLY Started DISCONNECTING FROM the Narcissits.


One of the most articulate descriptions of _why_ learned helplessness exists.


Thank you for having all this available! How you described the small steps is exactly what I did a couple weeks ago and now I'm out of the cage and doing the work and your classes. Thank you Kenny.


Topic Idea: Abuse of receiving repeated rejection, ignored, avoided, lack of importance/value issues and how to overcome its trauma.


Thankyou SO much I feel very greatful to have these informations to help me heal from a selfish narsist person, I want to break free❤❤❤


If it was just my parents I probably would have been okay but I also got bullied at school because I clearly was not like the other kids because I was getting abused at home and I didn’t behave “right”.

I got an IQ test at school because I think they just assumed I was special needs but the teachers and school faculty quickly changed their tune when my results came back and I passed the IQ test with flying colours and they thought I was just a brat.

They then started ignoring my bullies and dismissing me when I complained and taught the bullies that no one would rescue me. If I fought back against the bullies they would punish me and not the bully.

It was a dark time. I just learned that the best thing to do was tolerate abuse and try not to stand out.


You can be you. The narc. lives in the cage not you. The narc. will never be free. But you are….. you are FREE!



I too appreciate this posting, because I didn’t think that I had much wounded child in me, or wounded child left because of my current boundaries or world approach. Whatever, however, I have found that the wounded child of me had to do with me, always bumping into my parents, elbows at the dinner table specially when we were out to eat and they would spill their coffee. Hmm also the never receiving a compliment. It was always a criticism about my hair not being long enough or the outfit I wore needed something else to go with it thanks woman healed, because I have acknowledged that and I really can but narcissistic behavior to avoid!


You could be a voice actor, your voice is really beautiful!


Kenny was seeing me omg this is soooo incredible 🙏🌟


This video accurately explains the feeling of being stuck in a cage due to learned helplessness. It is an important concept to understand.
Thanks, @life-is-here


I'm planning my out, well huz put. This us my house before we married. I can't afford for him to leave right now, so I get away from him as often as I can. When we get along and he's not trying to control me too much it's nice being together, otherwise it's a living HELL, 9 YEARS, but really only 7 years of HELL, with occasional issues during those 1st 2 years! He will be leaving, but not until I can live on my own. I'm not ready yet. I'm on a 2 year plan. Sometime in 2025 I will be FREE! Thank you!


The first example was too funny because that literally happened to me word for word. I was not allowed to play soccer and forced to play and instruments, the first being piano. Mother is a raging narc


This was my mother. She died in 2019 and I wish she had been killed 50 years ago: murdered, abducted, tortured, run over, stabbed etc. I would wish all of these things on her; she’s still the most dangerous person I’ve ever met in my entire life. I hate her and I always will.


I did have to play the effin piano too.


I feel like I'm living in a cage of shutdown trauma


this is exactly how i feel - in the cage
