Healing From The Damage Caused By A Narcissist

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With their need for control and dominance, narcissists can generate psychological damage that requires much time and effort for healing. Recognizing this, Dr. Les Carter walks you through a series of questions that he has honed through his many conversations with patients moving beyond narcissistic pain. A troubled narcissist ultimately does not have to set your pace emotionally. That is something, with the proper insight and determination, you get to manage.

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Dr. Les Carter is a best selling author and therapist who has semi-retired to Waco, Tx. In the past 40+ years he has conducted more than 65,000 counseling sessions and many workshops and seminars. He specializes in anger management and narcissistic personality disorder.

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Twitter: Surviving Narcissism @SNarcissism101
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"You didn't deserve to be stripped of your worth and dignity" says it all


They're very argumentative, twist the truth, change the facts, act like a victim and never own up to doing anything wrong.


“You didn’t deserve their micromanaging….character assassination….didn’t deserve the constant rage they threw at you, then blamed you for their rage”——thank you for your videos, Dr. Carter.
“You owe yourself the gift of dignity….the gift of assertiveness.”🌿☮️


Character assassination is one of the worst; they are jealous and envious, determined to make you their enemy. I feel sorry for for them and their flying monkeys, but walking away can bring peace of mind even after decades (they don't change)


They will NEVER change! Forgiveness does not include reconciliation; there is no trust means no relationship!!


"The grief that you have is a reminder that you are committed to love. You wouldn't feel grief if you didn't want to have love and goodness." Great lines.


I'm tired of feeling like I'm never pretty enough, thin enough, curvy enough, athletic enough, healthy enough, energetic enough, calm enough, chill enough, fun enough, popular enough, wealthy enough, smart enough, emotionally regulated enough, successful enough, or academic enough for narcissists.

Ugh I'm so done.


Damaged my healthy ego.
Ruined my trust.
Keeping me from finding someone to love.
I didn't deserve this.


Narcissists seek out victims who are sensitive and caring, and when those victims need healing, it is completely different from healing any other type of person bc of the MUCH deeper depth of the pain in sensitive souls. Thank you for sharing your advice for us victims.


Forgiveness isn't letting them off the hook, it's letting go of the hook. 'Let go and let God '...


"Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls your life." ~ Unknown (Edit: Akshay Dubey)


Dr. Carter, I’m recovering from a 25 year marriage to a narcissist. This is the first time anyone has said the things you did in your “You didn’t deserve…” list. Thank you. I’m going to listen to this video everyday until your words seep into me and I believe them.

I was once too crippled with fear to move forward. Too afraid I might not see a narcissist coming again. So riddled with pain from the experience that I wanted to give up. Your videos have been where I’ve found a safe place to heal. You’re a major reason I’ll find joy in life again.❤️


You have to be alone for a while while you're healing, and be your own best friend. 💜💜💜


YOU didn't deserve to have your self respect brought into question.


"...walking with a limp for the rest of your life..." is such a fitting description. The narcissists in my life may not remember what they've done, or they may not even care, but I'm wounded like a broken bone that isn't set right, and I'll always have this limp even when the pain goes away. The damage is done, I can't just pretend like it never happened, but I can learn and grow and work around this limp. Being damaged doesn't make me less valuable or less deserving of decency. Same for every person reading this comment. 💖


I see narc abuse as comparable to a cruel obstacle course that leaves a person injured, but also more skilled. I sure could have done better without that, but - onward and upward.


After 2 yrs of marriage it ALL came out on how he feels about me. And for the next 30+ yrs. he's been breaking my soul and my body down. These people are EVIL!


"grief is the price you pay for wanting to love, but the grief you had is a reminder that you are committed to love and goodness" Thank you Dr. C. I needed to hear that today.


The rest of my life devoted to treating myself as a close friend.


After I went gray rock for several months and established my independence from my narcissist wife, she said to me "We can be friends." I looked her straight in the eyes and said "I don't WANT you for a friend."
